Nearly 610,000 people playing an early access rehashed idea pile of shit. The absolute state of video games

Nearly 610,000 people playing an early access rehashed idea pile of shit. The absolute state of video games.

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Sup Forums mad af about yet another good game

i'm shocked

>shit default UE4 netcode
>tickrate of 20
>laggers have massive advantage
>somehow this shit is popular


Recommend me a better shooter

I'll wait

Join the military

>Random namefag complaining about a single popular game despite a number of quality titles existing which many people regularly play

The absolute state of this board

Early access doesn't equate to bad, and I don't even play games like this. I don't like most shooters or multiplayer centric games

I hope this trend stays on pc for a while. Lowskill multiplayer games are the biggest shit in the world.

It's coming to console and will be even more popular there

Arma 3.

It has the PUBG mod aswell.

Delete this

what's a ll the stuff he has on the side and barrell of his gun?

We managed to avoid the card games, mobas and shooter mobas on consoles i'm, sure we will be fine this time. But if you're right and consoles turn into the same kind of cancer shit that PC is right now, than gaming is officially dead because console ports are the only games on pc that are worth playing.

nah it's a good game and best of the genre. Gives me arma 2 mod feels from summer of 2012. stay butthurt op.
I'll gladly upvote your shitty bread and make you look like the jealous greasy handed controller/console player you are.

btw give me a you.

every cod kiddie and their papa bear will eat up pubg on console. lol wait and see.

Consoles are already CoD and GTA territory. Don't pretend you're already doing better.

pewdiepie streams it so the normies will play en masse, he's streaming right now:

>a shooter that isnt CoD
Why the double standard? If CSGO hadvthose numbers?
>kek pc gamers have to buy one game for 10 years instead of 5!

He's pretty good at the game. I'll give him that.

I'n not denying it, but al least the japs still make real games now and than. PC developers only focus on low effort high profit shit nowadays.

Gwent is on consoles you retard.
You might shitpost about your BB or P5 but truth is those games are played by very small minority.
Ark Survival Evolved was a topseller on PS4 for second month in January 2017.

OP here. Here's some (you's) I fucking hate this game and it's cancer for video games but I myself am playing it. I have 155 hours so far. I'm playing it right now actually.


Open World
Procedurally Generated
Early Access
Female Protagonist

>unironic pewdiepie posting on Sup Forums
My gawd

Early access games are even more popular on console. ARK is a good example, it did well on pc but nowhere near as well as on console.

It was also SIXTY DOLLARS during this entire period.

3 months actually

What's procedurally generated in PUBG?

Good game, been having fun with it for a few weeks now, i don't know why anyone would be mad that it's doing well.

Quake Live

just Sup Forums REEEEEEing at anything popular

They liked it at first, but then it became popular, so we must hate it.

>They liked it at first,
[citation needed]

I been gaming my whole life, and at age 27, I nearly quit.
The state of the video game industry is abysmal.
I'm literally playing older games, games ove played before, and HD collections of series I missed out on when I was younger.
Nothing interests me anymore.
Everything wants online multi-player.
I just want to play a single player game by myself.
Problem is they're all becoming these wannabe movies where I'm sitting there watching long cutscenes instead of gameplay or the gameplay itself are wannabe Telltale bullshit.
What happened to action games like Devil May Cry, Ninja Garden, or God of War?
No, they got revamped into something else.
I don't wanna play God of War: The Last of Us Edition.
The Last of Us was so awful, I didn't want to sit through all those cutscenes just to get to a segment where I walk around listening to characters talk afterwards while moving a ladder.
But all these single player games want to replicate TLoU or be like the Telltale games.
Online games are pay to skin bullshit I don't want to deal with.
It's infuriating I'm inclined to play HD collections because they're the only games that go back to real gaming.
I have to play the new Crash trilogy because it dates back to when games were about playing, not watching.
I hate video games now, at least the new trash the industry tries to sell.
Yeah I'm mad.

I'm talking about exclusive titles. Of course ports from PC will be cancer shit, i know that much.

I think its doing well because children like the name. Theyre like woah player 'unknowns' but to me its just meh

Hes actually ourguy now