This is Alistair, your fellow Grey Warden and friend. Say something nice about him

This is Alistair, your fellow Grey Warden and friend. Say something nice about him.

You met a Mabari Warhound.

Alisfaggot is a whiny bitch.

Alister seems like the kind of guy who would pretend to be heterosexual in public while carrying on a secret gay relationship with a fat bearded blacksmith in the palace armory.

no I'm not saying the meme


hurf durf feggtz git off mai vidyer

He was super lame

hurf durf feggtz git off mai vidyer

YES! Haha! Classic Sup Forums moment right there!

That's not very nice guys. You know what else isn't very nice? Apostates, MAGES outside the tower. That's illegal you know

Giving him the conviction to be king and letting him fight and defeat Loghain on his own was pretty cool

Of all the vidya "bros" in cRPGs he was the least likeable by far.

I was a tank so he warmed the bench.

There's no way he's worse than Carth

haha! epic meme guys! i will screencap this to /r/Sup Forums lmao xD


He was obnoxious until you could harden him, but then it was a nice touch that you could actually make him the new King



>Dude Sup Forums hates everything right? Do I fit in yet


Why was Dragon Age Origins full of great dialouge options with lengthy shit you could say, to get special cutscenes and or dialogue from other characters that you would otherwise not get with a simple approach method?

Like that one girl and her brother in Redcliffe that had had a family member that hunted dragons, and she would give you her ancestor's dragon slaying sword in return for saving her brother from the castle.

Now we only get simple, one option answers. Instead of trying to dig deeper into a conversation, we just choose options 1, 2 ,or 3. And that's it.


He's the one who cucks his uncle and cousin.

also the player character.

Less work for the developer, less thinking for the casul.


Why were all the sequels garbage? what happened after the first mass effect and dragons age that made such garbage sequels to both series?

Gameplay simplification and piece by piece dismantling of all RPG elements

same thing that happened to TES
it got popular
old TES was just rapidly loyal community forum neckbeards and after Morrowind went to the Xbox they complained and now we have Oblivion and Skyrim
it got popular

You did not read that in a book somewhere, did you? I hope the small letters did not strain you overmuch.

You're handsome and sensitive and if I can't bed you then I want to be your best friend.

>devs were constantly at the TES forums talking to the fans about lore and shit
>now we have pete hines
where did everything go so wrong

Alistair is by far the best "Carth" Bioware has made.