*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*



Good one


I'll just head back, you deserve that

very nice

almost as nice as this 4

uhh guys, this is not a thread about gets, this is a thread about smash

I like you OP

If that's true, why did I get this 7?

Nice 8!


Because you were supposed to get this 8 instead


okay guys seriously, start talking about smash before you get me banned

That's my 7! Give it back.

How likely is Snake to return in Smash 5?

I fucking hate this place

i fucking love my 5

About as likely as me snagging this 2.

daaaaaamn daniel! BACK at it again with the 9 gets

I don't play as Game & Watch much. You'll have to make do with this.



>*masturbates loudly*
>screams ur name
>someone somehow makes a thread about it on Sup Forums

Your 4 is here Czech 'em

Seriously guys, stop with the gets. Either talk about smash or leave, right now!




possible considering all the fans that wanted him back in 4
this is what I meant with the OP. G&W's 9 is fucking OP

Fucking shit, why do is it always an 8 or a 2?

Bugs... easy on this 7.

I'll be stealing that 2

And this is how it's been since before 2006 so fuck off if you don't like it.


Nice try, Yugi-boy. All these 2s are mine.

>on Sup Forums - Video Games

Too bad I can't leave

oi oi



Off by two.

it's da 4chinz culture bro

>G&W's 9 is fucking OP
no shit retard, you also only get it 1/9 times, not to mention it has extremely short range.


not bad

it's not OP. shulk was in Smash mode, so he receives increased knock-back AND he was charging a smash, so he had even more knock-back

Page 8 and it's still alive?

off by a post

Like my 42


no one cares about sm4sh

This is Sup Forums, there are no doubles

There is, however, this 7

Impressive, but I wouldn't go for 2 if I were you.
