Let's settle this once and for all.
Digital or physical?
Let's settle this once and for all
DRM-Free Digital > Physical > DRM-Digital
physical for collection eyecandy and your future generations provided you reproduce, digital for convenience if needed.
DRM-Free Physical
I prefer physical since i like boxes and manuals
Physical for games/series I really like, otherwise digital.
There's not much to settle.
Both have their positives and negatives, buy according to your needs and preferences.
Digital because if I think of a movie I want to watch I'm not fuckinf off to a store to find it
Physical releases will always be the way to go.
Pasta time:
+convenience: don't have to leave my basement to visit a shop / don't have to wait for the DHL guy with a parcel and hope it didn't get trashed in DHL PARCEL FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT
+can be pre-loaded so I actually can start playing at 00:00 on release day
+anytime you re-download you get latest version
+you can play any of your digital games present on HDD remotly because you won't get asked to switch disc
-can't be resold since it's tied to HW/account
-can't be lent to a friend (technically yes but it's kind of a bother)
-needs a reactivation if you want to play it on different console for example because of warranty exchange
-unfortunate victims of bad ISPs with caps and shitty internet are mostly screwed when they have to download 40+GB of game data
-you're relying on the good will and hopefully good business decisions of guys running the servers hosting your stuff because if they keel over or decide it's not profitable enough, your severs go pooof and you won't be able to re-download ever again
+nice to have for collection assuming you don't struggle with lack of physical space for your stuff, can have other goodies besides usual digital extra stuff like skins / weapons / soundtrack
+can be resold (occasionally there's a DLC part tied to account that activated it that can't be resold)
+can be lent to friend
+can be played when your shitty ISP's connection throws a shitfit or you get throttled to analog modem speeds for whatever reason
-have to go to shop, wait longer to start playing even if the game is popular enough to have a midnight sale
-disc usually has 'release version' that needs some gigs of patches unless you get GOTY with all DLCs and patches version
-console bugs you to always put in disc even if it's completely installed on HDD, can't play remotly more than one physical game
Physical for consoles
Digital for PC
Digital, I hate having a bunch of boxes in my room, and throwing them all away seems like a waste.
>Digital version costs as much as the physical nowadays
Why the fuck would I pay more for less?
Retailers would get pissy if digital products cost significantly less. Also, more money is always a better business model, so fuck you and pay us.
But I get home from work and my package is sitting in my front porch, how is that not convenient?
Physical is nice but I have no problem with digital, either. If I had to choose one it'd probably be physical, for the same reason said. But if something is on sale digital, I'll pick it up.
>future generations
We both know why
>has to open package
>has to open box
>has to put disc in
>has to take the disc out and swap it when you want to play another game
If you don't care about waiting a day or two for delivery, good for you. Digital guy can start playing in a few hours (as soon as the download finishes) or if he pre-orders and pre-loads, as soon as the clock hits midnight of the release day.
Can't beat that with physical, then again not everyone is obsessive enough to do stuff like that.
>Download PS4 game
>50GB download
>Buy physical version of PS4 game
>50GB mandatory install on the HDD
Fuck whoever designed this shit and fuck devs for not compressing their shithouse games.
I'm pretty sure the shit you download is compressed. It's in their own interest to not waste bandwidth and storage space on their servers.
Can't forget 2-5 gb day one patches on Every. Single. Game
>release shit and (maybe) patch it later
That's how it works for the last two gens since everyone and his dog has Internet.
Digital ofc, the future is now old man
If both have DRM, physical is the closest you can get to actually owning the game. So, physical.
tell that to those who buy vinyls and still listen to the radio
>still listen to the radio
Is that really that 'retro'? I mean I drag an MP3 player with me everywhere but when I drive the radio is preferred source of entertainmet and also traffic reports or other news.
I abandoned the radio because the fucking commercials
it's not retro but doomsayers claimed that the radio was going to die first
I believe the TV is more likely to follow that path before anything else does
PS4 makes you want physical because the downloads are so fucking slow. It's ridiculous.
Living in Aus, physical.
DL rates are atrocious.
>user crows about physical release
>all he gets is a box and a piece of paper with a steam key
Do you think the ps3 will ever discontinue it's online services? I'm afraid one day I might not be able to redownload all the digital games I bought on there.
Physicals are almost useless now. I used to be a strong advocate of physical only last gen with the PS360, but developers have become complete shit this generation and can't release a game that isn't broken. There is so much day one patches and crap that the version of the game on discs are unplayable. I'll still buy a physical copy of like a Complete/GOTY Edition, but have pretty much stopped buying physical other than that.
I bet you're the typical 30yo loser who still likes those stupid old retro mario/Zelda who is still living in a nostalgia trip
I've seen this meme posted now and then, just curious how fast connection do you have?
>Buy physical
>Have to spend the better part of the day dling stuff anyways
doesnt matter anymore
physicals >>>>>>
just refunded rayman legends because uplay doesn't let me play the fucking game
Well, that's annoying as fuck but I have several stations programmed and thankfully they don't synchronize the commercial breaks.
Still wish the radio had a skip-to-different-station-when-commertials-start function similar to DRS traffic reports that get priority and extra volume when they happen.
Digital. The convenience is everything to me.
Ran a quick test now, it came back as 22.3mbps for downloading.
I have an Xbone as well and the other day I had a game downloading on each console, both were 20gb, as like a test. The Xbone finished far faster than the PS4. PS4's shit download speed really isn't a meme.
This is what I got when I tested last week:
Link speed: 100/10 Mbit fiber - NO PSN+
Game: 11.2 GB - SOMA = 11470 MB
16 minutes = 960 sec
11470/960 = 11.95 MB/sec
Download basically saturated my pipe.
Done similar test several times already, with similar results.
Not sure if lucky, stuck in some region with not many users sharing PSN download resources.
As for your XBONE test, just a little warning, some routers and switches do have priority on certain ports so it's much more accurate to turn everything off and just time your download on one device with no other interference whatsoever.
>buy physical
>its a disc case with a key in it
Fuck modern gaming.
I'll always prefer physical games, at least on the PS4, because I can re-sell them and recoup some of my spendings.
On PC though - digital mostly, only if I wanna burn some cash on a physical copy of a game I really love, like The Witcher 3. And supporting GoG at the same time.
>same price
Physical, obviously and objectively better; if you still want digital just rip it from the physical copy and now you have the benefits of both.
>attractive, appropriately reduced price point to reflect the eliminated costs of printing/transporting/storing physical media and reduced costs of distributing to the end user
Digital but setting the right price is key. If a game releases at $60 and I'm willing to pay that for physical don't expect me to convert to digital at fucking $58; I'll be expecting $50 or better. With how this industry works these days it's usually more like physical releases for $50, digital for $60, physical goes on sale later for $30 and depreciates naturally over time like any media while digital remains $60 for all eternity because fuck you.
Physical if you're a nintenbro
Doesn't matter for the others.
Physical or pirate.
>nin toddler now filtera to nintenbro
what the fuck
Firmly in the physical camp because I'm still salty Marvel remotely deleted my mom's Dot Comics from her computer.
But if I had to pick 1 - Physical .