Stealth removed from friends list

>stealth removed from friends list

I feel like "cleaning" your friends lists on social media is a huge red flag for sociopathy and/or deeply buried insecurity.

Never burn bridges. Ever.

>t. adult

Happened to me once. We talked once and I got removed a couple of days later.
I'd be so upset if I actually cared about him or even did so much as remember his name.

What happened to Bologna and cheese tongues guy?

>Actively talking with a person
>Nice conversation about a game we both love
>Go to bed
>Wake up, removed from their friends, kicked from their server, and blocked
I will never know why

>not stealth, just removed
>tried to refriend thinking it was a mistake
>no response

>only play single player games
>only have people on friends list to trade
>remove them after trade is concluded

you should remove toxic people from your life effective immediately

>friend list is empty

If you fuck around with people that are a net negative to your life you're never gonna make it.

all you had to do was being a nice person

fuck you

Or just don't let other lowlifes drag you down. You can have beneficial relationships with shady assholes as long as you don't let their shit affect your shit. Like working in the same office.

>friends list gets delitized

>add people you used to talk to irl, classmates etc
>go years without seeing them, never exhanged #s or any social media other than steam
>it just gets so weird you have to delet
>cant so just make a new account

thank FUCK for steam family!

He's foreverial tiedup rope mummified fully delitized permanently and enjoying it.

>delete people
>months later end up in the same server

You're so omega it's not even funny anymore

>Play a match with someone
>Add to friends
>Play together maybe a half dozen times over the next month then nothing for another five
>Remove them on a whim
>inundated with messages asking why peppered with insults
>This has happened more than once

This is something I've never understood about people today. I'm some alias on a list of contacts located on your computer. We've never shared a drink, we've never helped one another move and I don't even know your actual name let alone what you look like; so why would someone take this 'unfriending' so personally? I know social media takes up the lives of a lot of people but come the fuck on, is your sense of self-worth directly tied to a virtual counter on some fucking website?

>Have a group of 4 friend since 6 years
>Want to change and make friend with some other people

if there was a way steam would allow you to change steam accounts/transfer games and delete your old one I would have done it and never added another soul again, but the way it works is, once someone has your ID you can never hide from them and gain new friends again

you have to let them see you in the cold light of day playing weeb sex games or go full private and not fully enjoy the quirks of steam

or they don't care about random autists they don't speak with lmao

Do you honestly think they would continue to stalk you once you you've blocked them? You do know that you can hide your profile, right?

this is the most pathetic thing i've read on this board all week

also what the other user said, you must be a pretty arrogant cunt if you think anyone really cares that much to stalk to you and look at what you play every day. just be a fucking man and delete them you whiny cunt.

>125 friends
>one day just decided to purge friends list because it was getting annoying to have to sift through 100 other names to send an invite to someone who I actually want to play a game with
>no one cares
>down to an 11 person friends list
>invites take 2 clicks now


kill yourself


>checking friends list to send a message
>notice one friend I particularly like isn't there
>kinda bummed, leave it be
>checking friends list to send a message some time later
>friend request from that person
Well shit.

>it was bretcuck all along

>Lose groups of friends to inane drama over the years
>Finally locked down two on steam who I have a lot of fun with and talk to a lot
>Get close enough to share names and talk about deep issues and losses
>One of them stealth removes me and privates his steam account
>"wtf dude"
>College begins to have me drift from the other one
>One day he contacts me to play Tribes with him
>Have fun with him again, reminds me of the old days
>Agree to play more often now that my personal life is calming down a bit
>In the middle of a game of Payday
>Get a huge message from said friend
>It's his sister
>His car was thrown across the highway after a semi crashed into him
>Died days later in the hospital
>Now I'm all alone again

Never had a friend online since, I've simply stopped caring, social media blitz occurred and I've just stayed out of the whole thing which turned out to be a great move.

>add someone to friends list
>never message or play with them again

>stealth removed
As opposed to? Messaging someone to say that you're removing them? That's awkward as fuck
How would you even like them to respond in that situation? Convince you not to remove them? What a weird fuck you are

literally me for the first half of that, down to only 3 people i would consider actually cool online friends. we will part ways eventually and when we do i'll be out of the social media game.

>Messaging someone to say that you're removing them? That's awkward as fuck
As expected from virgin

Blocking people is one of the pussiest things you can do, prove me wrong.

>friend you haven't talked to in years logs on the same game

95% of the posters here are pussys, what did you expect?

That's why I remove and block. No ambiguity.


Why would I keep someone with whom I've spoken maybe twice in a span of 5+ years and who doesn't even play the games I do?

okie doke

>join lobby of a co-op game.
>full team of low levels.
>carry them through the entire level.
>3 new friend invites.
>Decline all of them.

I don't want to keep carrying scrubs.


>using social media
You're as far from an adult as you can be, don't kid youself

sorry op it's just you added me from a steam friend thread and we never talked, you kind of seemed like a big fag too so I don't want to associate with you at all. shouldn't have accepted your request in the first place but I figured maybe I'd give you a chance

>accidently inviting a friend to a game he doesn't own after not speaking for 2 years

>last online 590 days ago
>we didn't even talk that much, but when we did, I couldn't help but perceive him as depressed and lonely
>never bring this up to him, because I have a habit of staying out of people's business, unless it directly affects me
>regret this every time I look at my steam friends list
>I know he's not coming back, but nevertheless, I can't bring myself to remove him from the list

>friends constantly want me to play games with them
>go "offline" and be stuck browsing Sup Forums all night

Are you a Russian scammer?

>friend becomes furry
>gets a gay furry boyfriend
>gay furry boyfriend becomes center of friend's life
>friend removes us because we aren't important to him anymore

>a huge red flag for sociopathy
I fail to see the problem.

>you have to let them see you in the cold light of day playing weeb sex games

>mfw they catch me playing offline
>get deleted
Fuck you Andre and sorry

if someone said this to me in a chat, I would remove them

Just now I deleted a guy I never talked to in my friendlist, it took less than a microsecond.

cool, saved you the trouble of removing him

>classmates remove me from their friend lists on social media, probably because I didn't use it for years
>steamfriends remember me from years ago and want to play vidya again
I don't even know why would people remove someone who they know IRL, it's not like I'm a furry-nazi-loli-necro-liberal rapist and murderer and they have to save their image in front of others.

>autist doesnt reply to my message for 4 days despite being online and seeimg them
>remove them
>user why did you remove me? did i do something?

>thread about the social media aspects of steam are vidya
Time to wordfilter cuck into 4chanmod

>removes people for not replying
>calls others autistic

If he cut you guys off like that cold turkey, he was a shitty friend that probably wasn't worth keeping around anyway.

Not really. In high school (I'm 23) pretty much everyone in my year added each other on Facebook. Even the people I never talked to, it was just a thing. Having 700+ friends when you have never had a significant interaction with 500+ of them is just pointless

>grill adds you


>Have a friend I talk to rarely
>We used to talk a lot
>Nowadays they're either offline or go offline whenever I log in (which is not very often)
It's been happening way too often now. I don't even start conversations out of fear of being obnoxious. Is it just paranoia?

> 108 Friends on Steam
> sick searching for a specific friend
> clear my list
> now have 15 Friends and most are rl friends
> nice

>Inviting a friend to a game they don't own to encourage them to get it

Do it all of the time, feels great to get random cunts online out of my life if I feel they're not positive influences.

>Wahh sociopathy
>Wahh insecurity
Whatever makes you feel better that they didn't want to be your friend :^)

Well, I'm a sociopath but the only people I stealth remove are basically strangers


>you REALIZE you never speak with someone
>so you obviously keep thinking about that certain person, or you wouldn't even notice the lack of interaction
>go out if your way to actively invest (even if its just a small amount) time to remove a literal who from a friendslist
Seems even more autistic to me.

>get intimidated by a lady friend that I haven't met for some time who has like 300+ linkedin connections, working in retail management
>meet her in person
>she's still an awkward but kind girl who daydreams often and gets distracted easily
I'm not sure if it stems from my insecurity but I'm glad she hasn't changed. Still has a crush on me so we'll see what'll happens.

That or young boy tf2 voice chat sucks

Were you dropped on your head as a newborn?

My nigga

>its because theyre fucking autistic! im perfect!
>why didnt they talk to me about it if they had a problem they didnt even care about fixing

get over it, move on.

Well I don't remove/cleaning friends because honestly I don't like losing contact, unless the person is a straight asshole or turned into a cunt.
No I don't have facebook, only whatsapp and telegram

>friend is an Xbot and plays with a couple other friends in our group who own Xbones all the time
>don't own an Xbone myself, have no real reason to
>friend pokes and prods at me to buy one every chance he gets in really snide annoying ways
>will be in a skype call with them while they're playing and he will go out of his way to fuck with me because I'm not playing with them bringing up the fact that I don't have an Xbone every time
>months go on without talking to him, not for any reason it just happened that way
>get a message from him one day out of the blue
>says I should download the Destiny 2 beta so we can play
>"I don't think it's cross-platform"
>"It's not, I just giving you shit for not having an xbox by now"
If you want friends to buy your platform of choice so you can play together, this is not the way to do it.

Yes. Judging by the comments it makes people feel powerful and important, while they most likely are struggling with insecurity. Sad!

>Meet someone IRL and have a great time together
>Relationship goes cold when online because I can't for the life of me sound the same over text
Every. Single. Time. I've tried telling them upright and forcing myself but I just can't.

This. I'm a completely different person when communicating via IRL or online, the medium itself just completely warps your social perspective.

>play mmo
>add guy to friend list after a dungeon because he was fun and pretty decent at the game
>run a few more things with him throughout the week
>spend the better part of a month asking and inviting him to do stuff
>either no response or declines the invitation
>figure he's just not interested in playing with me anymore so no big deal, remove him
>get a long ass message in the mail about how I'm an asshole for thinking I'm too good for his friendship and blah blah blah
I don't get it

Emotional problems.

>that last online: 400 days ago guy on your list
>he actually comes back

Did you drop that faggot like a bundle of sticks off a cliff? Tell him you'll never buy one. Maybe that'll stop him from being a sperg about Xbox.

>add someone
>they tell you their entire life story within 5 messages

You can have 700+ "friends" on any social media but you won't actually interract with more than 20 or even less

Nah he's a good guy and we hang out irl quite a bit or we used to. He just has a few really annoying quirks, that being one of them.

Both of these are me.

>used to be always active on steam
>speaking to people everyday
>get into a relationship and find a job
>suddenly no time
>care less and less about video games
>2.4 hours played last two weeks
>all my steam friends become nothing more than names on a list

I'm sorry

>meet girl while playing games
>we find each others company relatively pleasant and play together
>after a while she appears to be embarrassed to be on good terms with me
>we play on some server and for some reason she asks me not to say anything while we're there
>being a relatively sane, and perhaps heartless, human at the time, I immediately decide I'm just going to ignore her rambling and act natural
>i engage in small talk with nearly everyone there and everyone appears to be having a good time aside from her
>next thing I know I've been removed and I can't find her through a search
Funny thing was that she really sucked at covering her tracks and I found her relatively quickly about a week later by pure coincidence. She appeared to have found a boyfriend and the two of them had so much playtime that they must've either been some serious NEETs or just had the game running all the damn time.
I didn't bother contacting her because I couldn't think of a sufficiently humorous way to do it. Now that I'm thinking back, I guess that I may have come to understand her behavior. I made many a stupid decision in my youth due to the fear that if people really knew who I was, they would start to hate me. If she felt the same, if I was her dark secret/guilty pleasure/whatever, then I think that I may have been wrong to speak. If I had met her later in my life I would have kept quiet for her sake and tried to get her to open up to me. Maybe we could've continued to be friends.

I feel no regret, but I would've at least preferred if we could have said goodbye with a smile.

>she appears to be embarrassed to be on good terms with me
I'd be more insulted by that if anything, being someone's little secret is unnecessary/childish.

I got gifted a game once, and then removed him from my friend list, fuck that guy he was so annoying.

I don't get it. Why would she be embarassed to have you as a friend?

Who /lonely/ here?

>he thinks he is important enough to warrant stalking

thanks for reminding me to cleanse my friends list

>t. murderous sociopath

I don't think it's so bad. Shouldn't we be compassionate and try to help people past such fears and prejudices?
Imagine you're relatively insecure and perhaps lonely. You have one friend, but then you make friends with a large group of friends. You assume that this group of friends wouldn't like your original friend because they're a bunch of judgemental cunts and your original friend doesn't qualify as cool or whatever to them. Because of that if they know that you hang out with original friend they will look down on you. You being an insecure shithead that wants to feel both cool and accepted, but also wants to keep in contact with their original friend because you have a bit of a human heart left, tell your friend not to hang around you when the group is nearby. After all that appears to be the only solution to such a person, if they lost their original friendship due to the original friend starting to look down on them for being embarassed of them, big fucking deal. They still have this group that they admire. They may feel the weight of guilt occasionally, but they're unlikely to try and repair that relationship unless they fall out of favor with the group. Even then they might be scared to face the original friend who they made look down on them.

It's high school tier drama essentially.

I'm pretty confrontational/blunt on the internet unfortunately. Not brash or unfiltered, just have trouble not speaking what I'm thinking. I think she could have conveyed her feelings/intentions better than she did.

She had a jealous boyfriend who would never ever let her talk to anyone. Not even small talk. She probably lived in total terror the whole time you were speaking, afraid you'd greet her in a familiar way and that her crazy boyfriend who was present then, would hear that and snap. So she probably removed you so she'd never have to be that afraid again. She probably knew that it was selfish to keep you as a "guilty pleasure", but it was probably so nice to finally be able to talk to a sane human being, that she just couldn't bring herself to let you go. The fear did it. Being with an insecure and insanely jealous boyfriend is one of the loneliest things ever.