This is the most mindless boring shit I have ever fucking played. How the hell do people like this trash...

This is the most mindless boring shit I have ever fucking played. How the hell do people like this trash? How in the heck is this genre even liked for that matter? These types of games are pure garbage. This includes everyone's precious Diablo II as well.

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I would have to agree, I downloaded it because of the hype spam. I tried to like it, but found myself skipping dialogue and when I got to that island (early mission) I stopped playing.


>I don't like something so others can't like it, why do they like it, what is wrong with them?

Never change, Sup Forums.

Does it make the game worse? Thinking about getting back into this.

Need I remind you that this garbage right here sold over 30 million copies? The ARPG genre is so fucking awful. I cannot believe this many people like such shit gameplay. Even MOBA is more interesting than this nonsense and that is saying a lot.

It's not as bad as you're favourite genre.

hot take

diablo 2 had good atmosphere and art direction with quick and audiovisually satisfying combat
I think PoE just lives on through inertia

>when I got to that island (early mission) I stopped playing

Tidal Island? So you basically wasted your own time downloading and installing the game to not even bother sticking around past the first .1% of the game?

He's clearly same fagging dude.

Listen, it's the games fault for being interesting, I'm not wasting my time for the game to get good later on.

*not being

Honestly, what did you expect? At least you got to learn the lesson for free, most people had to pay actual money to try out one of these turds.

The genre is designed for people who are too braindead for actual games, which is really saying something in the current climate of constant waypoints and combat designed for consoles.

>Still no changes to spectres
>Still have to level up desecrate
>Still have to randomly hop through maps and hope I get an enemy worth reviving
>Still no new permanent minion types

PoE is not about fun gameplay. the actual gameplay in this genre is complete braindead. literal "press right mouse button to kill whole screen" tier retardation.

the appeal of this game is finding (or making your own) good builds, slowly progressing towards completing it, and then see how powerful you can make it. also the economy shit and all that.

So many Diablo 3 shills lately

Making builds is fun. Endgame is fast paced and challenging. You can rp as jew and flip currency

Diablo II is a masterpiece. Takes a young retard to defame that name. Stick to Overwatch kid.

every thread there's some fucking mong like yourself

you need to CLICK in this game and also press keyboard buttons. fuck this shit

Arpg's are for people who have predispositions for pathological gambling. Basicialy whole play revolves around opening chests/killing bosses and praying that this time the fortune will smile to you and you will roll that super-ultra-mega powerul rare item. It's pretty much a slot machine with some addes visuals.

>Stop liking what I dislike!


It is just a glorified cookie clicker with slot machine shenanigans for better addiction rate.

Okay man enjoy diablo3

Absolutely agree. This games lacks any sort of combat. You just press one button until all enemies are dead

I got to level 90 as a necro witch and got to tier 14 maps with no sign of slowing down

When 3.0 hit I started a Ngamahu cycloner and have just started mapping at 73 and everything is either dying in 1 hit or 1HKOing me. I have 3k life at the moment, an ass ton of armour and life leech and nearly max resists. How do I stop dying?

3k life is your problem and make sure you max resists

>finally hit act 6
What's the point of having a huge tree and so many skill gems if you HAVE to stack health and several gems are absofuckinglutely useless?

>My opinion is shit, why everyone cannot agree?
Because your opinion, shitlord, is shit.

videogames were a mistake

>I don't like what you like, so you're not allowed to like anymore. Please stop like

Meh, I got Grim Dawn and called it a day.

melee build with 3k life is death sentence, aim for ~5,5 - 6k, with vaal pact of course

skinner box and millenials larping as their favourite facecam person

Ive wanted to play this game but keep getting overwhelmed by the huge skill tree

>I can't do interesting shit as a level 2 character so i drop the game after 4 minutes of gameplay
The game is bad but holy shit man not as bad as you are

I'll love to play this game, as I am interested with Diablo-likes, but my computer runs this game horribly, and it constantly lags. That would be terrible for a ARPG like this.

itstead of one skill giving you +10 there is 10 +1 skills

>must be 18 or older to post here child

There are so many convenience problems with this game, necromancer builds that aren't spamming SRS are the epitome of this (and how shitty they are on bosses because you can't keep reviving corpses on most of them). Also trading, what the fuck. I spent 1 hour yesterday PMing over 20 afk people 'til I gave up trying to buy something on POE trade.

>necromancer builds that aren't spamming SRS are the epitome of this

I fucking know, right? Don't get me wrong, they have a ton of fun minion abilities to tinker with (Animate Guardian, Spectres, Necromantic Aegis), but managing them is absolutely ass. You also get stuck in this awkward place where you use as many auras as you can but never have enough mana to recast your zombies if they die, not to mention that desecrate can't create corpses higher than the level of the map they're in.

It's frustrating because once you get all of the bullshit out of the way, playing minion master and tinkering with your armour is legitimately fun. It could be perfect if they did some overhauls of how it worked.

Nice thread. Good one.

Its for middle aged men tbqh

Mindlessly tearing through enemies can make people feel good, not to mention a lot of players are just chasing after good loot drops. Objectively speaking, Diablo gameplay isn't that interesting

It's f2p cookie clicker shit for autists and children with no money.

What the fuck did you expect?

here is what actual nu-poe gameplay looks like

it's shit

>the harbinger minions from the unique items don't actually do anything interesting and never do any damage themselves
Biggest disappointment of the league except for Charged Dash not being usable unarmed, I was interested to see what kind of minion hybrid builds would be enabled by them

What are actual games?

Anything that isn't a glorified MMO skinner box for retards who like watching numbers go up.

Okay, so that makes close to all sandbox games, rpgs, jrpgs, hack n slash, so on and so fourth.

Not a lot of games left.

>that absolute mess of a skill tree

>Diablo II is garbage
Just like your shit taste, underage.

>I-Its deep I swear

Any game you have to play to the endgame for it to get good is not worth the time or investment. The only reason people play this any more is because it's f2p.

It becomes a lot smaller when you realise 60% of it are +10 stat nodes that only exist for padding, 20% are survivability nodes that are mandatory and 20% are dps nodes spread across 30 different types of damage

>sandbox games, rpgs, jrpgs, hack n slash
yes indeed
all those games are trash for children and retards