What am I in for?

What am I in for?

A real nailbiter

being a nigger

Hopefully a ban

a terrible and terribly overrated game


A very good game and likely a jail trip for stealing it

a nigger

Clip your fucking nails goddamn

give it back.

For stealing a video game

Stealing a Wii U game? I guess there's nothing you won't steal.

oh look another nigger.

Now you can kill each other like your kind so often do

i'd post this stuff every day if i were black

Not black btw, dark skinned filipino

A first mission that will probably frustrate you, but if you stick with it, it'll all be worth it (or so I'm told).


>how to trigger vee

I know right? EZ replies.

Early death in banging

Still black, just because you're not from Africa but still a darkie doesn't mean you're not black. It's like those dark as fuck dirty Indians saying they ain't black.

Nigger lmao

were all black when we turn off the lights to sleep at night

You got some pretty fingers nigga

A charming game with repetitive combat and sometimes frustrating mechanics and level design

pixie faggot

One of the best games ever made. It's flawed as shit but good fucking lord, this is a special game.

Enjoy it.

Give it back, Tyrone

A bunch of (you)s on Sup Forums

This tbqh senpai

A nose nigger

Dont you whitebois got little kids to molest?


W101 and Bayonetta both have tons of flaws, but they're a labor of love and you can really feel it

Is Rugarell the most influential shitposter in Sup Forums history?

I honestly feel sorry for the guy. He just wanted to talk about a game yet he gets insulted just for his skin color. Can we just talk about video games and not care about color for once. If it weren't for the awesome Guilty Gear threads here I wouldn't go on this shit site.

I still get goosebumps thinking of the ending. Such a magnificent moment in gaming.

Can't you steal a nail clipper?

Last 15 years, most sexually assault cases involving family came from black families.

Come on guys. It's 2017.
The correct term is Basketball Americans.

You fucking get it.

Play through the game at least twice, OP. Not because of story reasons, but your first playthrough should be your training wheels. You will style all over playthrough 2 if you git gud, and there are a fuckload of extras to find across the whole game. Have fun.

Come back to Sup Forums at 6am-3pm before all the Sup Forumstards wake up, it's pretty comfy speaking with all the other early birds and europeans

Got a source for that other than an artifact-ridden jpeg from Sup Forums?

I literally beat the game, end credits... Then my brother come home, instantly replayed the last level to show him.... Took way longer than I remembered


Not by a long shot. But he's alright.


Police brutality

Its value is less than $500 so you're not in for a felony. 1-2 months of community service tops.

Is this you?

Oddly enough my best memory comes from having a brother too. He's a typical normie, plays FIFA, CoD and all that shit. Nothing really 'out there'

During my playthrough of TW101 he became right fucking into it. Would watch me play for hours on end and then when we got to that final level, we just lost our shit. There's Never been anything like it in any other game. It was just absolutely mental in the best ways possible.

Bayo 2 was sensational too but TW101 is the best proof of how amazing a studio Platinum is. They create these experiences that can't be replicated elsewhere. (The 'A' team, at least)

What the fuck, Sup Forums? There is nothing wrong with being black, only with being jewish.

He's definitely made a mark post gamergate Sup Forums. Who is more influential?


That would be Quentin.

Why does Sup Forums get upset by the existence of brown people?

Makes them feel self-conscious of their tiny weewees.

I have nothing against spics or muslims. I fucking hate niggers though.

Impeachments and Cream-flavored Ice Cream when

Jesus christ his hand isn't even that dark. How do you know for sure he's fucking black?

you're a quality kind of retard. Where the fuck do they refer to filipinos as black people lmao

Highly underrated posts.



I agree

I hate that time of night where I turn off my lights and my white skin becomes black