Is there a good ww2 tanks game?

Is there a good ww2 tanks game?
Not the f2p garbage please.

red orchestra 2 has fully modeled tank interiors

>Is there a good ww2 tanks game?
Sadly no.

The best you'll get is the usually disappointing but sometimes amazing Warthunder. There are "paywalls" where you're forced to use a terrible under powered tank every few levels.


I wonder how far this thread will go without the usual shit flinging about which tank was the best and who sucked how many dicks and why in ww2

He said good.

>t-34/76 can't pen PzIV G at any angle under 800m
>PzIV G can't pen T-34/76 at any angle any range

Also it has anti tank rifles that can penetrate more than 20mm of armor. RO2 is many things, an accurate tank sim it is not.

COH1 + blitzkrieg mod
Men of War + dynamic campaign generator
Tanks fighting nothing but other tanks bores the hell out of me.

Can you give me a quick rundown on the DCG for Men of War?

Haven't played it for a while but the jist of it is that you get a randomly generated set of maps linked together so you select which maps to attack.
You get a bunch of points to spend on units after each turn to build up your army.

>Tanks fighting nothing but other tanks bores the hell out of me.

Don't understand why people find it fun, when combined arms is way more interesting.

Is War Thunder still grindy as fuck? WoWS and WoT are grindy but fuck me, if War Thunder didn't take the biscuit.

>Also it has anti tank rifles that can penetrate more than 20mm of armor

Soviet 14.5x114mm antitank rifles could penetrate up to 40mm of armor at close range.

Yeah, the first 2 tiers are fast but it can take years to get to a couple tanks in tier 5.

This. I don't normally like competitive gaming, but the competitive CoH2 scene is actually pretty fascinating, despite how small it is. Just watching a play-by-play of a tournament match makes me realize how good these guys are.

>no panzer general
C'mon Sup Forums


>German Steel facing post-war allied/soviet tank
>German Steel facing post-war allied/soviet tank
fuck those game. german tanks are a mistake

Is it true what the reviews say about a process in the launcher acting like a malware?

You haven't played World of Tanks yet?

I did and it's shit like every f2p game.

"They are scratching your paint job helmut"

Its shit. At least in warthunder tanks don't feel like small toys.

CoH 1 is pure kino.

CoH2 has the most under performing tanks for axis I've ever seen.

I sure do love getting shat on by cheaper jacksons, cromwells and 34/85s.

panzer elite from 1999

As much as I like WT I can't really argue with that. Over three years I've gotten every tank and plane tree to T4, but don't have a single T5 unlocked yet. The game's good enough that I personally don't care, but anyone going in expecting late-war / early cold-war units is going to be very disappointed.

Step aside, pleb

What the hell are you talking about? I've never had any trouble killing an enemy tanker on both sides.

Panzer Front for the ps1 tbdesu


Amusingly, tanks in Battlefield Heroes aren't too far-removed from being realistic. The was an EA F2P that died, but there's a community-operated revival in the works.

this always annoys me to hell and back. i mean sure gimp the respawns in german armour or something, but dont up-age them.

Yeah fuck this. I got to soviet tank tier 2 with a T34, then it becomes a cross-map sniping shitfest where I can't penetrate other tanks for shit while they 1hko me with their big fat cannon
At least with plane I can dodge and retaliate, in tank games I just become free kill

Must suck to lose a German tank to tanks that historically kill them fairly reliably.

Steel fury is a pretty good game, but it's a sim so your mileage may vary.

Blitzkrieg and Blitzkrieg II are my favorite strategy games

look for some older russian games

the only correct answer

>click this unit which happens to be a tank to move there

Woooow, engaging tank vehicular combat. Amazing!
What's up with you retards recommending anything, not even related, just because you want other people to play "your" game? It's not your game. You didn't contribute anything to it. You're just feeling pride for consuming other people's media.

Spent so much time in that.
Why did only the Japanese release have a map editor. FUCK that shit, I wanted to create my own maps and enjoy the extra content.

Having the tanks be specced fairly even in 1v1 is okay. One side having significantly cheaper tanks if okay. Combining the two is not okay.

That's not really my experience with the early T34's. Sure there's some tanks in the game that have trouble penetrating equal tier mediums and heavies, but T34's aren't one of them.
This does remind me of one thing that is very wrong in WT, though. The respawning system meaning it's a bad idea to use a new shiny tank you're just unlocked. It'll uptier your entire lineup, resulting in you having one appropriate and a bunch of underpowered tanks. Grinding an entirely new lineup before you get to test your new toys is a bit shit.

>Having the tanks be specced fairly even in 1v1 is okay. One side having significantly cheaper tanks if okay. Combining the two is not okay.

I don't know what you're talking about, everytime allies ran into a german tank they couldn't reliably destroy, they just modified their tanks to be able to. Firefly shermans was just a botch to fit a gun cabable of destroying tigers on a sherman.

And really, the german tanks weren't THAT much superior to the allies.

>T-34 model 43
>Bigger than a Panzer IV F2
Clearly is Ivan very drunk when made this game.

Youre Fucked. P4s had to be up gunned to match Shermans. Anything carrying fancy HVAP rounds for a 76, anything with a QF 17lb or a 90mm could penetrate German armour. Hell early war it was Matildas and chars that were immune to German weapons not the other way around.

Sorry, ignore my previous post to you. I had a brain fart and totally misread what it was you said.


>not based 1989

Historically speaking, you're entirely correct. Game balance speaking, one side being afford 4x more tanks when the tanks are roughly equal is not good balancing.

rng ruined it and then they dropped all-chat because little babies couldnt handle the banter

it is true. But you can delete it and create empty file with same name and mark it as read only.

>Are there any good WW2 tank games?
>Not the good WW2 tank game please.