RIP Hype
Well fuck. Prepare your wallets for millions of DLC packs.
to make animes fans cry on prom night
>all this hype
>will still do shit in sales
indeed, people who remember it and want a 3 are massive neckbeards
What's the problem? They've published/distributed other kickstarter games before.
i went to prom and im still a virgin
Why doesn't Sega publish it?
Hell why didn't they publish Persona 5?
They have Yakuza now.
fuck sony. They made an industry legend like yu suzuki grovel on stage for fucking kickstarter money all while sony throws shit tons of cash to people like david cage and media molocules next failed project.
I just hope 1 + 2 HD comes out early next year. If 3 turns out to be bad, at least we've got them.
And yet he couldn't even make a good game with that money
Why is this bad? I'm not familiar with them
they all flopped
he is a legend you fucking underage twat
And he couldn't make a good game with that kickstarter money
He literally made the first 3D fighting game. You have to be 18 to post here
shenmue 3 isnt even out you dunce.
go to Steam and search for Deep Silver, you'll understand why people hate them
shenmue was never good, so who cares
Deep silver is publishing the game not creating it or having any creative input.
No shit Einstein. How did you figure out that mind boggling question everyones been confused about?
>he didnt make a good game with the money
>game isnt out yet
Are you pretending to be retarded at this point?
they're still involved with it and that's bad enough, remember the trailer they made for MN9?
The games already funded, Deep Silver is just distributing it, which happens all the time. EA published all the Valve games on console for example.
deep silver published persona 5 and yakuza kiwami.
I'm sure they'll put a lot of money into publishing it and distribute it just out of their well intended hearts, right?
Are you seriously suggesting they're gonna put money on a project and not have a word in the process?
You're literally retarded. They make a cut off of physical copies sold because theyre only distributing it. They have zero creative input. Do you not understand the difference between publishers and developers? The only time things like that happen is with in-house studios. Deep silver does not own Ysnet or Awesome Japan. They are not footing the bill for development.
Baffling how anyone can be excited for it. This will be the game that proves Suzuki is an overrated hack past his prime. Shenmue 3 never should've happened.
>yu suzuki
>overrated hack
You are underage
>Make the bad guys cry like a SEGA fan on Shenmue 3's cancellation
His last great game was Virtua Fighter 3.
Anything that potentially makes Shenmeme 3 worse, the better.
You pieces of shit need to realize that Shenmue was never good
It is good though. It was something made by a group of people willing to take a risk making something new and it worked out.
If that doesn't impress you just take a step back and look at how gutless game devs are now.
Why does SEGA let these people publish their games?
t. David Cage
So this means we won't get to see any Virtua Fighter, Sega, or Sonic capsule toys huh? The arcades will be filled with generic app store games instead of Space Harrier and Hang On.
Fighting Lan Di is going to be DLC isnt it?
Shenmue 1 was good for the first half, once you get to the warehouse though it drops in quality.
Suzuki should stick to arcade games. Shenmue was fucking boring.
>arcades let you play Sacred Gold
I actually never got around to playing Shenmue. I was too busy with Chu Chu Rocket, Jet Grind Radio and Blue Stinger. Make me want to play them this weekend.
Who is Deep Silver and why should I care?
so does sega still own Shenmue or?....
And this is bad why?
Do peoples still not understand what publishing means?
Probably because publishers publish games which completely defeats the point of having a kickstarter in the first place.
Are you retarded? They still rely on getting a return on their investment (especially when they got funding from outside of the KS as well) and besides, they need someone to publish the damn thing physically.