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it's 6am you dense fuck

yeah wtf user I just woke up like half an hour ago

>Eurocucks trying to start comfy threads
>On fucking Thursday

Comfy threads are reserved for Sundays you Eastern European piece of garbage


Even for NEETs, you do them on Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays.

Nigga it is 6:40. I ain't got time for this shit.

>comfy threads were usually for friday and saturday because people are enjoying their rest time after a working week
>it is now extended for sunday and thursday literally missing the whole point

I've had a few days away from Sup Forums but this week I've seen a Tuesday thread and now a Thursday thread. Leave it until the weekend so these threads don't lose their novelty, we don't need these every day.

Getting ready to wagecuck. It's 7am

OP went full retard, save these threads for fri-sun

Jesus nigga it's 6 in the morning, I seem to still be drunk from last night

It's literally 13:00 in Sweden. What in the fuck is comfy right now? I'm still drunk and haven't even had breakfast, that's not very comfy

tfw trying to be comfy on a thursday night after big day of work but can't because not sure if i work tomorrow and waiting on a text back that i sent 5 hours ago to HR manager asking if i work since i wasn't on the roster and boss lady didn't say anything about what time i should come in tomorrow and i'm slightly stressed

Fuck it, I'll play
Sonic Mania
Mad Men season 2 and The Big O
Cowboy Bebop ost
Chicken tendies
I'm alone for the entire day, I find that comfy as fuck but maybe that's just me

Just finished an exam. Think I got around 90% but it's gonna be capped at 40% because it's a repeat. 'tis a bittersweet feel

Gonna try out Hellblade
Black Sails maybe
Lonely Vibes
Coco pops
Coco milk


Hollow Knight

Lucha Underground

Jocko Podcast



muh dick

breddy gud

Persona 5 and Sonic Mania
Metal Gear Rising OST

Nothing. Gotta go to work in 30 minutes.
Same as above
Got some Nujabes playing while I chill for a couple minutes.
Greek yogurt
Protein shake and some coffee
Gotta wait til after work. Can't focus if I jerk it in the morning
Like I want the week to be over.

Also it's 7:30 in the morning, eurotrash.

Bayonetta and Dead Space
Better Call Saul and Always Sunny
peanut butter sandwich
I like these threads because I find good porn and video game discussion but they shouldn't be every day and stick to weekends.

Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak later
some gun shit
Rez Infinite Area x OST
tap water and turk coffee
bad,have ton of work to do

Nothing, absolutely fucking nothing. I have work from 9 to 6 then I have it again tomorrow, and the only thing worth doing when I get home is to sit on the couch and watch something til I fall asleep. That's Thursday for you, the worst fucking day of the week

Just become NEET and then beg your local office for autismbux

I have rent to pay user, I've transcended from the neet life to the point where it's a fable that I will never live again. I dream of being a neet dont ever fucking move out of your parents house mooch off them til they drag you out by your heels[/spoiled]

Living with parents is the worst shit ever, I salivate at the idea of living in an apartment on my own but that's still a good 2 or 3 years away for me.

I'm working full time and still living with my parents.

But I've only been out of school and moved up from a shitty part time job as of a couple months ago, so I'm sure I won't be here more than another year.

Path of Exile. Just started a Marauder (first run) and pretty happy with my dps at 28.
a new hope
Probably eurobeat in a minute
chicken tendies
>glad I have tomorrow off

Definitely less than ideal, but keep saving what money you can for now. That's the biggest upside to living with family. Even if you're paying rent like I am, it's way, way cheaper than living in the real world.

>americuck calling anyone trash

Lmaoing at your life

your a fucking idiot OP

My Digimon vpets. 20th anniversary version
This thread
Ice water
Nope. Cuddling gf and getting ma boobs played with

>all the Americunts ITT saying no fun allowed

Might get back into SMT Nocturne like I've been meaning to
I started watching Rat Race last night because John Cleese is in it. Turns out the actual movie is shit and his character is the only good thing in it.
Super Eurobeat
Black forest gateaux
Pretty good

I jus took 90mg oxy and am about to get ultra-omega-beyond comfy but im not sure with which game yet.

Thanks user. I'm off tonight so it's like this thread was made for me.

Sonic Mania, FF7 or Nocturne, maybe some guilty gear
Hero Academia, Defenders when that comes out
Persona 5, Flower Boy
Trying to quit
Better than bad which is ok for me

>decide to use harder ai mod cause vanilla was braindead

just got raped by 3 different ork armies at once

Nothing. I need suggestions. I am DESPERATE for a new game. I want a comfy online game. RPG elements maybe. No MMO's out there interest me any more. Might try GW2...
Little Witch Academia S2
Pepsi Max
Tired of the endless pursuit of a game I am interested in. I can't stick to anything.

Playing the working a 12 hour shift because black people don't come to work game. It's not a good one.

Please don't extend these out. Making it FRI and SAT was already bad. You need to learn moderation. Holidays and special events lose their charm when you keep extending their duration. No one wants to hear Christmas music for two entire months, it just burns you out, and by the time you actually get to Christmas it's not excitement for the day you feel, but relief that the endless Christmas shit everywhere is finally almost over.

delete this thread

>bored at work

cry more

>give well-reasoned explanation for why this is a bad idea
>get memed at

Please reconsider the decisions you have made in life to lead you to this point.

thats where you're wrong, i will happily listen to whams last christmas every day of the year.

Nothing, at job program

Nothing, at job program

My group members talking

Nothing, waiting until our lunch break

Nothing, waiting until our lunch break

Nothing, fapping in public is illegal

Alright I guess. Can't wait to go home and play Splatoon 2


No. I just like the song.

Never watched more than the first episode of jojo.

But Hall & Oates' Jingle Bell Rock is superior. Especially because they had two music videos for it that both fuck with your brain when you pay attention.