>it's another "my dumbass girlfriend disagrees with me on when the NES peaked in popularity" episode
I say it peaked around 1993. She argues it was 1990.
>it's another "my dumbass girlfriend disagrees with me on when the NES peaked in popularity" episode
I say it peaked around 1993. She argues it was 1990.
>post best girl
>make shit thread
Bump so that people can rage with me
Huh? What about this is a shit thread?
I'll show you some shit if you piss me off, bronco.
You're both wrong, it was around 1988.
Surely not! Talk about peaking early...
In what fucking reality did the NES peak in 1993? 2 years into the super nintendo's life, and after over half of it's classics had been ported to gameboy?
That was the middle of the NES's life and was 5 years into the life of the Famicom. In 1988, people were crossing state and international lines to get copies of Super Mario Bros. 2 and Zelda II. Its popularity certainly did not peak post-1991 since the NES had come out and its thunder was stolen by the Genesis in 1989.
So yes, 1988 is about when it peaked.
>post-1991 since the NES had come out
Meant to type SNES.
>pre-1991 Sega Genesis
>stealing anyone's thunder
Until Sonic 1, the Genesis was shaping up to be just as much of a failure as the Master System.
The NES peaked around 89-90. After that it was all about the Snes and Genesis.
So you're saying my dumbfuck girlfriend is closer to being right than I am?
Yes, so it seems like you're the dumbfuck, not her.
>implying I'm dumber than some shit-for-brains floozie
What kind of retard thinks the NES popularity was highest 2 years into the SNES?
Given that OP doesn't say where he and his imaginary gf live I'll just say it was around 1988 to 1990 in the states and 1990 to 1995 in europe with the peak being the first two years in both cases.
She sounds like shit, dump her
I forgot how cute Shampoo is.
Nah, she's pretty cool. Not much going on upstairs, but she's hot and gives good head.
So why do you guys believe what you believe? Why do you say 1993 and she says 1990?
Heh, she's trapped in a shit series anyway.
She says 1990 because that was the year the most NES titles were released in the United States. It was the only year to reach the 200+ mark.
As for me, I take a more personal, in-the-weeds approach and look back to my memories of those years. At school, the NES seemed most widely owned and played around '93.
>it peaked when the SNES and Genesis came out and the hardware was outdated
Nigger, you are both retarded. It peaked around 1988.
>best girl
That's not Ukkyo.
U-chan is the absolute third best.
Yes, you clearly are you stupid cuck.
She's probably sucking Tyrone's dick behind your stupid ass t b h
Considering you think the NES was more popular in 1993 than 1990, when the SNES had been out for a full two years by 1993, you are.
While all of them are good girls, the clear best girl is Ranma-chan.
Well fuck it. This is already an Sup Forums thread.
It could've been amazing if it was like 50 episodes shorter and focused on the original set of characters instead of clutering the show with stupid, unfunny trash like that retarded french bunch and the teafags.
Those are among the most boring shit I've ever seen.
It gets ridiculously formulaic and predictable. After the first 50 or so episodes the jokes get stale and boring and for a show around comedy and some semblance of romance that's literaly cancer.
It's a legit shame because the first couple of episodes, before the "reboot" were legit amazing. It all started to go downhill with Akane's hair, ironicaly enough.
If it at least had some action it could have carried the series through, but alas, it was written by a woman. Admitedly she did a better job with Inu Yasha in that respect, but that only adds to the disapointment pile.
As cute as she might be, it bothers me how she's used as a cop out for actual character development as much as she's used for fanservice and comedic hijinx, and boy is she used a lot for that.
The anime and manga are different, dont blame Rumiko, the manga had tons of fights.
That would have been a bandage to the problem anyway.
Also, action scenes take more advantage of an animated medium.
I didn't bother reading the manga, but I hope it's better.
Somehow doubt it would fix the issues instead of just alleviating them, as the source material usualy does in these situations.
You're a dumb fuck. It's peak was around 89 to 1990. Super Mario Bros. 3 was like its grand finale to many before moving on to the SNES.
This is like the Xbox 360 peaking around 2009/2010. Nobody gave a fuck about the Xbox 360 around 2013.
is dat shampoo?
You're right. It isn't.