fuck this game
fuck this game
fuck this game
fuck this game
fuck this game
fuck this game
Fuck this game
FTL? More like FTG!
git gud or get rekt bitchboi
ez game. git gud
>Sup Forums tells me that I need to visit every node so I can get as much scrap as I can
>do this and run out of fuel
>then Sup Forums tells me that the above strategy is wrong and I need to get to the end as quickly as possible
>do this and make it to the end with no good upgrades
Which fucking one is it Sup Forums
Stealth, maximum dodge, 3 shields 40+ missles
your welcome
git gud, my dude.
Someone sounds like a shitter.
it's about finding a path through each system that allows you to have the ability make it without fuel problems, and exposes as many nodes of interest as possible so you can make detours
The first one, just buy more fuel/try to not blow up every ship you find
learn to strats fuckboi-san
Sup Forums isn't a person, user.
Fucking think for yourself, it's about finding a middle ground where you visit as many nodes as possible without running out of fuel or being caught by the rebel fleet.
>game full of variety on weapons and systems
>but if you don't use the Crew Teleporter in all your runs you're fucked
Which race is the best race?
>tfw no Mantis Gf to raid ship with
That is satisfying as fuck as well as landing a good anti-personal laser.
It's been ages since I played but I'm pretty sure you almost always get better stuff from sparing ships than destroying them.
what did he mean by this? you don't need boarding to win
Why would anybody play Faster Than Light when The Ur-Quan Masters exists?
Ur-Quan Masters does everything that FTL does and MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH more with a real well-written story, planet exploration, fully voice acted interactions with aliens and tons of choices with how you wish to act toward them. And, Ur-Quan Masters is a free game.
It's a shame we haven't got a sequel or expansion
I feel like it was a good game, it just needed more.
I thought the same when I faced the flagship without it but it's not the worst thing in the planet. Cloak + breaching/overwhelming firepower can still take down the triple missle launcher and make things doable
Mantis best race all time every time
I really dislike how the "advanced edition" didn't add any new interactions it just added new races.
Every other node is still "you arrive at a zoltan research facility." It gets old after a while.
Try the captain's edition mod
It adds a shit load of new stuff, like weapons, events, and even space stations instead of ships.
It's a totally different kind of game and comparing them doesn't make sense. I like both though.
they're both space exploration games where you manage a ship, explore the cosmos, and interact with aliens. They're the same.
FTL is like a tiny version of Ur-Quan Masters.
Isn't that the one that makes even easy comparable to, like hard?
ftl fans are autists and for some reason don't want their game to be beaten by anybody who hasn't put 1000 hours into the game
I really shouldn't have to point out they're vastly different gameplay-wise even if both of them are set in outer space.
holy hell
not gonna lie, i like the comfy exploration bits but captains edition seems like a new layer of hell
I want a speed up option goddammit
Stack beam weapons if possible. Fuck having to deal with evasion.
I have finished more runs without the crew teleporter than I have with.
I suppose it's intentional, but the ship you unlock for beating the game absolutely ravages the flagship with its innate beam weapon.
Fully upgrading that and watching it burn a line across the whole width of the first stage is glorious.
>Stack beams
>No way to break shields
Nice job
I feel like the events have a higher chance of you failing than passing, unless you have and use the blue option.