Monster Hunter World

You could have been playing this game while lying on your bed or organize a local MonHun party with your drinking bros on the Friday night or occupy yourself with it while commuting, if Crapcom were to release it on Switch, but nope they decided to fuck their fanbase by restricting MHW to home consoles and PC. They aren't even gonna localize MHXX Switch, for fuck sake.

I'm never gonna support this anti-consumer shit company ever again.


Your own fault for buying a console for babbies.

I'm buying MHW for the PS4 and the jap version of MHXX for the Switch

true monhun fans play monhun on anything.

This desu. I'll probably get the PC release later down the road too for 60FPS.

>They aren't even gonna localize MHXX Switch
not at this time doesn't mean never

Just get a couch dude.

It's still on PC dude, you can just Rainway it to your Switch.

Portability is a fucking joke. If I'm out and about I'm doing things other than vidya. If I'm playing vidya I don't need portability. Monhun coming back to a console is the best news of e3.

You could have been playing this game while lying on your bed or organize a local MonHun party with your drinking bros on the Friday night or occupy yourself with it while commuting, if Crapcom were to release it on PSP, but nope they decided to fuck their fanbase by restricting MHTri to Wii. They aren't even gonna localize MH P3rd, for fuck sake.

I'm never gonna support this anti-consumer shit company ever again.

>implying anyone owns Vita

True MonHun fans would rather play the game on a handheld than on a home console, and you know it. Most Switch owners bought a Switch in anticipation of MH5U on it.

>tfw getting MHXX Switch and MHWorld
>I've already got MHX, MHG, and MHXX on N3ds
>just the other day I had a lan party MHFU get-together with some friends

consolewar faggots get out, REEEEEEE

>You could have been playing this game while lying on your bed or organize a local MonHun party with your drinking bros on the Friday night or occupy yourself with it while commuting,

but I'm already playing MH3U doing all that

I told myself I'll wait on the switch till the next monhun is announced. And damn did I save a lot of money for not being an over hyped retard. I love the handheld mon huns, but I'm super excited for it to be on pc for the good frames + exposure.


I'm importing MHXX when it comes out. It annoys me that I won't be able to transfer over my armor sets, but w/e.

Moonrunes don't scare me

>Own PC, PS4 and Switch
>Glad it's not coming to Switch because Nintendofags are annoying

Did you buy a Switch for a game that hadn't been announced yet

>>You could have been playing this game while lying on your bed or organize a local MonHun party with your drinking bros on the Friday night.

You don't need a switch to do this.

>>occupy yourself with it while commuting, if Crapcom were to release it on Switch

I can't play my Switch and drive at the same time that is dangerous.
I can't play it anyways because I didn't waste my money on it.

The majority of MonHun players are fucking GLAD the games are going away from Nintendo's shit hardware.

>better version came out on portables anyway

get better bait Tribabbie

>Most Switch owners bought a Switch in anticipation of MH5U on it
Ignoring the fact that you have no evidence to back this up and very likely pulled it out of your ass, anyone who bought the Switch hoping for MH on it are fucking idiots. Even before the announcement of world there was already uncertainty of which console would carry the mainline MH games because of Nintendo's stupid "family of consoles" bullshit marketing drivel. There was no guarantee that the next game would come out on the Switch instead of continuing to release on the 3DS. You bought a console because you thought a game that was never confirmed to be released on it would be and now you are paying for your stupidity.

>I'm supporting monster hunter on pc/xbox one x ps4/ and own every monhun game to date..

The OP sounds like console warring false flagging. If not, then just build a PC dumb fag. You have ample money to invest in a shitty Switch, then why not a PC?