How can one game receive so much praise yet have an abysmal playerbase?

How can one game receive so much praise yet have an abysmal playerbase?


It happens with most multiplayer shooters now. Usually the first week or so is where it peaks, and then it all goes down from there. As for Titanfall 2 I think its because there was far less content at launch to keep people hooked.

>not Battlefield
Doomed to failure.


I don't play online but I really liked the T2 SP campaign, except for the mech sections. Easily one of my favourite modern FPSes.

This game is honestly one of my favorite games. It has some really cool guns for the multiplayer, like the Cold War is extremely fun to use. I've also only encountered one hacker in my playing since November and I was able to record it and get him banned by emailing Respawn. I also love mechs a lot and it perfectly scratches that itch perfectly with anime style mechs and western style mech designs. Basically, it's my favorite FPS of all time and the player base doesn't really go under 4,000 on PC, which is pretty good, and it can reach 10,000. The best thing this does that I think more shooters should do, is it lets you search any game modes you want simultaneously so it's easy to find matches in all modes.

Because contrary to Sup Forums's hivemind mentality, reviews dont actually matter.

That's how I always felt while playing TF also. Running around as a pilot was fun since you had a lot of freedom of movement and the gunplay was good as well.
Then you get in a Titan and it just becomes the complete opposite. They somehow managed to make running around in a giant robot not fun.

iunno man

I think they could have removed piloting the mech and expanded the sections where you fight alongside the mech and add in some teamup moves. They already have you ride on top of the mech; doing that at will and being able to shoot as well could be good. They already have the mech throw the pilot, again being able to do that at will could be good. And letting you wallrun along the mech could also be good for repositioning and shit. Some of the best bits on the game are the large encounters where you get to move around loads; more enemies, more mech presence, and more movement options could turn the campaign into something amazing.

So i can ride the back of a friendly titan and attach the battery but i cannot do that to my own titan? Why do i have to get inside and then leave just to place the battery?

This games good but overrated

>hear great things about this
>always think 'I'll get it next time it goes on sale'
>Origin rather than Steam
>totally forget that it exists

Released between two much larger shooters


it's literally just poorfags with buyer's remorse who lament the loss of their $60 trying to justify their purchase and regret, by touting this game as epic and awesome when it's just rehashed generic shit

>Make a game with incredibly fun and deep movement mechanics
>Shit all over them with flawlessly accurate .1 second time to kill weapons


>buzzwords that don't make sense: the post
OK. Was this game even ever 60? I got it 8 months ago for 20.

>success is determined by the amount of money spent on marketing rather than the actual quality of the game

>10k is ded

Okay since pubg has 100k more than csgo that means csgo is dead right?

Lol this nigga never even played the game. Or let me guess, you love boring shit like CSGO?

Kill yourself. Titanfall 2 is amazing on every level.

normalfags can't fast anyway

Want the list?
>Released next to Battlefield One, with EA trying to compete against itself
>In the season/month where every generic FPS and Call of Duty competitor drops
>Had a not well received first game that barely earned back the goodwill of the community near the end
>Lack of marketing compared to other games
>Sold only on Origin on PC

Basically, they blew it in the first week, and I applaud them actually working on improving the game and doing stuff like co-op mode and Live Fire, but Titanfall 2 should have been a February release and given the full attention EA normally reserves for stuff like a BioWare release, or a DICE release.


My man!
Getting intentionally close to other Titans then dropping that thermal shield, plus a nuke core, makes for the ultimate in glass cannon.

its actually fast and difficult.

Sup Forums didn't like it at first.

Paying for the sins of the first, that had a lot of hype and purchases, but let everyne down.

It's determined by both

>Based Papa Scorch
>Eternal lasting Inferno shield kit

now dash is included? ty devs

If only EA released this during Spring/Summer instead of cramming it right between COD & Battlefield, it's so fucking good it's a shame it doesn't have as many players
We're probably not going to see a Titanfall 3, which is sad

This is me. Steam, Uplay, Origin and now fucking GOG Galaxy.

There is way too mch oversaturation of shooters at the moment. It's insane. I've gotten to a point in my life where I have to sit down and ask myself if I want to play;

Halo 5
Titanfall 2
Splatoon 2
Gears of War 4
Planetside 2
Battlefield 1

Like seriously this needs to stop, we need other genres to become popular again.

>You will never be Viper and have the enemy in the pipe, five by five

And I guarantee you the western audience will want a MHW first person mode.

This is one of the many reasons I swapped to console gaming mostly. I'm not a fan of how Steam has strangled PC gaming and no single platform as integrated all the stores into a clean singular Amazon style platform. I don't even blame Uplay, GOG, or Origin I just wish there was something like Steam but much less intrusive and clean.

Titanfall 2 has a cult like fanbase its crazy

Titanfall 2, Gears of War 4, Splatoon 2, and Halo 5 all have hardcore dedicated fans that just play those games. I'd consider them niche honestly. Hell you probably wouldn't believe how insanely active and dedicated the Halo Wars community is on Xbox since it's on life support on PC.

The sign of an underappreciated game

Could I say the same for "For Honor"?

the fanbase dislikes for honor and their devs.
Titanfall 2 fanbase likes the devs but not the publisher.
its more of a Rainbow Six Siege situation.

Could I say the same for Lawbreakers?

Who knows how to actually play Scorch here?

Oops, wrong webcam, that's best girl Northstar shitting all over Legion.

It's not available on Steam. If your game is anything less than FUCKING HUGE and it's not on Steam, it will not succeed.

>tfw stuck at a hotel and can't play

One of the best soundtracks of the year to boot. Only got to play a bit, but fell in love with Battle Medic.

>PC gamers are all Valvecucks

I bet it still begs to get your phone number too, glad I uninstalled it and turned my PC into a CCG machine.

>best girl Northstar
Strange typo when you really meant Ion.