You approach the blacksmith's forge at the darkest hour, just before the day ends. Due to it being so late...

You approach the blacksmith's forge at the darkest hour, just before the day ends. Due to it being so late, the blacksmith only has two weapons left, and you can only afford one. Which weapon do you choose?

thats three weapons retard

>buy elvish blades
>quickly stab blacksmith
>steal clang sword
>dual wield it with one of the daggers

elvish has higher crit chance so kinda a no brainier here, right?

>form worlds edgiest break-dancing club



The twin blades are objectively better. Unless you're going for looks

yeah this is retarded
sword should have more damage

Oh fucking boy here we go

>take twin blades and stick their handles in the holes on the end of bitch sword
>get three attacks per second

I'm fucking sick of Tales games cucking me out of using a guy with a huge sword. Fucking Rokuro only ever uses his sword in one single arte that will only activate when all the planets align.
What the fuck is with this series jerking off characters using little shitty swords?
I wanna hit people with a big weapon for fuck's sake.

Gimme dat bigass sword.

Depends on playstyle.

Can hit less often with big sword for larger chunks.

The real difference is that twin blades do better damage over a long period, and big sword will be more inconsistent.

depends on how damage reduction works.
depends on how often your in range to hit your enemy. (are you being kited)
depends on if you have any on hit mechanic, and the crit multiplier as well.
also depends on accuracy, chance to hit etc.

Math works out the same so it depends on when in the second the damage is applied right? If the damage is applied at the beginning of the second, big sword is better, since little sword is catching up, but if the damage is applied at the end of the second the little sword is better since there's a .5 second interval where the big one has done 0 damage but the little ones have done 50.

Big sword is better since it does 100 damage
crits dont matter when multiplier isn't implied

Not in a hypothetical where you fight enemies with exactly 100 health. But yeah you would almost always choose the blades.

You are either baiting or retarded

i laughed

But their existence is confirmed by a chance being listed, and the blades crit more often while doing the exact same DPS (in a critless world) as the big sword.

What's my accuracy? Is the speed stat a factor as I level? What kind of HP do regular mobs have? What is the luck star function? Are either of these necessary in a reforging/trading chain?

big fucking bitch sword still wins.

Also, the story doesn't mention what happens to the other weapon that gets left behind, do you want to be the guy who picks elvish twin blades of fuckery only to get slain by a huge buff guy with a big fucking bitch sword because he can kill you in 1 hit instead of your faggot 2 hits

There really isn't room for debate here, what he said is absolutely correct. Both of them have an identical crit rate, except while the big sword has a chance to crit once per second, the small swords have a chance to crit twice at exactly the same rate.

If the big sword had a 10% chance, then there would be room for debate, but just going from the information in the picture, the twin blades are simply better.

>the blades crit more often
They crit twice as often for half the damage.

big fucking bitch sword has 100% accuracy because even if you miss the shockwave will kill anything it touches.

>Fighting enemies with 100 health
>Big Blade takes 1 second to kill them
>Elfish Blades take 1 second to kill them

You still always choose the blades because against sub 100 health enemies it takes the same amount of time, and against 100+ health enemies the extra crits will kill the enemies faster on average.

The only case where the blades are worse is one where defense is just flat damage reduction. But then we're introducing more factors into a scenario that doesn't define them, and going down this path is useless to discussion.

I see what you're saying

Sword has bigger range and does more raw damage, which could be useful when you need to deal with spacing and have limited opportunities to attack. You can't always achieve the theoretical DPS of the weapon, sometimes something with less DPS can end up doing more because of that.

Meaning that at higher health ranges they are more consistent, and at lower health ranges they are consistently better. Imagine a horde of 101 health enemies, which is better? Hint: It's the blades

The sword attacks once every one second, it doesn't take one second to kill an enemy. All it takes is some faggy enemy with an instakill gimmick and 100 health.

big fucking bitch sword
because I want to be the big motherfucker

The twin blades because they have a higher crit chance.

>extra crits will kill the enemies faster
The blades crit for less than the sword, theoretically they do the same DPS.

You sheer nigger. You forget that these swords slap a nigger at some point. Per-hit damage. Imagine slapping some nig that every hit is minus 5. Meaning, if you hit this boy:

Big Fucking Bitch Sword: 95 damage

Elvish Twin Blades of Fuckery: 45 damage,
45 damage
(adding up to 90 damage.)

You only have 5% crit chance per hit. If you crit with BFBS, while slapping the aforementioned -5 damage nigger, you deal 190 damage.

If you crit with ETBoF ONCE, you deal 45 plus 90, 135 damage. If you crit with BOTH HITS, you deal 180 damage in whole. 10 less damage than big bitch sword.

Big sword best. Shut the fuck up.

When the big blade crits it does 200 you fucking retard.

When the small blades crit they do 100. It balances out.

Imagine a horde of 201 health enemies and the big bitch sword is better

Fuck the numbers. I'm not dragging around a fucking huge sword, gimmie the little things

>see a monster
>it has 150 hp
>twin blades kill it in 1.5 sec
>sword kills it in 2 sec

the usefullness of the weapons are determined by other factors, not mentioned in OPs picture.

is there an armor system?
how much hp do enemies have?
are there any procs?

by the information given by the OP alone, both weapons are equal

Now you're adding in factors irrelevant to the discussion. Hitboxes are in no way defined by the initial problem, nor is game play. All you know is what's in the given image. Trying to introduce factors that don't exist in the original setting is pointless as it's just a game of who can imagine what.

But the blades hit twice as often, so if there's an item or spell that adds a flat amount of damage per hit, the blades become way better than the sword!

How is this useful to the question presented in the OP? It isn't.

you're completely missing the point
big fucking bitch sword has the range and cleavage heh to deal with your horde of 101 health enemies in 2 swings, and with the blades you'd need 3 hits for every enemy because how the fuck are you going to deal AoE with those fucking little faggot sticks.

>see a monster
>it has 51hp
>twin blades kill it in 1 sec
>sword kills it immediately

I do a 360 and walk right out of there. I'll come back some other time when I can get a proper shield and sword.

But you will have twice as many crits for the small blades

Are you legit retarded if you can't understand that 2x5>5

ARE you legit retarded to not understand that critting twice with smaller damage is exactly what you need to have EQUAL DAMAGE to the big sword critting once, therefore it's exactly the same?



>you will have twice as many crits for the small blades
10 crits at 100 damage each is 1000 damage
5 crits at 200 damage each is 1000 damage

Blades are still better.

BBS: 3 Swings Max, 3 seconds
EB: 5 Swings Max, 2.5 seconds

by your logic, twin blades kill it in 0.5 sec

No it isn't, that'd take 3 hits and 3 seconds. The small things would take 5 hits and 2.5 seconds, plus would be twice as likely to finish the job in 2 seconds.

Can I wait until tomorrow and come back when he has something that doesn't suck?

Elvish blades are just better. Same dps but more chance at crits.


no because twin blades would have 0.5sec cooldown between hits, while sword would have 1sec

we're talking about crits

The iq of Sup Forums anons must be almost at room temperature with the way these threads play out.

>the concept of a blacksmith having stock he goes through within a day that you can only pick leftover swords if its close to closing time

I'll just play the class that crits on command and use the highest damage option.

Depends on my evasion rate and health. If it's high evasion or high health, i pick the twin swords, if i have to run for my life every time i land a hit, the big fuckery sword.

Does hitting an enemy cancel, stumble or stun them in any way?

Then you're even stupider

Are you guys dealing arguing about rng? You can't argue randomness.

Just point out where in the OP mentions the crit multiplier and sure I'll show you the math. Blades are still better than Big Bitch Sword.

At most reasonable chances the BBS still has to swing twice with a crit, taking 2 seconds. While the blades would only need to swing 4 times off of one crit, taking 2 seconds. The difference is that this happens with the blades TWICE AS OFTEN.

You can argue probability.

RNG is never random, it's a pattern, which with practice can be reasonably assumed.

Incorrect. Twice as much but equally as often.

I'm a dexfag so I'm going to pick the elvish twin blades of fuckery no matter what. I don't ever care which one is better.

isn't it obvious?

>it doesn't take one second to kill an enemy
Well that's an assumption and a half. We don't know how the auto-attack functions in this game. It could very well wait a second and then swing, rather than an attack with a cooldown. You're also assuming the attacks of the daggers are going to be distributed over the second, whereas they could resolve at the same time.

Okay so you specifically choose a mechanic that fucks with multi-hit attacks to argue this point. What about a skill that lets you block or dodge the next 5 attacks? That dumb nigger with the big sword is going to have to wait 5 whole seconds before he can do any damage, but the dagger guy is going to be doing damage by second 3! Therefore daggers > sword, proven by science and not a strawman at all.

>Rng is never random
Ok buddy

They both have the same dps, so assuming the swing starts as soon as I click the button, the big sword is better. More time I can spend mobile.


big fucking bitch sword vs elvish twin blades of fuckery

big fucking bitch sword deals 100 damage and crits for 200 damage 5% of the time.

100 damage (200 crit)(5%)
1/second (105 raw DPS)

elvish twin blades of fuckery deals 50 damage twice and both hits may crit for 100 damage 5% of the time.

50 damage (100 crit)(5%)
2/second (105 raw DPS)

[DPS vs HP 10000 target]
big fucking bitch sword takes 95.238 seconds to slay target

elvish twin blades of fuckery takes 95.238 seconds to slay target

[DPS vs HP10000 with Armor 10]
big fucking bitch sword takes 105.263 seconds to slay target.

90 damage (190)(5%)
1/second (95 DPS)

elvish twin blades of fuckery takes 117.647 seconds to slay target.

40 damage (90 damage)(5%)
2/second (85 DPS)

[DPS vs 200 HP 50]
big fucking bitch sword takes 1 second to slay each target, ending at 200 seconds.

elvish twin blades of fuckery takes .50 second to slay each target, ending at 100 seconds.

The big fucking bitch sword is better in instances of fighting any enemy with armor.

The elvish twin blades of fuckery is only better in a niche case of many combatants in which of each cannot take more then 50 raw damage. (Health + Armor cannot exceed 50).

Crits in this instance do not matter as both weapon have equal chances to crit. (Assuming critical hits double base damage and do not ignore armor.)

>basing weapon choice on 1 to 2 hit trash mobs

Armor is not a factor in this scenario. In no way. you know what. See: And your sample cases only show that they are equal when HP is a multiple of 100. If you show cases where their HP MODULO 100 is less than 50, the blades pull ahead. 50 Might not even be the right cut off due to crits, but I don't feel like doing it properly.

They have the same dps but right has:
>Higher chance to get in damage in the case of stuns and the like
>Higher chance to crit per second
>Probably lighter
There is no reason what so ever to take left.

You're not making any sense
>Sword hits immediately, monster dies instantly
>For some reason, Twin Blades need 0.5 sec before attacking to hit the first time, then another 0.5 sec for the second hit

OP here, you fags will argue about anything.

now tell me the 600 damage sword wouldnt win

The elvish blades get crits more consistently over a short to medium period of time, thats it. As the number of seconds of periodic attacking gets larger, the DPS of each weapon set approaches the same number. UNLESS, crits do a fixed amount of damage, instead of being a modifier on the original damage, in which case the elvish blades are strictly better, because crit implies the hit does more damage than normal, not less.

Anything else is nothing but an extrapolation based on assumptions. We are given nothing but the two attributes of each weapon set.

>DEXfags are so pathetic they introduce mechanics like sub-100 HP then bitch when STRfags introduce mechanics like Armor

Big fuck bitch sword has more range, it wins hands down.

The 600 damage sword wouldn't win.

Twigs: 708 avg DPS
Stupid Sword: 600.96 avg DPS

This shit never makes sense to me; why would shitty little daggers have a higher crit rate than that sword, EVERY hit with that fucking thing is a critical hit that would crush through armor and cut a person in half.

Total health of the target is relevant. In cases where HP%100 < 50 the blades kill faster.

Okay, you fucking boy lover. Grokk wins because he murders Treeshagger in any situation.

Grokk wields the BFBS, which deals 100 per second, murdering Treeshagger in 3 seconds.

Treeshagger dodges based on RNG.

Grokk reduces damage by 15 every hit.

Treeshagger can only deal 70 damage per second if he doesn't crit, meaning it will take him 7.5 fucking seconds for Treeshagger to murder Grokk. But he never murders Grokk, because Grokk can still murder Treeshagger. If Treeshagger dodges for 3 full seconds, negating 3 attacks from Grokk, and hits Grokk without critting for those 3 seconds, Grokk has 290 hp. After 3 more seconds of Grokk being able to connect (without critting Arborassaulter), Pinetickler is fucking dead, and Grokk has 80 hp left.

Fucking done with you. Grokk AND BFBS ALWAYS WIN!

That's only assuming the attacks are distributed over the second. If both attacks for the daggers happen at the same time during the second, then they'll have the same TTK as the big sword.

I hate these fucking threads so much. So many games are so different and have different mechanics that you just can't give a real correct answer. Can any of your attacks be dodged, blocked or parried or can you miss? Does the enemy have armor that reduces your damage by a percent? How hard do enemies hit you? How much damage is a crit? Etc etc etc, tons of variables you'd have to consider if you wanted to make an actual decision.

If attacks can be blocked, dodged, parried or miss in anyway then the twin swords are automatically better in every way than the big sword. If you're talking about in a complete vacuum setting of you just beating on a target dummy type where every hit lands and you can just stand there tunneling, the twin swords would still be better more than likely.

Did it wrong. Accidentally did the math for the big sword as x6.

Twigs: 708 avg DPS
Stupid Sword: 600.768 avg DPS

fucking dammit user

This is why you don't go into lala land with what ifs. There's information provided, and you can form objective fact based on that information. The moment you introduce anything outside of what's provided is the moment your argument becomes invalid and irrelevant to the thread.

You misspelled faggotry in the image, anything elven is "of faggotry" not "of fuckery".

Round 1
Deals (1/20 crit proc!) Deals damage (No crit)
Damage taken Damage taken

HP Left: 430 HP left: 100

Round 2
Deals (1/20 crit proc!) Deals damage (No crit)
Damage taken Damage taken (3/10 Dodged!)

HP left: 360 HP left: 100

Round 3
Deals (No crit) Deals damage (No crit)
Damage taken Damage taken

HP left: 290 HP left: 0

Here's the real debate

>spell that deals 75 damage
>spell that deals 30 damage per second and lasts 3 seconds(90 total damage)

>you can pnly pick one, picking both will result in them being equilly terrible later on
>both projectiles fly at the same speed
>they can miss
>the per-second spell doesn't stack with itself, hitting them again with it just refreshes the duration

But the sword hits harder when it crits

>a critical thinking exercise about crits