If they made a new red alert who would you want the factions to be...

If they made a new red alert who would you want the factions to be? I remember reading they wanted to have nazis in red alert 3.

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As a C&C fan I must say I hope that EA leaves this franchise alone. RA4 would be fucking moba

Well being that the whole time line is about them killing Hitler before he came to power nazis wouldn't fit.

I would like to see them cronoshif into the future and add GDI and nob.

I wish I could see Yuri faction one more time and something like GLA

Let it rest in peace.

Russian commando has to be nerfed,no fraction can defend against it.

>chrono boys
>britbongs snipers
>prism tank/tower
>tesla tank/tower

Also because germany never turned nazis they became part of the allies so? how does that makes sense?

>>chrono boys
>walking is for commies
>teleport behind you
>fuck your mom so you are never born

I love how hilraious and serious the games are.

post your favorite Soundtrack, and unit lines it can be from any of the C&C games.






>takes out your defenses from million miles away
>takes out your garrison from million miles away
makes you think,basically if someone rushes commando creation the game is over.

People of the world!



"Never existed"


He points one building/vehicle at the time. You can just take few i.f.v's or nighthawks as allied. Soviets can use flak tracks.

Also If we are talking about overpowered units what about this fucker called chrono ivan?



>Be a huge RA2 fan
>Try out RA3 a few days ago after some people on Sup Forums sucked it's dick
>It's a shitshow on every level

Don't waste time on that try mental omega

that is a big man for such a tiny gun.


>about this fucker called chrono ivan?
You can only get Chrono upgardes when you make a spy enter a high tech building user, if you want to stop this then make walls around them or fill them with doggos.

Isn't that the icon for minigun infantry?



All voicelines of Apocalypse from RA2.
I know this isn't important, but which part made you most infuriated, shitty economy, horrible visuals, going too far down the silly hole, addition of nippon or boring unit abilities most of which suck?

Thanks this pic sums up the first game.

I have RA2 and yuri revenge installed but for some reason many units don't have their voice lines properly added like the Apocalypse tank, any idea why?

It had non of the charm, felt really generic in terms of visuals
I hated the mining bit where only 1 mining vehicle can gather money and if you have any more miners, it causes a traffic jam
Didn't care about units having 2 functions

Never tried the Japanese, just played the into mission and dropped it in the first Allied mission when you get the base

Went to skirimsh mode to study the game and it was so "meh" on every level so I just shut it off and played a better game

>going too far down the silly hole, addition of nippon
Not him
This is what did it for me. Japan could have been a really cool faction but it ended up being transformers and school girls.


We are going to have to act if we want to live in a different world

Liberal warriors and Nazis/Drumpf xD

I'll also add that I didn't like the girls with the whole "she's wearing a short skirt, isn't that sexy?"
The original girls were just professional but with a hint of flirting, made it to be much more appealing

Not to mention that Tanya just become a bimbo that you see on those girls with guns porn site

What was the ending of C&C4? i only saw an small video of Kane with some woman and a man on a white background with a blue portal but what was it? some people say they did an "I must go my planet need me (Kane died on the way to his home planet)"

The forced co-op shit was horrible too. couldn't just sit back and screw around as much as you wanted.

Did you pirated the games? If so you could get some shitty cut version, I myself got free copies from Origin when they were giving them away for free 3 years ago, that was probably the only reason to install Origin.

Are you aware that some women did softcore?

There was a 4? do you mean the Kanes Wrath expansion for 3?

Delicious lesbian softcore than Aleksandra did doesn't stop her from being far more toned down when it comes to flirting with the player, as opposed to RA3 where they put a decent amount of promotional campaign covering up their mediocre game with pretty girls.

I like how RA2 Tanya was a lunatic who was totally okay with gunning down entire platoons of communists and placing C-4 on nuclear reactors while laughing maniacally

Yes, sorry i forgot Kanes Wrath is an expansion pack, not a fourth game, silly me, also i loved how they did a whole subfaction system but i hated how this was only for 9-10 missions and be done with it.

Tiberian Dawn had the best aesthetic


Germany hated Russian Communists. The only reason a lot of countries didn't join them in their quest to kick Stalin in the bojangles was that Hitler was too land thirsty and too many countries saw that as a threat to what was left of their tattered Empires after World War 1. If Hitler had played it a little more sensibly he could have annexed western Eastern Europe and been looked at as a solid ally of the capitalist nations who helped stop the red menace from spreading.

Alt Left vs Sane People

Around hacks never relax

Can't even discuss alternate time lines without these chucklefucks fishing for (You)'s. Fuck off back to whatever hole spawned you. Sure as shit wasn't Sup Forums.

want a safe space neofag?

Prism tank has the longest range in the game. Just a little further than the French cannon.

Ruskie commando will be shot to death with prism tanks

also the great debate:
who wins 30 apocalypse tanks vs 30 prism tanks


Donth mind me just teleporting inside your base with 5 Corrupters spitting at me.
toughs on super-walkers?


nigga just donth reply to them.

Easy, Kirovs.
just kidding, If the apocalypse tanks are all spread out then they win against the low armored prism tanks because they all can take 2-4 hits before dying.

jesus christ these are the people that whine about "MUH POL" here arent they

Their three barrelled tank also looked like it was lifted from a Freedom Guard tank from Dark Reign. They're creatively dead.

I agree but also i wish they remastered the old CGI, seeing those small movies on tiberium wars was a nice touch.

RA3 had Commies erasing Einstein before he erased Hitler remember

I bought the full collection thing on there, it was going half price one day. I wonder if I can just drop some old nocd exe's in the folders and run them witouth origin.

And somehow japs got a lot of technology but stayed with the whole samurai designs.

The reality in which the angry painter is not seen as a direct threat by France and Perfidious Albion would be so far divorced from the one we live in, you might as well not even bother explaining it and just have Nazis suddenly invade the US using Die Glocke and occult mojo.

North Korea vs rest of the world so as to not offend people

>Even on a fictional video game poland keeps getting pounded from every nation that exist

>As a C&C fan I must say I hope that EA leaves this franchise alone.

I see you're one of the clueless sheep, then.
Red Alert itself only exists because of EA.
Westwood made it as a quick cash-in on C&C's popularity and the decision to make it the prequel to C&C:TD was final.

Red Alert 2 and 3 are both made by EA and only exist thanks to them.
Likewise, Westwood didn't want to make any more C&C games after Tiberian Sun. The franchise exists solely because EA owns it.

anyone know some nazi kino?

How is that relevant, baiter-kun?

It's not that he's no longer a threat, it's that he wasn't around and then by space magic the organisations and popular support that allowed him to come to power fizzled leaving Germany as second fiddles in the East/West Euro struggle. It's perfectly servicable to the American Audience who usually forget France was anything but a damsel to be rescued.

communists aren't human


No one is human.

>before he erased Hitler remember
Hitler was released from Lansberg in 1924, Einstein was erased by commies during 5th Solvay Conference in 1927, of all the things to shit on them for, this is not the one. Plus its time travel, shit ain't gonna explain anything.

I like RA3

Cross of Iron. Set during 1943 on the Eastern Front. It's an English-German film that doesn't show the Nazis as baby eating monsters, just as the normal flawed humans you find during a war.

Then you have pleb taste, but ill bite, what do you like the most of RA3?

Don't reply to that user he's shistposting Sup Forums stuff.


>tfw GW also sued some flash dude for making a WWI game
>they thought it was a baneblade too
>it wasn't
It's just some dude dicking around in flash. Jesus, GW. And they want to copyright the word "marine"? Shekel slurping jews.

I assumed so, but Cross of Iron is still a solid movie because it focuses on the characters and motivations rather than trying to preach a message about war or politics.

god her feet are so dirty...

they didn't copyright "marine" tho
they copyright "space marine"

Well when you put it like that.

i fucking hate how every vehicle looks like a toy rather than a vehicle.
and the worst part is changed russian units to be bulky mechs with retarded heads and weird big daddy arms, i just want to have my Iraq desolators on 3d not this thing.

I mean, I LOVE Red Alert 2. Played it with my grandfather. I really should be in the pool of people that hate the third game, but honestly it's just fun.

It's barely a Red Alert game, but I enjoy it as just a more wacky take on the IP. Plus, Japan is actually an interesting faction and water combat is the tits

>they want to copyright the word "marine"?
Space Marine. It's one of their driving factors behind renaming all their 40k armies to stuff like Astra Militarum which are a little more unique. Claiming you're the only model company with "Imperial Guard" isn't going to work even if you have good lawyers.



and also

I see another fellow user who knows the best faction.

downloading right now
ty senpai

I guess that's fair. I thought the gold made them so retarded they wanted to copyright the word "marine".
Like that one company, I can't remember the name. Wanted to copyright some really generic word.

>tfw I gave my parents my netflix and 1 month later they already watched everything they want so they watch the wwii and cold war documentaries

There was a small point of time when their normally litigious asses went full insane. Spots the Space Marine, a book, came out and they came out swinging potentially because they had lawsuits they were loosing against people making alternate heads, accessories and whatnot for their model range. They were also neck deep in the finecast fuckup and were looking at a kneecapping from their share holders if they couldn't show they were keeping the brand healthy. They just chose stupid targets, and over-reached with their ideas. All they needed to do was send a bunch of cease and desist letters to people making clothes with Imperial Eagle regalia, a couple strongly worded letters to anyone that might have a lawyer and sit back and most would have buckled and the issue would have quickly turned non-issue.

Dumb question, but i remmeber a comic based on a GDI commando once, was it fantart or official?