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How do we feel about this Sup Forums?

Obsidian writing and quests in a fallout 4 engine would be sick. Too bad it will never happen

Sounds shit.
I would basically confirm what the ending of the first one is, thus negating the whole "pick a faction" choice.

I'd rather they go back and add the content that was planned but never were able to implement.


you got me excited right up until i saw its a fucking petition. Those go nowhere slowly.

>making a fallout game ever again after the garbage that was new vegas

Laugh out loud

A second new vegas would be shit, but a fallout 4 obsidian game would be amazing, i think thats more what the petition is about

>Wanting Obsidian to keep working on a dead meme franchise instead of their own cool shit
Pillars of Eternity was great and Deadfire will be even better. Piss off, nerd. Enjoy your Bethesda shit.

I think the best way to handle the continuity is to leave the result to be ambitious, leave hints of the events that happened in New Vegas but nevwr say who specifically won.


fallout was theirs to begin with cumlord, if anyone know how to make fallout great again it'd be them

.t todd

no it was interplays, only a couple of those people went on to work at obisidan

>obsidiots will never ever ruin fallout again


Well then surely you can't set the thing in New Vegas. petitions have literally never done anything of worth and never will

The Obsidian that made NV is gone, NV2 would be worse than 4, if a NV2 was gonna happen then Bethwsda would have to round up everyone who used to work at Obsidian.

The reason people want Obsidian to make a new Fallout game is a complex story.
Back in the day is wad overwhelmingly popular to hate Bethesda, and NV only enhanced that mentality, creating Obsidrones, who would hiss abd spit at any mention if a flaw in NV no matter how insignificant it was.
These drones never grew out of the hating phase and became attached to Obsidian even harder than before, so even though the company fell apart and started making bad games, the drones continued to pretend nothing was wrong, and from there their droning evolved from just sayong the games were good, into implying they're some of the best games of all time.
Today they will still beg for a NV2 by modern Obsidian, and if it gets made, despite it being as bad or worse than 4, they will still pretend it's the best in the series.

Wouldn't work. Everything is done and set in the Mojave. If you wan't a game that shows what happened after the ending, well, you gotta confirm an ending for that and go through a lot of lore hurdles.

If "2" means a remastered New Vegas with better graphics, voice acting, gameplay, and such, it'd be cool. Vegas wouldn't feel like a dumpy couple of buildings but an actual city. At that point, I'd rather have a new Fallout game though. Ideally, Fallout 5 would come out with a remastered New Vegas but that aint happening.

Why do you faggots think that has some kind of binding power in it?

>wanting Invisible Gating 2 - CAN'T LEAVE THE FUCKING PATH boogaloo
Nah. Fuck off with it.

God you're dumb.

Most of the people who made New Vegas have since left Obsidian, so why have them make it?

Why? Obsidian got the chance, and they fucked it up. There's no second chances here, they're lucky they got the first one.

People who say NV is amazing, a return to the series roots, or is better than 3 are retarded because it's a buggy piece of shit fps whose quality is on par with 3.

Maybe they just don't want to do it, ever thought of that you needy fucking faggots?

Better than New Vegas and any Fallout post 2


No need to be a massive raging faggot m8

This. Obsidian are working on their own license without having to deal with Bethesda's shit. Deadfire looks great.

>it's a buggy piece of shit
Every Fallout game ever.
>whose quality is on par with 3.
I think you haven't played vanilla Fallout 3 recently.

Has one of these petitions ever done anything?


Obsidian should have fallen apart by now. They can't make a game for shit but blame it on the time constraints set on them by their publishers.

When they finally published their own game (well actually kickstarter backers published it for them) they still couldn't deliver on time and still dropped a pile of shit on us.

Having said that. Fallout New Vegas is my favorite game in the series, but I would rather let anyone else develop it.

Why another New Vegas?
Why not some other other part of the west coast?

Yet people still defend Josh "triggered by harem anime" Sawyer

Nice reddit memes
Says the fanboy
If you think NV is amazing, I don't think you've played vanilla New Vegas lately.

>If you think NV is amazing
When your point of comparison is Fallout fucking 3, that's not high praise.

i want skyrim 2 first

In year 2020?

Personally I want the Van Buren (Denver) Fallout game instead. I mean the new Vegas story is done.

Looking at this reminds me of something, I've always known Legate Lanius as a biker looking guy with a handlebar mustache. Had numerous Legion playthroughs on console and his helmet must have bugged off him every time. Im Sad.

2025, if obisdian wants, bethesda confirmed obisdian is not going to work on the next project because they are doing something else.

When people make these petitions, do they truly believe it will affect anything?