Capcom of America, I know you read this

WHY NO PC VERSION CAPCOM? ARE YOU RETARDED? You know everyone would buy it on STEAM. EVERYONE. PC never got the game.

It's shit on Dolphin due to retard controls and shit graphics and it's bad on PCSX2 due to shit graphics effects.

Other urls found in this thread:

I feel myself.

nice falseflag

>tfw been playing Okami HD on my PS3 and FE9 on Dolphin
Idort Master Race pities the fool who adheres to a single platform.

>PCSX2 screenshot is literally from me

No. It's the best game ever and it should be on the best platform there is. There is no reason for it not to be unless Capcom hates easy money and is retarded.

>pc release announced
>has denovu

thats the mentality some people have.

>a stable, advisable option

Well, then don't go with Denuvo?

Doesn't matter, though. They'd still make more money with it than with emulators.

>PCSX2 screenshot is literally from me
no it fucking isn't, found this from googling your image:


Calm down user

>PC version speeds up the load times and breaks the loading screen minigames

If you're talking about that rumor, keep in mind they're only "confirmed" on PS4 and Xbone because of physical release. PC version would be most likely digital only, unless it's in Eastern Europe.

>giving a shit about some shit """minigame""" for ritalin children
>implying it would have long loading screens on PC

Use the Ps3 emulator user, i just finished it 2 days ago, runs perfectly and looks beautiful.

Nigger you get enough demon fangs from enemies, you don't need cancerous minigames only meant to mask how abhorrent load times were.

it's a very mediocre game and not worth buying in any year

>You know everyone would buy it on STEAM. EVERYONE
I wouldn't lol

What about gog?

Nope. I already have the PS2/3 versions. Maybe in a few years when I finally unplug them.

You have shittaste.

Ok. I have PS3 version so I understand. Wonder if it'll have 60 fps though.

No u.

>it's another "master race" port begging thread

Maybe they'll finally make it run at 60fps if they do release it for current gen consoles or PC. I'm more worried about the draw distance though, it's still terrible even in the PS3 version.

>m-master race

>It's the best game ever

>and it should be on the best platform there is.
Obviously it's not the best if you're still crying about things it doesn't have.

But on the other side, they most likely won't get better resolution on regular PS4 and Xbone than PS3 version, unless they make it native 4K downscaled to 1080p. So there's more room for improvements.

You can emulate like 3 versions of the fucking game.
Just pick any of them.

You are right. I hate Okami now.

Thank you, based 17 year old.

>this post got completely ignored
the sad state of Sup Forums, anons will literally reply to a confirmed falseflag because 'muh console wars'

I know, crazy thought, but maybe that NeoGAF account (which with I haven't posted anything in two years since I realized it's even worse than Sup Forums) actually belongs to me.