Be small team or indie developer

>be small team or indie developer
>want to make cash
>"well I could make an actual game with gameplay / maps / some kind of unique take on an existing style of try out something new"
>"I guess that takes a ton of energy and time"
>"why not just make appealing visuals in Unreal and a shitty story"
>make shit like this instead

I hope every "game developer" who make walking simulators won't ever make decent cash from it.

Other urls found in this thread:

nice b8 m8

>"why not just make appealing visuals in Unity/RPG Maker and a shitty story"
Literally every steam indie. Shovel Knight and Fez included

Is that david bowie?

What bait faggot? It's a pile of shit this is not shilling. Bad enough that these kind of games are a trend and somebody is buying them.
There was a game just like this around 2 months ago only it had primitive shooting mechanics.

we are in the game

The game is good but it should let the player interact more with the world, so far you mostly just interact with story based elements, you cant even turn lights on and off

Shit. 8 gb download goes down the drain.Why didn't you make this thread yesterday OP?

ignore him. it's good The setting is perfect, basically blade-runner with more bodymods.

but it's too fucking spooky for me. I can't handle these games at all.

Are you serious my man?
A small team is able to make a better story and setting than huge 100+ team companies.
Observer is actually a good game. Better than Layers of Fear and Amnesia at least.

>omicron 2
Looks more like Walken to me honestly

its rutger hauer

It's Rutger Hauer you retards. He plays the main char.

what the fuck?

Ah yes, that famous a-list actor everyone knows

Not my fault you're too underage for Blade Runner

Now that you say it I can see it. I assumed it wasn't based on a real person. Haven't read much on it yet.

Oh, yes, the great thespian Rutger Hauer. Star of such artistic wonders as Blind Fury, Omega Doom and Split Second.

Fuck off.

>the movies an actor plays in are the means by which you gauge their talent
That's not how it works, plenty of good actors did bad movies.

I finished it yesterday
you basically have 3 paths, but 2 of them are just filler
so I unknowingly ended up the game, because i choose the 'main' path
afaik i got the bad ending (but a rather cool one, desu)
clearing everything and then finishing the game gives you another totally different ending

The majority of Rutger Hauer's films are not just bad, they are fucking awful and he is fucking awful in them. He's never been a brilliant actor which is exactly why he's never hired for anything more than a supporting role in a real film.

You disagree? Then name a prominent role from a good film that isn't Blade Runner. He's been in literally dozens so surely there must be something else good in there, right?

Hobo with a shotgun

He embodies exactly what it satirizes, shitty acting and bad movies. Why the fuck do you think they hired him?

i am not the guy you were talking to

I agree Rutger body of work is trash
but i was just responding your question
Hobo is cool as fuck

>Name a thing
>here's a thing
Fuck you

You moron. I never said it doesn't count, it's literally proving my point.

The game is fucking great, best cyberpunk game by far. It's the perfect blend of old time blade runner cyberpunk and modern nanopunk

As much as I like Blade Runner, The Hitcher is his most tour the force performance, pure kino.

it's great but I can't fucking handle it. I'm way too much of a pussy for games with this kind of atmosphere. watching the last half on youtube

>The game is fucking great

artwork looks like Soma

compare to other indie trash that gets flooded to steam on a daily basis. The idea of you having to post this is alrdy quite remarkable

>8 gb

thats like a 10 minutes download, chill

how is this relevant at all

This game is fantastic.

who are they quoting Sup Forums, im confused


>went in totally blind didn't even know it was a horror
>mfw walking into the empty janitors room at the start of the game

only jumpscare that truly got me
i don't know why

Looks like its smoking a green LED E-cig

Is there any reason for it to be set in Krakow?