Not even normies are praising LGBT/Leftist video games anymore

Not even normies are praising LGBT/Leftist video games anymore

Normalfag here, we're sick of every game having niggers in them

your image indicates that the only places leftist influence would materially change the game were the most praised.

Let's get this started

Diversity is more important than gameplay, bigot.

People will still buy it by the bucketload.

did you notice in some reviews IGN gives lots of + and - but in others they simply give a score?

Is IGN /ourguy/?

Based IGN. They're bashing it for the boring open world. Fucking finally, guys. Took you long enough.

>Ameritubs have to praise minorities at least every 3 hours or the thought police takes away their donut license


Are people trying to prove him wrong or something?

>They're bashing it for the boring open world

Western games are literally nothing more than propaganda tools at this point

So fucking what. It's a good thing that critics give these trash open world games so bad numbers. The past couple of decades they've received overwhelming praise but now it's being criticized. I hope more critics follow suit because the open world meme has hurt gaming in a really bad way.

"Normie" is a word used by people Sup Forums considers far closer to real "normies" than themselves, I.e it is a false poser faggot word and you are not a real Sup Forums user if you say that. Sup Forums isn't persecuting you because you're too abnormal for them, but bevause you use a word indicating you are too normal for them. You ARE a normie if you even used that word, which is a bastardized version tweaked to be usavle around actual normalfags. The original and real term in the Sup Forums context is normalfag. "Normie" is the fucking whitewashed/SJW-approved version because the "fag" part is offensive to them and they want to be able to drop this term on places like Reddit, Facebook and twitter - which are pretty much the textbook definition of normalfag dens - without fear of getting reprimanded. Which defeats the whole fucking point.

If you are being careful to "fit in" on various shitty normalfag websites, you are actually as normalfag as they fucking come and just have some fucking ludicrous idea in your head that you're not. It's the same as these "omg I'm such a nerrrd XD" shitheads on those same sites only here it's "omg I'm such a weird unique person XD". In summation shut up OP because you clearly have no idea what you're dealing with and /r9k/'s whiny emo shit is not what Sup Forums is about.

Sadly it works, which is why they do it.

>chloe and nadine will never climb on your dick

How can anyone stomach more Uncharted at this point?

I'm unchartered out I could barely bring myself to finish 4 it was such a drag, and don't get me started on the shooting sections of the game sweet Jesus.

>vague comment about how "it has a good plot"

dang, this game must be trash

oldfag here, racists and pedos are not welcome on Sup Forums

>How can anyone stomach more Uncharted at this point?
>Why normies spend 30 bucks in a (((IMAX))) theater to watch the latest Hunger Games

>having themes, motifs, or a point of view is propaganda
or maybe you're just retarded.

The biggest irony of using the word normie is that Sup Forums generally hates people who consider themselves special snowflakes

Yeah, no. This bullshit only happened after Sup Forums was allowed to mess everything up. You are on a website dedicated to Japanese culture, stop acting like a complete retard.

even IGN shills didn't like the attempt at humor and the forced womyn empowered memes in Uncharted

>Caring about reviews
So a consensus of a bunch of morons groupthink dictates to you what makes a game good or bad?

>Yeah, no
Yeah, yes. Sup Forums has always been the only place on the internet you can call the jews and niggers without a ADL lawsuit

Uncharted 4's shooting is perfect though

The OP indicates they actually liked that the best.

Most people here hate themselves though.

still has a higher score than ARMS that's all that matters

>point of view

That all AAA western devs adhere to,quite strange indeed.

>tfw normies/SJWs loved Nier:Automata

>game acknowledges people other than white males exist

you people are the true destruction of the white race

Uncharted 4 had shit GamePlay but paid Sony shills record it well. Sony didn't bother paying them off for a glorified Dlc level so the scores dropped

that's because ironic weebs are the new normie fashion

Only in Sup Forums, because it's a containment board for human garbage.

theres always on retailer who gives it a low score as its not on their fav console, happens with every 'big' game

anyway overall;
IGN - 7.5/10
Gamespot - 9/10
ACG - Buy
Press Start - 9/10
Eurogamer - Recommended
Gameinformer - 9/10
Critical Hit - 8.5/10
We Got This Covered - 10/10
The Sixth Axis - 9/10
Gaming Trend - 9.5/10
Digitally Downloaded - 7/10
Den of Geek - 6/10
New Game Network - 8.3/10
Polygon - 8.5/10
Playstation Lifestyle - 9/10
VG Time (Chinese) - 9/10
GamesRadar+ - 8/10
Gadgets 360 - 9/10
COG connected - 9.1/10
Arcade Sushi - 10/10
Destructoid - 9/10
Leader Gamer (Turkish) - 10/10
Zwame (Portuguese) - 9/10
Gamepro (German) - 9/10
PC Games (German) - 8.6/10
USGamer - 9/10
Koalation - 9.3/10
PSU - 8.5/10
Spazio Games (Italian) - 8.5/10
CGM - 9/10
NZ Gamer - 9/10
God is a Geek - 10/10
Trusted Reviews - 10/10
Polter (Polish) - 9/10
NGB - 10/10

>Sup Forums has always been the only place on the internet you can call the jews and niggers without a ADL lawsuit and stupid people thought that Sup Forums was the entire website rather than it's containment area, just as Sup Forums is now

Japanese culture is racist

Lately, it seems like God is a Geek has been pretty on point, even when they overrate a game, it tends to be for the right reasons.

Literally r*ddit

>wanting Sup Forums and the rest of Sup Forums follow reddit and ban the word nigger and jews(kikes)
nah fuck off

Didn't need to be banned, people on the rest of the site knew that some shit flew on Sup Forums that didn't fly on other boards.
Every board has it's own list of what is considered acceptable behavior, and only newfags and normalfags think they don't need to lurk moar and find out what is proper. Newfags that treat every board like Sup Forums and Sup Forums are what bring the entire site down.

Damn it's lowest score is a six, what crawled up that man's ass?

Ironic considering it fell into a controversy about Laura Bailey playing a black South African. Druckmann is a massive hypocrite virtue signalling but then casting a white woman, saying HURR SHE'S THE BEST FOR THE PART, destroying every other point he's made and calling his entire ideology into question.
This might be the only other Uncharted game I play


>if you like japanese art you must also want to bring your daughter to Tyrone DeShawn Washington's interracial breeding ground

yeah i mean makes sense

his review is pretty much "the game is great but it's too similar to uc4. 3/5"

>This bullshit only happened after Sup Forums was allowed to mess everything up
>You are on a website dedicated to Japanese culture

>you can't be racist towards certain cultures/races while admiring others
>being new

that behaviour is literally what produces all the memes which in return gives the board a culture, you dont know shit you faggot

>Every board has it's own list of what is considered acceptable behavior
>acceptable behavior
1984 language
Fuck off kike.

Is this just an immaturity thing or do some people naturally like babies? I find them repulsive and disgusting, same with small children.

Yawn... Cry some more OP. May I remind you Uncharted 4 sold 10M since last year? First weeks sales alone for Lost Legacy will make Sup Forums spiral in an uncontrollable frenzy.

It means not shitposting McChicken threads on Sup Forums you faggot

Empirically false, you dummy, and you can go to a host of boards to show how wrong you are.
/tg/ is not /cgl/ is not /soc/ is not /an/, none of which are like Sup Forums or Sup Forums.
Get on the newfag train along with , your oven is too the right.

You can always tell who has and hasn't played the Uncharted games (or ANY acclaimed game, for that matter) by their reaction. The people who haven't played it always get rabid at any form of criticism directed at it, whereas from what I've seen people who have properly played the Uncharted games tend to be more measured and recognise the faults.

I personally cannot stand them. They are subpar even as far as third person shooters go with braindead enemy AI that take five headshots in a row to take down, conveniently designed shooting gallery levels and predictable setpieces with obvious context cues (take the train collapsing in 2 for example. Miss the jump it's all fine, make the jump it just COLLAPSES SO CINEMATIC. They should at least have had the common decency to kill you if you fucked that up). People call them technical geniuses but every part of the Uncharted games is so sloppily designed from a gameplay perspective and you're better off playing any other third person shooter unless you care about the characters, and if you do just watch the cutscenes on Youtube.

People who go the whole "lol movie game" angle piss me right the fuck off because it gives the fuckwit fanboys an excuse to ignore all of the other legitimate criticism about the games. The dialogue is also shit as well and is saved by the stellar voice work.

IGN unlike usually is the outlier, the reviews of the game are good, "85" i way better than many Sup Forums favorite games.

That's just silly. It was because she was a kid, not because she was a female. Of course the team is going to feel strongly about her.

Unknown site trying to make a name for itself by going against the grain. With how the industry works, they probably just want

That would vee threefold

see. you are proving me right, you still dont understand it. i even said that every board has its own culture.


>Cherry picking
>Cherry picking an IGN review
>A fucking IGN review

Sup Forums has hit rock bottom

Why would anyone care how much Uncharted sells?

You are blaming that board culture on Sup Forums mentality.
That is wrong, you dummy, and the entire point, and it's listed on the front page of the rules, is that the shit that goes on in Sup Forums should stay in Sup Forums.

um, it doesn't? the best selling games are still those with white dudes on the covers

Yes... That's an 85. It may drop, it may not soon.

I'll get it eventually but I'm done supporting preorder culture.

>Why would anyone care how much Mein Kampf sells?
More sales = more people eating the propaganda.

> Review criticizes how it plays like the last couple Uncharted games as valid point

> Meanwhile, COD gets 9/10s for the same shit every year, only one time with jetpacks


>video GAME """""succeeds""""" on its writing and characters

that's a fucking redflag if i've ever saw one

>preorder culture.

Do fucking share. What, do I get an Uncharted brand fidget spinner?

TL;DR: If I see someone preaching the murder of white people I have the right to respond with violence but I don't have the right to shut down and censor the person from doing so
This applies to everyone else, including neonazis.


>First weeks sales alone for Lost Legacy will make Sup Forums spiral in an uncontrollable frenzy.
This. It's the top selling videogame on the entirety of Amazon at the moment. The number one and two slots are always reserved for Sony cash cards.

>I use muh free speech as an excuse to just shit up boards


I think you're own the wrong board.

t. never played a single JRPG

Had to check for myself. Well at least it still stands that nobody trusts Sony with their credit card information anymore. Thank god.

>sharp nails clawing at your foreskin

>I want to maintain a high quality
>I want to censor the word kike and niggers
Fuck off neogaf. Neogaf and reddit are garbage and those words are banned there

At least it can stand on its legs unlike some games.

when is the last time a game every got below a 7

>Not even normies are praising it
>85 on Metacritic from 45 reviews so far
>41 Positive, 4 Mixed and 0 (Zero) Negative

I mean come on guys I know a lot of you don't like Uncharted but don't you think siding with IGN of all people and pretending like a 7.5 is the end Naughty Dog is just a little bit desperate? Come on guys you're better than this

Agents of Mayhem review by gamespot

>30 years of white shaved head men
>a couple of years of the occasional black protagonist


>30 years of white shaved head men

>posts a kid who isn't shaved, an adult or white (probably half-white)
What did he mean by this?


Please leave immediately Bob, this is not your work space.

Just a reminder that Chloe used to be only British inspired by Laura Croft. Now after they fired her original designer they made her look more indian.

she has a better ass but worse face
I'd rather a better face

Yep it's reddit

>when is the last time a game every got below a 7

ME Andromeda

Youre just a pedophile in the making. You hate em now but will lust after them when you realized you hated em when you were young.

Which reviewer gave ME:A less than 7? maybe 1 on 100?

>oldfag here, racists and pedos are not welcome on Sup Forums

It´s a bait, right? because back in 2005 this place was full of racist and pedos.

Uncharted is the very definition of mediocre and anyone who loves it should just fuck off from vidya and go watch netflix.

If this one doesn't get a 90+ metacritic score from the retarded gaming journalists, I'll be actually surprised.

what the fuck

dem goalposts