So I think it's pretty safe to assume our gurl will get a third installment?
Bayo2 released on a DoA console and still seems to have sold a bit, mostly thanks to being the queen of salt and triggering Smashfags across the globe. A Switch remaster is clearly in the works and when Platinum was asked about Bayo3 it seemed to be very hush-hush.
>have sold a bit Didn't even chart in NPD and no sales figure from the publisher released. shit bombed hard.
Christopher Jackson
Nah man that's retarded to assume, therefore so are you hurr durr.
Matthew Evans
I'm honestly baffled Nintendo didnt have Bayo1/2 ports ready for the Switch launch window.
It seems like such a no-brainer to have games that are different and bring diversity to the library.
Dominic Jackson
What color will 3 be based around? Yellow?
Nathaniel Lewis
Considering it's not gonna be Bayo but her kid, Maybe.
Easton Gomez
I would go with green desu
Jason White
That shit again
Hunter Roberts
Pretty much every game that wasn't Mario or Zelda bombed on the Wii U so that doesn't say much.
What's actually important is the attachment rate.
Andrew White
Hopefully when Sega is able to publish it. I lucked out and was able to play Bayo 2 right away when I got into the series because Cemu was ready for it, not gonna buy anything from Nintendo.
Dylan Lewis
Still waiting for Rising 2 and Vanquish 2 desu.
They'll never happen but it's nice to dream!
Austin Cruz
Bayo2 was actually way into development but canned by SEGA because the economy was so shit back then. Nintendo saved it and technically only own Bayo2 so yes I think Bayo3 will be multiplat again, it will come to the Switch though.
Luke Jenkins
imagine being this much of a fag
Hudson King
Try refute me with facts then.
Explain Splatoon and Nintendo Land
Jonathan Cruz
I rather another exclusive Just because I want to se her in smash again
Christian Powell
It would be the Switch's first game
Christopher Collins
>Explain Splatoon and Nintendo Land
Squid lolis and pack-in title.
Gavin Ramirez
exception and bundled with the console
Mason James
...What? There's shitposting and there's just not making sense.
Mason Kelly
Maybe not.
Platinum has been making moves toward publishing their own IP which is supposed to be their next big release, and they're stepping down their production cycle as well... so unless they managed to buy the Bayonetta rights from Sega, and are planning to publish Bayo 3, I would assume that their next game is going to be their original IP, and they're going to be moving away from Bayo as a mascot-character
Kevin Sanders
Bayo3 seems likely.
Smash has given her a lot of exposure. SEGA said that they've been shitty these past years and that they want to invest in their established IP's. Bayonetta is one of their biggest relatively new franchises and Platinum's poster girl. The Bayonetta PC port sold very well. The Twitter teasing is clearly a Switch port of 1 and 2. Platinum loves to rehash assets, a Bayonetta 3 would be relatively cheap.
Leo Martinez
I was merely stating the fact that the Nintendo Switch does not have games currently.
Logan Morris
...I'm just going to give you this (You).
Elijah Cook
Platinum is still a big team that juggles many balls at once.
They're "formless" new IP is in-house but Inaba said Bayo3 talk is at the point that he can't really comment on it.
Grayson Cox
I hope Nintendo buys them just to see all the butthurt that all their games are Nintendo exclusives from now on. I love their games and I think their roster would be a great addition to Nintendo's library.
Logan Edwards
Right, because exclusivity determines who gets in, like Sonic, Snake, Mega Man, Ryu, Cloud, ect.
Hell, even Mario and Luigi have made appearances on Atari.
Jose Diaz
>shit bombed hard. which is why they're teasing a bayo 3. got it.
Dylan Brooks
It´s an important factor
Leo Johnson
No it isn't. If Snake and Cloud, one character not well known for being on Ninentdo and the other not really on Nintendo at all, can make it in, anybody's fair game, and Bayonetta shows that even tone isn't a factor.
Aiden Harris
>which is why they're teasing a bayo 3. got it.
I don't see how that's relevant, Nier/Drakengard were complete flops in sales and still got new games after the bullshit they had to go through. Bayo 3 happening is more likely after seeing the attention bayo 1 pc port got. 2 literally so far worse than 1 they didn't ever bring up sales numbers themselves even though their other games that do well or okay still get released.
Hunter Cooper
It's not a "I'M NOT SUPPORTING NINTENDO FUCK EM" but just that I don't like anything they released on their consoles exclusively except Bayo 2. So if I can avoid it I'm not buying a console for one game. If CEMU wasn't an option I would have watched it on YT, I guess.
Andrew Fisher
>I don't like anything on their console except this one game that I never played so I'll steal it
Isaac Fisher
Literally nothing wrong with pirating games from a dead console
Ian Rodriguez
I really hope so, but we'll see. Also if they could bring her long hair back that would be nice (or let players pick hair cuts).
Nathaniel Cox
Yeah, and?
Kayden Ward
please post this on kamiya's twitter
Adam Cox
I doubt he gives a fuck
Isaiah Lee
I would love to see Bayonetta become a veteran in Smash.
Connor Brown
>It's okay to go steal a CRT TV because they don't make them anymore
You can try
Isaiah Brown
>Bayo 3 happening is more likely after seeing the attention bayo 1 pc port got. They were already considering 3 even before the PC $20 port lol. And 2's sales numbers don't matter. 3 is coming and it's likely a Switch exclusive this time.
Nathan Ortiz
>it's likely a Switch exclusive this time. Lol
Colton Morales
moralfags don't belong on Sup Forums.
Jaxson Perez
And thieves belong in jail. Guess we're both out of our element.
Gavin Nguyen
>hey were already considering 3 even before the PC $20 port lol.
Try and give me evidence of this
Carter Lopez
Imagine getting this buttblasted because someone pirated a game from a Nintendo console lmao take your pills sperg
>loved the first one >sequel was took on a fisherprice toy
ah yes
James Johnson
In 2016 their CEO announced that they had made the "first steps" in a plan to get their own house-owned IP content out "in the next 3 years"
Brandon Phillips
it's kinda sad reading this when he was clearly looking forward to scalebound lmfao
Connor Jackson
blocked. I doubt he gives a fuck
William Anderson
>HK: We’ve got other Scalebounds in our heads too.
>GC: Now you’ve said that, Platinum better not go bust before you make all those!
>HK: [laughs] Exactly. We’re not allowed to go out of business.
David Gutierrez
Good thing Scalebound looked like shit.
Jayden Anderson
Eli Miller
I know you are mad B2 will forever live in WiiU only but is trash like Knack gets a sequel, Bayo gets its hat trick
Camden Taylor
There's a very big difference between knacks situation and bayo. The former is just some higherups fun project so can shit out whatever he wants.
Bayo is supposed to be platinums main franchise and yet their best selling thing was fucking nier of all games.
Benjamin Barnes
>Bayo is supposed to be platinums main franchise and yet their best selling thing was fucking nier of all games.
im sure Bayo 1 and 2 sold more together than Replicant and Automata
Hunter Nelson
Bayo 1 didn't even hit a million when it dropped and doubt 2 even sold jack shit when it didn't even chart here
Henry Cruz
and you think Replicant sold well??
we only got Automata cause some miracle and Taro connections.
Noah Howard
Mason Garcia
Doesn't matter though.
Replicant wasn't made by platinum so why are you trying to make it relevant here? I'm just saying it's laughable automata is there most successful game.
Owen Long
and Automata sold cause its plot by Taro. so what is your point then??
Platinum only fixed the crippling flaw in nier and DoD games. their poor combat. which still inferior to Bayonetta. Automata sold on plot
Camden Nelson
>Bayo is supposed to be platinums main franchise and yet their best selling thing was fucking nier of all games.
Pretty sure Bayo1 outsold Automata.
Jacob Butler
Bayo is PG's most successful game when it comes to their own intellectual properties. It's theirs. Nier does not belong to them.
Colton Bailey
>Bayo is PG's most successful game when it comes to their own intellectual properties. It's theirs.
That's wrong. SEGA owns Bayonetta.
Josiah Robinson
God the meltdowns were amazing, I'd love it if they hinted 3 was multiplat and then confirmed it was exclusive
Brandon Hill
>Supporting exclusivity to the point of wanting it to happen Why do you hate video games so much?
Gavin Scott
>Automata sold on plot
We both this is bullshit, it sold because of 2b's sexual appeal, that's the very first thing that made people aware of the game with all her memes and fan arts before release. They try appeal with bayo but she was just too much of a dyke to sexual appeal anyone. Bayo only had 1.3 despite dropping on both 360 and PS3. Idk about pc sales years later but that shit was 20 bucks anyways.
Cameron Bailey
People don't care about Bayo.
People today are still crying about Bloodborne and is more relevant.
Christian Garcia
Lost interest when I found out it's 30fps
James Ortiz
Why would you think I hate video games? Literally nothing I said supports that idea.
Daniel Sanchez
>Bayo only had 1.3
>By March 31, 2010, Bayonetta sold 1.35 million units worldwide. 7 years ago and not counting the extra sales from the WiiU port or the PC port
Jeremiah Bailey
BB is the only good game on PS4, so it gets a lot of discussion since there isn't much else
Landon Harris
You want other people to not play a video game, that is why you want it to be excslusive. That limits the amount of people get get to experience and enjoy it. So the thing you mainly get off of is not the game but the people that are unable to play it.
Zachary Anderson
>7 years ago and not counting the extra sales from the WiiU port or the PC port
Yeah the same wii u port that didn't chart.
Pc port has like 300k sales. That's just embarrassing, on like 5 systems and can't break 2 million.
Jace Miller
>Yeah the same wii u port that didn't chart. >a game has to sell all in its 1st month. anything else after that does not count. NOPE!! those sales are not real
you are the type of cancer why companies slash teh price of games withing 3-6 months, cause they are desperate for early big numbers to boast about
Alexander Flores
Same way i lost interest when Kamiya took notes from GOW and infested Bayo with cinematic forced QTE's in nearly every chapter. After seeing what scalebound looked like too, the man is FINISHED.
Mason Smith
6QTEs in the entire game
Jonathan Wilson
>Pc port has like 300k sales. That's just embarrassing,
For a PC port of a 7 year old game those are great numbers.
Aaron Smith
>a game has to sell all in its 1st month. anything else after that does not count. NOPE!! those sales are not real
But that's true for console games. If something on bayo's level doesn't chart in NPD at all even the later months then it clearly bombed. To confirm this when a dev or publish never bring up the results it just blatantly tells you it sold like shit. Why were they so eager to talk about the bayo sales on PC but very hush on the wii u port when it came out? Because the former actually sold.
Gabriel Nguyen
Bloodborne was and still is solely used for Sup Forums shitposting fuel. Bayonetta 2's exclusivity announcement caused an actual shitstorm everywhere.
Nathaniel Price
>Pc port has like 300k sales. That's just embarrassing Pretty sure it's more by now but that is still a great number for a port of an old game. Do you expect it to sell a million or some shit? Just get the fuck out already.
Hunter Rodriguez
>But that's true for console games nice source user
Sebastian Sanchez
That's not the point. Yeah its good if you only talking pc sales but as a game overall, how the fuck hasn't it broke 2 million when you consider all the platforms it's been on.
Mason Flores
i want bayonetta to gently care for me
Christopher Johnson
The people who are salty about BB are >10% PC fags >90% Sony niggers falseflagging and this is a fact.
Carson Bailey
Keep damage controlling.
You know you can't refute the fact that bayo's pc sales were directly released by the publishers while wii u port was kept hushed for a reason.
Jeremiah Smith
>Another bayo thread turned into sales shit arguments Nobody cares, let that be their concern and not yours.
David Carter
>Keep damage controlling. ill damage control after you do any real damage, muppet
Levi Williams
what do you expect, Bayo sales is the Achilles ankle and the only think it can be shitposted about
Christian Hughes
Liam Morales
>6QTEs in the entire game
This is a list of QTEs that will cause instant death or lose of health if failed:
>Chapter 1: Verse 8 - Beloved, when he throws you (Up + A)
>Chapter 2: Verse 10 - Fortitude Fight (X)
>Chapter 3: Verse 6 - Falling Building (X). >After Verse 12 - running across broken bridge (A)
>Chapter 8: Verse 2 - I believe a car wants to kill you and you want to be on your bike (A). >Verse 4 - Driving upward to finish the verse (Up + A)
>Chapter 9: Verse 4 - Chased by a giant LEGO ball, by the end of the trial (A)
>Chapter 12: Verse 2 - Getting back onto the plane (several A's)
>Chapter 15: Verse 3 - Fight Jeanne. When her Phase 2 is over, she'll jump onto a rocket and ride it towards you (Up + A). >Once you both are about to leave the rocket (Up + A again)
>Chapter 16: Verse 10 - First time entering the elevator area (Right + A)
>Epilogue: Verse 2 - Riding as Jeanne, by the end of the trial (several A's). >Verse 3 - (Up + A)
Jaxson Carter
oh no, its 9 out of, how many fight do you have in Bayo 1 again??
Dylan Moore
>You want other people to not play a video game lol no
Elijah Young
>(A) You literally can't fail these unless you do it on purpose. There are 6 bullshit cutscene QTEs that are rightfully complained about and that's it.
Julian Flores
You can't count it seems
Charles Diaz
Thomas Allen
No fuck off, having forced QTE's at all is cancer. Shit is pointlessly braindead and are punished if you don't do them.