This game is fun

this game is fun

Oh, the demo's out? I'll have to try it.

Yep. Similar to what the Nioh demos did, you'll get a unique cosmetic for the final game from clearing the demo.

I never played monhun because I am a friendless loser, can I play this?
I am interested in it, because I love me some mon collection games.

Absolutely. There's no multiplayer other than fighting other people's monsters. It's a proper single player RPG experience.

I beat the demo with all the monsters you can get on it and now i feel fucking empty, i want more! I want to see what other armors i can dress kaguya with.

This Game is for anybody that likes monster hunter's setting but not his usual gameplay.

Is this Turn-based?

>hate monhun
>love this game

what does it mean?


I want Simone to scold me!

It's fun but this translation gives anything NOA's Treehouse has done a run for it's money.
"Monsties" for god sake. It's even on the fucking UI.

Also Navirou covering up part of the screen to talk constantly sucks ass. Is there any way to shut him up?

>losing your shit over a name

Yes. It's a bit like Pokemon battles with a rock-paper-scissors element.

I doubt the original product was exactly high literature but this english translation is a fucking abomination

Is there any way to control what attack type your monsters do? It's really the only issue I have with the game since it just makes battles last longer than it really needs to.

Let me guess, you hate it because "sounds kiddy", right?

>Game was made for little kids
>Having fun colorful names
NoA is also perfectly fine at localization user. You just need to stop thinking everything should be "adult"

>Game was made for little kids
this was crapcom mistake, they should have marketed as a simple spin off, another way to play monster hunter. By specifically calling it "MH for kids!" they scared away loads of buyers.

You know the Japanese word is a similarly stupid portmanteau of friend and monster, right?

>We want the Dreamworks audience
Really though this "story" is retarded. Why do games made for children treat them like retards?

you're fun user

why not just download the translation instead of playing a demo?

They needed a multimedia project since Geist Crusher flopped. Hard.

So what's the gameplay like then?

It's a kids games, I know that you retard. I'm not complaining about the existence of the Yokai Watch esque character that travels with my character but does he need to pipe up at every single possible opportunity. People genuinely complained about Navi in OOT and such things being annoying and we mostly stopped, now suddenly that sort of design, but the new Navi character never shuts the fuck up is somehow okay. Sure thing bud.

It's wholly uninteresting, I thought Monster Hunter 4 didn't have half bad dialogue mostly, the leader guy and guild marm stick out in my mind as being pretty entertaining. The girl, guy rival, and big captain of the guard guy have no fucking personalities whatsover. One minute the girl was leading us all in to steal a monster egg she was so fucking excited, then sudden;y shes the character who's like "nah fuck being a rider m8" the rival kid going batshit crazy because of his mom dying isn't inherently bad but a one year timeskip where just boom now he's crazy wasn't fantastic either. The grown guard guy screams awesome and invented monsties, that's the whole thing.
The chief being a rhyming old goblin man is bretty alright though.
Why does it being for kids mean it needs to be shit? I think kids deserve a half effort at least. Describe Navirou's actual PERSONALITY to me. You can't, he doesn't fucking have one. Navi was more a part of the plot of Ocarina of Time than Navirou is in Monster Hunter Stories despite talking a hundred times more than she ever did.

Monster+Bestie=Monstie is the most "hello fellow children" thing I have ever seen my dude. I work with kids, they haven't said bestie in years.

Then just presenting it as a spinoff for old and new players alike would have been the correct move, no "MH FOR KIDS! YAY!"

DId the sequel flop as well?

I agree to most of this.
IS wanting to capture and fight with monsters, Like in Monster Hunter 2: Dos too much to ask for?

Treasure hasn't made a game since the sequel, so what do you think?

I would rather have a polished, complete translation than read the awkward work of some midtier fan translator.

Not him but you collect eggs (you don't have to actually carry the egg MH style to the village thank fucking god), bring them to the village, hatch them, fight with them against other monsters, repeat. There a Rock-Paper-Scissors element but since your monster is pure AI you can't really utilize it well (unless you get the chance to control it later on). It's colorful and has a lot of MH weird charm to it. It's not really what MH fans really want but if you know a kid that wants to get into MH but don't really like the rough combat of MH it's a great choice.

Capcom trying to reach kids that hard was why stories sold tereebely for MH's standars (250k)

I see it more like a "MH game for people that like the setting, but not the usual gameplay".

Then it's a problem with the core of Monster Hunter Stories and not the translation

The only way i wont buy shit for kids is if it's gay shit like MLP or steven universe, if god is listening please get someone to make a game based on the 80's Teddy Ruxpin cartoon, that shit was tight.

>Monster+Bestie=Monstie is the most "hello fellow children" thing I have ever seen my dude.
I want you to think of a short snappy word that easily rolls off the tongue that combines the words friend(or any similar word, like companion) and monster. Not really meant as in hurrr you can't criticize it unless you can do better, but it's pretty hard. I think monstie is acceptable.

That sounds perfect for me. How does the camera work? I dropped 3U because of the terrible camera.

I agree that Navirou is the worse thing about the game. What you described is just "it's just generic anime plot" which I don't really have a issue with. It's bad to do it but it's not the worse thing in the world.

You, but if seems japan does make a big deal if they are specifically told that a game is for kids,

mega for the demo cia when?

When does the demo end? I just beat the Veteran and got fast travel.

and that Cheval kid is edgelord incarnate

Monster Hunter itself is fun even if you have no friends. I have first hand knowledge.

Pretty much. It's just a colorful enjoyable RPG with lots of MH charm. It just takes MH and just remove the high octane action and replace it with normal turn base combat. Some will hate the whole idea of it while some might just enjoy it for what it is. It's not going to really be a great hit here (wasn't in Japan) but it's not a bad game. Anyways Worlds is coming next year so just wait until it release to experience a real MH game.

most monsters are killable solo
in fact in later gens I'm pretty sure they all are

Monster Hunter has had pretty colorful characters for awhile now and that touch is entirely absent from this game.
I'm not asking for a 5 part epic for the ages here. It's an RPG, but if you do a decent job of delivering a basic anime/JRPG story it doesn't have to be this mindbogglingly dull


Except i don't like "real" MH gameplay, i tried the demos and find myself changing between "battle pose" and "running mode" a lot, is just not for me. Stories, however, is perfect for me, is basically persona q again.

>Playing/viewing shit SPECIFICALLY for children when you're an adult
Protip: "All ages" and "for kids" are not the same thing,

They all are, though some endgame monsters in the multihub will require some insane setups and very strict gameplans for solo work. With online though it shouldn't be a big deal.

Young Thug says 'Bestie' on his hit song 'Best Friend' released in 2016 so you are uncultured swine

What is it?

Does your demo file transfer to your new game? I'm thinking about trying it.

yes it does, you get bonuses from it too.

try reading the thread. it's been answered several times.

The protag's costume for Navirou.


mak me cuk

>reading comprehension

>Buy Monster Hunter 4
>Nobody who I know and owns a 3DS wants to play Monster Hunter
>Think I'm fucked
>Manage to get a 40 hours of insect glaive fun out of the game solo

Thanks then I'll play it and if I like it enough I will try mainline as well

>I work with kids

I feel sorry for those kids.

>Played BotW
>Liked it, but the story was underwhelming, and I'd be hard-pressed to say that the characters made up for it when they kinda didn't

>Played Persona 5
>Starts off great but has consistent dips in quality, Hawaii/Haru/Okumura being where the game becomes an absolute slogfest

>Just got done with the demo of MH Stories
>This honestly might very well end up being my personal GOTY

>Not 400

>Playing 400 hours of any game besides local multiplayer with your m8s

what weapon would you reccommend for solo play? im stuck on a particular quest and i suck at capturing monsters

I dont know I fell in love with the insect glaive and only used it and a tiny bit of gunlance pretty much

Insect Glaive, Greatsword, and Charge Blade are the most OP weapons solo

i too also love the insect glaive but i need to get better with it. i currently use charge blade and insect glaive when i need to alternate

what weapons do you guys think will be in the full release of the monster hunter stories game?

3/4ths of Sup Forums already played this game with a translated patch man this is basically the 20 or so people on Sup Forums who were interested in this game and are too lazy/stupid/moralfag to hack the 3DS

That user was actually talking of other MH game.

My 3DS is hacked. I just never really paid attention much until I saw the demo. I'm not downgrading to a fan translation.


>Protip: "All ages" and "for kids" are not the same thing

I used to watch the teletubbies when i was 20, shit was like hypnotic or something. Also no, i wasnt stoned.


post the one with the kin-skills

yeah i was just asking a question cause i play generations on occasion.

also i never really ever wanted to hack my 3ds never saw a point

I just posted some bullshit to give the thread a few bumps

>soloing my nakarkos urgent
I almost ran out of time but it was a thrill. Well almost, that is the most boring monster to hunt since Lao, but at least Lao was intimidating and huge.

Post your rider.

>getting this chariggered


has this been answered before? what eggs can you get in this demo? so far ive been getting only 4 types

5 types, pretty sure you are just missing the blue bird here

Blue Kut-Ku
And then normal Kut-Ku from a rare monster nest sometimes.

okay just making sure i didnt miss anything and yeah that rider is me

Maybe not going to get it but it was one hell of a full demo. So I give Capcom props for that.

Weird I got a Arzuros from the rare nest.

i could upload a pdf of all the eggs if anyone wants it?

this thing is a cutie

It's not a guaranteed Kut-Ku, but I'm pretty sure that normal Kut-Ku is only from rare nests, or when Navirou has a 'good feeling' about the nest once you get there.

I could be wrong though. I haven't done a ton of research.

aww whats its name?


I'm pretty pleased with my card. I hope someone else finds my jokes funny.

And now for the same thing with a cute girl and a worse camera.


Guess I'll be looking for another rare nest and hopefully find one. Since I think that's the only one I don't have yet.


Any way to control what attack type the Monster does. Getting annoyed at them using the wrong type over and over.

you can't control what basic attack they use, but you can tell them to use skills instead, cost some kin though.

Swap to another monster predispositioned to use the attack you need. In the demo, Velocidrone often uses Speed, Auzorus often uses Power, and Kut Ku uses Technical.

Not gonna lie fellas I'm disappointed in the combat. It just doesn't compare to when I played FU and I took down my first big monster. I understand that this is a spin-off and seems to be more simplified. I just can't get over how they managed to keep so much of the normla MonHun style but then completely go 180 on the combat like this.