What games let me play as a burglar?
What games let me play as a burglar?
Jack Ramirez
Connor Nguyen
Sorry there are none.
Charles Powell
Isaac White
rainbow 6
Jacob Johnson
Sly Raccoon trilogy
Andrew Moore
that's like a burglar wearing a siren on his head
Carson Thomas
The sims 3
Logan Rogers
Mason Gomez
Bonanza Bros.
Henry Ramirez
Hello Neighbour kinda
Owen Rogers
was about to post this
Grayson Robinson
if you are black, you are already playing it
Juan Johnson
thief lol
Isaac Robinson
Memeday 2
Charles Wood
Persona 5
Sebastian Mitchell
Alexander Gonzalez
GTA San Andreas as a shitty burglary mini-game.
Jeremiah Wood
TES games.
Nathaniel Nelson
Oblivion is pretty good for that. Join the Thieves Guild, break into peoples houses and start fencing their valuables.
Wyatt Morales
Ocarina of Time
Parker Phillips
if your eardrums can withstand the 10 year old kids literally screeching in your ear, then go ahead this is perfect.