Tifa or Aeris?

Tifa or Aeris?
Has to be Tifa for me. Suspenders work fucking wonders.

Other urls found in this thread:


Tifa because she's an action girl and has huge hair.


The town bike or a prostitute. Can I get some other options?

Oddly enough, hair's a turnon for me too. Something to pull on.

Trap Cloud.



Aerith, always.

>liking boys
you guys, are a bunch of gaylords

Tifa because she has a nice pair of eyes

Before ever playing this overrated game I fell in love with Yuffie for being adorable and spunky. Then I played through and realized she's incredibly boring and barely even plays a role. So I guess Tifa cause she's got a great big set of personality.

Staying alone is the best choice for Cloud because the only thing FF7 teaches is how females ruin your day, willingly or unwillingly.

Red eyes are my fetish too.

plus her tits are pretty sweet too huh guys?

For me it's Yuffie

Intelligent, Nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.

Tifa is always better than a whore who "sell flowers at night"

Aeris. She's a sassy frass, I don't like overly serious girls like Tifa.


I like Tifa. She's really strong

I prefer Tifa because I like her personality but the TRUE best FF7 girl in my heart will always be Cloud.

I don't really care if people like Tifa better than Aeris. That's kind of a personal preference. It's a totally valid opinion to think Aeris was shit and Tifa was best waifu.
What I can't stand is people who somehow have fooled themselves into thinking Tifa was the main love interest, because that idea kind of undermines the whole point of Aeris' character as "the female lead that actually dies halfway through the game".

user pls. I've never played a single Final Fantasy game. Smash 4 is the most FF exposure I've ever gotten.

I just like big ass titties.


Tifa will always be the worst girl for enabling everything to go wrong.
>b-but tiddies

The shitty thing about FF7 is that it had multiple writers working on it and Masato "Ruining Chrono Trigger 2u" Kato was the one pushing Cloud/Tifa.



Annoying clingy bitch like pretty much all FF8 females aside from Raine.


Aeris is a prostitute who only wanted to fuck Cloud because he reminded her of Zack.


Nice lisp, faggot.


Fuck Aeris, marry Tifa, kill Yuffie




I'd check all over her for materias, if you catch my drift.

Yuna or you should kill yourself. best waifu there is. also shes cute as fuck!

Balthier/Fran is the only interesting couple from the mainline games.

Aerith. My one and only dream waifu. I cuddle hee body pillow every night.

>tfw you notice her bra for the first time

>mfw Thousand Words

There's that lisp, again.


What about Auron/Kimahri?

What's your major malfunction?


Aerith is a stupid way of spelling her name. If you say it you sound like you have a lisp. Aeris rolls off the tongue more naturally, and doesn't make you sound like you have some form of speech impediment.

Dagger desu

That's the CORRECT spelling of her name. I can't argue that the name itself is stupid though, just as the entire concept of "th" sounds in the stupid English language.

Zidane belongs to Lani

I love lats...

Lani belong to Amaranth though.

Celes is best FF girl.


>attempts a suicide
Literally human garbage not worth spitting at.


Can you not catch fish, user?

>Lightning with an ass
Fake and gay.


Rikku is better.


>Thinks that's an ass.

What are you? Queer?

That's an ass, unless you're a nigger.
Either way, still infinitely bigger than Lightning's rear.

People care about Aerith?

Obviously Tifa, because as we all know, low-tied hair is superior.

>has this image saved to his hard drive
>calls others queer


Tifa is the best because she loves the bbc.

>Cloud and Tifa rocked each other all night long under the Highwind with no protection and let their fingers intertwine with each others


She's got some david bowie eyes here

That bland doormat isn't even the best girl in her own game.

Tifa x Barret is the best

Someone post some

I hope they keep Tifa busty in the remake. I'm worried they'll make her a complete flatty to appease western SJWs.

Stop being a fucking retard.

>Tifa or Aeris

why not both?

Great taste, user

>tfw your dick will never be engulfed by Tifa's breasts

Why the hostility? You know of what I speak. Girls. Girls who are super jealous of Tifa because guys give her more attention than them. To get back at Tifa, they want to take away her boobs. Then they'll say some stuff about objectification, ect, to cover up their true motive for their actions. It could happen.

You're fucking retarded.

Please post a pic of your male hand with timestamp, or something else that shows you aren't a girl, so I can confirm you aren't one of them. You don't have to if you don't want to.

>Tight body
>Likes to wear bikinis as casual clothes
>Wants to get married and breed like a rabbit
>Cool eyes
>Fun to hang around with
>qt cousin who'll come over to visit a lot

The only logical choice. Unless we're just talking VII girls here, then it's Yuffie.

Switch that around

>Wants to get married and breed like a rabbit

But female lead =/= main love interest.

Aeries' feelings were terribly conflicted, largely because of everything involving Zack. Tifa's were not (also, she lived)

I want to Bhed Rikku Al night long.
In the town before the lightning area. She talks about it.

>just watched the conversation

youtube link to the specific cutscene?

What does she say? Quote that shit word for word.

She wants to have lots of kids, because her own mother died after only having two, and given the constant possibility of Sin showing up at any time, you could lose your entire family very easily. With a larger family, there's a better chance of not being left alone.



>Aeries' feelings were terribly conflicted, largely because of everything involving Zack
That's no true read The Girl Who Travels the Planet

She's also open to getting married at 15, again since Sin could show up whenever. Apparently it's not illegal in Spira.

Rikku best girl

God, I imagine Tidus could get to her to suck his dick within seconds.

>The Girl Who Travels the Planet

Maybe. She is very devoted to Yuna, though. She wouldn't get in the way if she thought Yuna was interested in him.

Now, if Yuna was open to sharing...

It officially is canon. As well as On the Way to a Smile which also shows Cloud x Aerith is canon.
Also Cloud x Aerith was confirmed in KH 2.8.

I thought Cloud shacked up with Tifa, though.

>Also Cloud x Aerith was confirmed in KH 2.8.
>Canon to FF7

Canon is only canon if it's actually in the game. Otherwise, it's at least once removed (dubiously canon at best). Anything more is not canon at all.