
Is this series worth playing. I always loved god of war so I'm not sure if I should try it out

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Play it and see.

It is harder. GoW 1 (or 2, don't remember) even had a trophy with a reference to it.
Every game of the series is different:
The first game has the looks of Castlevania and gameplay may feel slow now but think about it like it was closer to Zelda than games we have today like Bayonetta. Also, you may also know this game was a Resident Evil 4 prototype (Dante even looks as Leon). The ending is really good
Second game was not made by the original creator (Hideki Kamiya), capcom even was disrespectful with him and rushed it for cheap money. We had the luck another good developer took the game before release and it was somewhat playable. The best thing about it is the looks, transformation, the evade options, music and the ending.
I'll talk about 3 in the next post

Inifinitely better gameplay systems going on. I hold 3 and 4 as the peak of the genre

Does it have puzzles like god of war. ? I never minded the puzzles in gow1. They were a bit annoying in gow2 but nothing too bad. Gow acension puzzles where just way out of hand for me.

3 was also called 0 because it is previous to the first. It was developed completely by Itsuno (the one who fixed 2) and is considered by many as the best game in the series. It's battle system, characters, level designe, music, bosses, even jokes influenced almost every other japanese hack&slash. It is highly recomended even if you don't like the first. I don't want to talk about the story but it is my favorite because Dante is younger.
Next post 4

As someone that loves Ninja Gaiden and likes God of War, I could never get into DMC.

I only tried DMC3, though. Maybe I would like the first game.

In fact I was dissapointed because only the first has challenging puzzles. I think GoW are better designed. The next have really obvious puzzles or battle focused ones.

Make sure to play the first, don't skip to 3 like a sperg because you heard it has the best gameplay. DMC1 is the best of the games overall, as it has the best environments, atmosphere, music and enemy design in the series. DMC3/4 do have better gameplay, but the combat shifted more towards being overly combo heavy, and enemies are made a little more passive to compensate.

DMC was always about stringing together small combos in a freestyle sort of way. 1 is a bit clunkier and older-feeling than 3 so your opinion won't change unless the series in general grows on you.

That's good I don't mind them as long as they are not stupid puzzles. I might pick up the had collection for ps3. What's your opinion on DMC. The reboot?

DMC 3 is like RE4.
unexpected variety and Length, Replay value and amazing gameplay.
DMC 1 is cool, but it all takes place in the castle and the gameplay isnt quite there, its still fun enough to be worth a playthrough

What a retarded-ass post.
>DMC 3 is like RE4.

>DMC 1 is cool, but it all takes place in the castle and the gameplay isnt quite there,
The gameplay is there, you just want it to play like DMC3/4 instead of DMC1

Better gameplay, shittier everything else.

>DMC 3 is like RE4.
its a capcom game made on PS2.
DMC3, RE4, and plenty other really show the jump in quality and quantity from the PS1.
the extra disc space put to good use.
and the games feel lengthy, play well and have a ton of variety.
they are just timeless in a same way like that.
they just have the same feel, where you think you got your moneys worth and you want to get right back into it.

In 4 they wanted to replace Dante because the story get to a critical point in 2, wich is still the last in the timeline. Just like Street Fighter, they put a new main character and just like in SF, people bitched out and we got Dante. The game was taking so much time to develop so Capcom rushed it and it came out like "in half" so the story feels short, missions get repetitive, puzzles are forgettable and are fighting focused, music is recycled, Dante's moves are recycled, in fact, almost everything except for the new character. The game has the best gameplay in the series being fast and powerful, bosses are also cool but it is hard to be cool about it because everything is just "short" (Im not american so I dont find another word for it): little amount of weapons (main character just has 1, Dante 3) levels from the second half are the same ones from the first, etcetera. Long story short, it is awesome but not that much if you played 3. There is a Special Edition released for PS4 and PC wich added some other characters but nothing to the game. Not even a boss. So that's it. If you don't want to play old games and don't care for the story or other stuff just play this because its gameplay still feels great. As other user's said Ninja Gaiden is cool too, Bayonetta is cool too, Dantes Inferno, Shinobi, etc.

Oh, and evade DmC: devil may cry. It is a shame for the series and that guy is Dante only in name

I just comented it but that game is atrocious for the lore (wich not everyone cares but I do) and gameplay. You press buttons and get rewarded like you are the coolest guy ever. It has retarded jokes and story, nothing to do with capcom characters like Megaman, Strider, Ken, etc.

>I only tried DMC3, though. Maybe I would like the first game.
Maybe, do it. DMC1 and 3 are very different experiences. Enemies in the first are far more aggressive than the later games, and the game isn't slowed down by pin-needle combos.

Shinobi is pretty rad but it's rather different from DMC and NG.

DMC3 is so hard to get in. First boss is in fact one of the hardest from the game. If you get stuck just change the difficulty level so you can buy every abbility (like double jump, because you have to buy double jump for every weapon!! thats something no one tells you).

And yeah, play the first one.

i agree, Cerberus is quite the Casual Filter

What else could I compare it with? I just said he may like it overal.

Not really, now this is a casual filter.

I don't think I've seen them being refered as that. In fact I don't remember having trouble with them. For me the regular enemies were hard enough

>all takes place in the castle
>ghost ship

>DMC 3 is like RE4.

Not really.

The first few enemies are the casual filters in this game user.

As someone who played DmC first i can second this, its not nostalgiafag hate to that new Dante, even if he was a stand alone in another series that wasnt devil may cry it is pretty shit and edgy
The gameplay is cool btw, easy to get in but hard to master, so if you can ignore the shitty story, bad boss fights you have a fun game

Then what's this guy, a patrician filter?

Skip the reboot and you're fine

The reboot is better than 2 though.

Skip 2 too.

>The reboot is better than 2 though
2 adds features that inherently help the series so it can be appreciated for that. DmC adds nothing positive to the series and is not a well designed game by any means so you can't even appreciate it by its legacy.

This guy is a cunt_______
Seriously though, when I say casual filter I mean "if you're a fucking idiot who tries to button mash his way through the game you're going to get your shit kicked in" and that's exactly what happens with the first level since the demon guy will always show up and rip new players apart.

the problem is 2 is a bad DMC game meanwhile "reboot" must not be considered one

2 is legitimately an awful game, DmC is a solid 5/10 while the 2 in DMC2 refers to 2/10. People can vicariously appreciate 2 by seeing how awesome 3 is.

You missed my point

I don't know. I'd call it a bad game all around.

It has a kinda nice atmosphere and the music is the best in the series, but DMC or not, it's a chore to play.

>shittier everything else
Except story, wich it is equal, and character/style/music in wich it's infinitely better

You were saying 2 introduced things that would later be refined upon in 3 meaning it should be appreciated more than DmC as it did nothing but kill the series, I agree with that to a certain extent but that's still no reason to play it. It's probably the worst action game ever made bar none.

>love God of War
maybe a bit too complex for your type

Does DMC1 still have good fun gameplay?

They really aren't good games honestly but if you like the genre they're worth playing

>It's probably the worst action game ever made bar none
Did you ever play Red Ninja on PS2? If you haven't, good, don't change a thing. You can probably argue that it's a stealth game but either way it's fucking shit and DMC2 is way better. That's the only one I can think of right now but there's probably plenty other games DMC2 shits all over.

Yes. It's not about making crazy combos like 3 and 4 so don't expect that or you'll be disappointed.

>Did you ever play Red Ninja on PS2?
No and DMC2 being compared favorably to it has just solidified that I never will.

DMC3 is best DMC game. DMC4 has the combat, but that's it. It doesn't have the A.I. to back the combat depth so in order for you to actually like DMC4 you have to be someone that is extremely autistic.

man, if you the A.I. in 3 was good I feel really bad for you.

That's what I'm saying. DMC2 is bad but saying it's "the worst action game bar none" is a stretch to say the least. As dull as the entire thing is, the main character controls decently, you can say that about every game out there.

>DMC2 is bad but saying it's "the worst action game bar none" is a stretch to say the least.
Well obviously it was hyperbole but it is the worst one I've ever played then again I've really only played the DMCs, God Hand, Bayonetta, W101 and the two NG games worth playing so I haven't been exposed to a lot of trash out there.

If you think the AI in 4 is better than 3 not only are you delusional but you honestly haven't played a single DMC game.

Well I hope you never get to waste your time with true undistilled garbage. Then again the nice thing about really shitty games is that you smell the trash from a mile away so you generally don't waste a lot of time with them.

True that, once I saw Ninja Theory's name on Hellblade I knew to stay the fuck away.

>DMC 4 ai

>Does DMC1 still have good fun gameplay?
Yes, but here each attack is more deliberate and leaves you open. Plays a lot more like an old school beat em up, and still has plenty of moves to switch things up. Like the other user said though, don't go in expecting to go overboard with combos. Most enemies outside the marionettes are designed to not allowed to be juggled at all. Biggest problem is that gunswitching requires a menu.

Yeah, skip DMC2. Terrible

>Beat Phantom
>Think that was the casual filter
>Proceed to next level
>Come across this fucker

Elitist shits like you are the reason the games are not popular enough

You see, you could have just said you don't know what you're talking about and you would have been let off the hook, but you instead decided to show your ignorance. If you're talking boss A.I. then bar none 4 is better so I'm assuming you're referring to base enemy A.I., of course that would be assuming you know what A.I. actually is but I'm going to be generous and pretend like that not only do you know what that means but that you actually have played 4, let alone any actual DMC game, and if we look past the scarecrows we see enemies that are actually responsive to your hits in the case that they actually will hit you back if you let up over a certain degree and actually require you to know what you're doing, i.e. assume that you're smart enough to remember when you should properly weapon or style switch at that moment in time or properly dodge and retaliate with Nero since his options are somewhat limited. the prime example of this would be in the hated chimera's because they aren't just randomly flipping at you they're requiring you to pay attention to both the sound cues and how many hits you land on them before you back away/royal guard/etc. You can see it in other enemies as well if you look close enough, but considering your lack of knowledge on the subject I doubt you would have noticed.

If you're going to call someone delusional and claim they haven't touched the series, it would be in you best interest to actually have something resembling an argument in your post. Also note that I didn't even bring up 4's A.I. you just threw it at me because you knew you didn't want to get thrown under the bus for being wrong, but it's okay user. I won't let anyone know you actually thought that 3s enemies, which are at either time, stiff and unthreatening, or just flat out god awful were in some way good.

But this is Sup Forums, how is he going to look cool if he doesn't spend at least 60% of every single post to shit on a game?

He's right though.


Watch that kinotrailer and try to tell me somehow you don't want to play the 2nd best action game of our times.

What does liking God of War have to do with someone's skill in a completely unrelated game?

Since there is a lot of shitposting and nothing to answer Im out OP

1st DMC is literally 3D Castlevania done right.

Also DMC2 might be ass, but it has the best Dante (in design, not personality) and the 2nd best OST after the first game. Hell, sometimes I think DMC2 might have the best OST in the franchise after all.

Play 1,3 and 4 ignore the rest.

Everything in DMC3 is aggressive as fuck while everything in DMC4 just walks around as if you're not even there in the same existence as them.

Bloodborne is actually 3D castlevania done right (threaded cane whip mode only)
Castlevania is just Hellsing without the focus on vampires.

I was just providing a cautionary message; going into Shinobi with the intent of pummeling enemies with flashy combos probably won't make for a fun experience.

>DMC2 might have the best OST in the franchise after all.
*blocks your path*

good, they already ruined the game once for the sake of casuals

meant to say that DMC is just Hellsing without vampires.

>1st DMC is literally 3D Castlevania done right
Classicvania at least

Block it with what?

That was already perfected.

Lords of Shadow was really disappointing.

>I'm 15
Good for you but you're supposed to wait another 3 years to post here user

The game was good but it wasn't perfect. Certainly worth it for anyone though.

Too bad the rest of the games that followed where utter shit.

That is a Godofzeldashadowofvania, DMC is a 3Dclassicvania.

Neither of them have much in common with the Classicvanias.

I don't think it's even the best 3D Castlevania LoI was

In fact it didnt for me :(

I've beat DMC1 and DMC2, started out 3 but vergil kicked my ass and I find DMC3 hard on normal. I'm playing the new devil may cry now and like it despite the hate it gets on here.

No, the Bayonetta games are much better.

Devil May Cry 3 is balanced around you ascending the difficulty ladder.
>healing items get more expensive
>you have very little health compared to higher difficulty
>you start with devil trigger on new game +
it has a very smart balancing curve.

Come on senpai

I'd have to get back to playing it again but your right DMC3 from what I've played is most balanced but that first vergil fight is a big jump.

Let's be honest, nothing has or will ever top this.
>TFW 'So, this is what they call a heartwarming family reunion?'

Vergil battle 3

Why did you post the worst version of his music?

>Let's be honest, nothing has or will ever top this.

DMC3 has a couple of really good tracks, like everything Vergil related, Devils Never Cry or Doppelganger & Cerberus themes, but the rest of the soundtrack is mostly trash desu

DMC1&2 OST is flooded with amazing tracks. In fact, the real top dog is in DMC1's soundtrack

I didn't post this though.


Fair enough.

Subtle vidya clothing



>those FRONT DMC 4 photoshoot
my innocent Dick couldnt handle it

>I trust Capcom to make a new DMC gam-