Underrated song
Underrated song
Other urls found in this thread:
Gave away my save data when the choice came up afterwards, I felt like shit for getting hit by three three times once the other player's data joined
Literally 2B and that's it. Good thing they got BTFO'd when she was killed off and 9S became the protag
>this image
newfriends please
gonna dump random automata stuff because fuck the shitposter(s)
>over in 20 seconds
Bosses should have scaled
>Eve was voiced by Noctis
>literally stating a main character dies
No, definitely.
Don't give me the bullshit about ending E either, it's still spoilers nonetheless.
>Good thing they got BTFO'd when she was killed off and 9S became the protag
I really didn't care that much.
The game has been out long enough for me to drop spoiler tags
Neither did I, but I cared for the King of Facade
You don't get to decide that you moron, especially for a game that hasn't even been out for a year.
>You don't get to decide that you moron
I did when I submitted the post
>going into a game's thread before you've played it
You only have yourself to blame for getting spoiled.
I've already played it. As you'll note I mentioned ending E. I just hate faggots who think they're cool for spoiling shit.
I have a challenge for you, next time you see a Nier thread take note of the amount of people who aren't using spoiler tags anymore
If you want to see the real hypocrisy, take note of how Persona 5 went from being spoilered to not then suddenly spoilerd or banned and how people defended it.
If it's just pure discussion then fine, not Sup Forums-tier shit like
I already know everything about it. I just hate those who spoil the game just for a few laughs.
i can't remember what being happy feels like
i'm sorry to let you down, 2b
I finally got up to playing as A2. 9S was so boring to play as. I'm glad I'll get the chance to kill him now.
>9S was so boring to play as
How on Earth do you figure?
>9S was so boring to play as
I love this meme.
What if you can't remember happy day?
A2 is better than 2B and hands down better than 9S
Most of his route was the same as 2b's. The better option would have been to start 9S from the point where he gets separated and 2b fights adam. They could have covered the part where he unravels the secret while skipping all the rehash from part a.
Then you wouldn't have time to do those sidequests you missed.
I want the hackfags to leave
Fight the good fight, scanbros.
I hope you realize the hack in the webm was a goof.
More like these?
Chase sounded like he was trying a little too hard in this role.
I want to get beat up by A2
I want to be dominated by commander
I want to dominate jackass
I want to cuddle platonically with 6O
I want to tease 21O for refusing to admit she's worried about me
I want to ply a reluctant popola with fresh drinks into a one-night-stand threesome with a half-passed-out devola
I want to slowly build a distant but solid professional relationonship that, in the height of her despair, by at first necessity but then mutual admiration slowly develops into a deeply close understanding, which - one cold, long, lonely night - finally matures into a loving, supportive, and lifelong romantic partnership with 2b
How did the sword go through his head if it was broken?
>I want to be dominated by commander
Same. She was literally built for rough gangbanging.
Anyone interested in combo vids?
m o a r
>I'll shut off your penis
I want to make an Automata vector art wallpaper, post pictures that I should use as a reference.
No 9S faggotry pls.
Damn wtf, I now want to do all of this. Thank you for awakening me.
>actually used chiptune music during hacking
10/10 video
Want in one hand and shit in the other. See which one fills up faster.
>"Ah, so that's where you've been 2B"
If you say you didn't cry here you're a fucking liar
Is there a scan of the artbooks?
I'm searching to download them but can't find them yet
Any help would be much apreciated!!
>25 of them are trash
Keep frequenting the drawfriend threads and request more commander.
Or draw it up yourself.
The fate of the future is in your hands.
my GOTY.
Didn't cry. Nier 1 got me at the end.
>here's your half of the cookie, Dad
Thank you very much!
When did that happen? In A2's ending?
I think its something with Emil's sodequest
My sides have left me.
Oh that would make sense, I just deleted my save after ending E because I'm a casual and knew most of the end game stuff was out of my league.
Dont you have to replay the game like 4 times to get the real ending?
What is this image based on?
Yes. Pretty sure if you choose to stay, the ending text is him dying and he says that. It has nothing to do with Emil.
just 2,
one from the perspective of 2Butt and one from the perspective of 9S, then you automatically get a continuation of the plot along the 3rd, 4rd and 5th depending on your choices, theres 27 endings but only 5 are "cannon" the other ones are mostly quick joke endings of doing things you shouldnt do on missions
after you get the 3rd ending you can pick a chapter
The japanese VA for Noctis also voiced Eve, it's weird that both VA's voiced both characters
>Post yfw
Funny how Automata actually ends up better than Bayonetta 2 at combos because the enemies don't instantly break out of a combo within 10 hits.
I love Bayonetta 2 but a combo breaker on even the small enemies perfect for combo practice was retarded.
Huh. I did the Emil's Determination sidequest on one of the chapters playing as 2B, so I didn't know the dialogue changed. Fuck.
I honestly didn't cry with anything in Automata. But I won't deny some parts hit me real hard, like revisiting the Amusement Park in route C or buying from Pascal's shop for the first time
I don't think it has anything to do with completing it as 9S, you just need to go there as 9S after finishing it.
>elevator door opens
Because your taste is plebeian.
Fuck off.
Name a game with better music that isn't Nier.
will there ever be another game as beautiful as Automata?
Silent Hill 2
Your generic sad piano music featuring female vocals can't compete.
post yfw
>Emil can't remember Kaine or Nier except for a faint glimmer
The saddest part of the whole game.