Why did they model her ass so exquisitely? It's just a toy for fuck sake.
Why did they model her ass so exquisitely? It's just a toy for fuck sake
what the fuck
Just shows this place has good taste.
I would have bought it day one had I known of the ass.
Still waiting for it to be restocked before I buy and then jerk off to it
i dunno why dont you actually post the model's fucking ass so we can comment on whatever the hell you're asking?
My gf saw them at Target, so we went back together and I bought some. They had plenty of them.
Guess I'll check there then, thanks man.
Best I could find.
thats awful
>literally poo in loo shills
>good taste
soo cheap. I can't take Amiiboos seriously.
It isn't. It's just that when a female character has a plain face and a flat chest, fans go for the ass to justify a physical attraction to her.
It's a $13 toy, what the fuck did you expect?
I mean she has a chest. not every female needs to be a Blaz Blue character.
since the thread literally is about how good it looked, i was expecting it to look good?
It looks good for the price, I suppose.
Nintendium quality.
>japanese figure
>just a toy
where do you think you are
Why would you take amiibos seriously?
>what are Barbie Dolls
Guess I'll carry on the Gerudo posting from last thread
Something better than happy meal tier
So the fuck what?
it's made from a master mold.
The faggot who modeled it has no skill
Because sex appeal isn't a bad thing
Best feet
wow it's an actual ass. I was expecting just some solid round-ish shape, but they actually put the crack in there.
>gerudos in every zelda game
>strong independent women who no need no man
>gerudos in breat of the wild
>marrymepls marrymepls marrymepls marrymepls marrymepls marrymepls marrymepls lookatmyabs marrymepls marrymepls marrymepls marrymepls marrymepls
what the fuck happened?
CEMU's texture replacement feature is the best.
The devs are getting older and lonelier.
>those graphics
*urge to mount intensifies*
Previous games
>live a life of thievery and when they decide they need to have kids run temporary brothels
>live as traders and when they decide they need to have kids go looking for a husband. I think Hylian (women) weren't accepting of their lifestyle and told them they had to be honest women to participate in Hylian society
They could get married a lot easier if they were less picky
that was every Zelda.
the darker the berry
the sweeter the fruit
>you will never have a qt gerudo wife and a gorillion gerudo daughters
I suspect Gerudo have low birth rates given how proportionately they have the least kids. Alternatively they don't see their husbands often enough to have enough sex to have multiple kids
I want to have more ids than Kass with a Gerudo
Fucking sauce me up
Could be worse. You could have a qt Gerudo wife and a Gerudo son.
how is that bad? you know your child is going to do great things if he's a Gerudo.
That pose...
those are all one person. there's no guarantee the next Gerudo male will be evil especially when there's no Twinrova to influence him
>a son
oh shit, say you finally got your gerudo waifu and had a baby that turns out to be a boy.
what would you do?
now that I think about it. why would any one have sex with gerudos since Ganondorf always seems to to be gerudo? If no one had sex with gerudos, Ganondorf would never be born.
implying men even think about that stuff when they successfully score a Gerudo girlfriend/wife
As for what I'd do I expect nothing since Gerudo take their kids back to Gerudo to be raised as Gerudo not Hylian or whatever
That only happens once every century and even if you tried to prevent them for having kids during that time or try to remove the boy, Ganondorf will just come back through some other means.
There's only one Ganondorf and he was born a few decades before the events in Ocarina of Time.
there's a spare bed in her and Pritana's house, she just didn't want me to stay with them.
Should have told her you're a girl with a dick.
Her room mate spends the whole night getting drunk and she spends all her time trying to get her hands on mighty banana's before the Yiga sweep them up
Because that's what the in-game model looks like. What a dumb question.
Always had a thing for the Gerudo since Ocarina of Time, there was pretty much no good art of them and people hated them. Since Breath of the Wild everyone loves them and there's more art being made. Not that I'm complaining about that though.
To be Gerudo you need:
red hair
visible abs
Gerudo nose
green eyes
darker skin tone
That picture couldn't have been done through a texture replacement by an emulator though, that outfit only appears in pre-rendered cutscenes and is not actually in the game.
It's definitely just a photoshop.
they were villains in past games or pixels (FSA) so I can see why they had less fans than they do now they're good guys
Also they were a lot less sexual barring Twinrova
I wonder if the skin tone is the result of being out in the fucking desert all the time.
It's a wonder any of them are even alive, really. There's a reason people in deserts tend to wear clothing that covers their skin.
I want to play the game where young Ganondorf has to get his Gerudo abs and impress mommy.
>Also they were a lot less sexual barring Twinrova
Some men like femdom, also Nabooru flirted with Link a few times. But yes, the new Gerudo are like super Gerudo.
Their skin tone seems wholly unaffected by the sun. Greta stays indoors all the time and she's dark skinned. Calyban sat in the bright sunlight all days and she's the 2nd lightest Gerudo.
I reckon Gerudo physiology is a lot more distinct from Hylian than simply being all female
>great southern buzzkill
In the next Zelda the new Gerudo King should be a total bro and a noticeable descendant of Groose.
they develop them pretty early considering Riju already has a pretty developed set
If only we got to see them fighting. It's nice that some Hylians defend themselves but I've never seen a Gerudo giving as good as she gets
If I'm right about Nabooru being the one who created/started the royal Gerudo family then with her opposition to being led by Ganondorf I believe the Gerudo Voe would no longer automatically be made King. Odds are the royal family would stake their claim on him when he's born and groom him into the perfect husband for the Chief's daughter
What if he's born into the royal family?
Love her
I really love most NPCs in this game. They gave them personalities.
I guess he'd be made Chief then and every Gerudo would go weak at the knees for him allowing to rule practically unquestioned except by the elders
Too bad you can't seduce her as she blows you off no matter which option you choose. I think her and Pasha should've been fused and after a few encounters in Gerudo she disappears and you learn about her quest for the Lover's Pond from those alcoholics. You travel Hyrule and meet her in various places until you find her in Faron by the Lover's Pond and hook her up with some Hylian
wow, what low quality figure.
Who'd buy this.
It's actually not bad. It could be worse. It could be Morth.
>that second biggest toe
>ocular patdown.png
Can't just let anyone go balls deep
Spa treatment