Does Sup Forums like Shantae?
Does Sup Forums like Shantae?
She's cute, but the games are nothing special.
Does she have a bush?
A beautiful and nice girl with great games!
Pretty much this. Solidly made, appealing aesthetic, but ultimately pretty basic.
Appears so
Yes, I've never played her games though.
Isn't it almost time for Risky Mode?
How long until the other three are done?
Took me a second.
I wish to have sex with you
i like risky boots more
they submitted it to all the relevant people and we're just waiting for approval and release on respective systems
i've been waiting so long
also the way they talk about friends mode, it sounds like the entire mode is all three friends in one mode and you can just switch between them (or they force switch you)
not exactly what i had in mind, but whatever
Post more pics for the love of God
Games are rather mediocre for the most part
Best thing about Shantae is the highly fetishized porn
Where is the bush?
Does the fact that you will never lick Shantae's pussy bother you at all?
Do you think if she grew out her pubic and armpit hair, she could use them as attacks?
Decent games. Cute protag. One of limited few games that prominently feature monster girls. Yeh, it's OK.
This tinkerbat transformation sucks.
Shantae has a really great design
Pirate's Curse had great gameplay but alright level design.
The rest of the games are just bland and forgettable. Story is nothing special either.
I don't know
Who doesn't?
Hell yeah. Cutest genie.
*breaths in*
I've only played half genie hero, but it's well animated, energetic, and has some funky-ass music
A pretty enjoyable game to be honest
I dunno but i would like to see images of that.
Shantae is fat! Fat!
It bothers me that I will never enjoy her home made pudding
She'd just be Bayonetta then
FUCK yes
I love her design, but I tried her game on emu and hated the hair hitbox. Love that 8-bit ass shake though.
Try Pirate's Curse. Its even better.
How do you unlock costumes in half genie
*steps away from mic to breathe*