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>caring about metacritic

>not >95
absolute trash

Sup Forums told me to

holy shit bros..

not surprised it is a 90+, I grew up with the PC port of SnK+Sonic CD, Sonic 1, emulated Sonic 2, and the Sonic Advance games. Sonic Mania might be my favorite now. Or at least Sonic Mania is the most consistent title, meaning, there is nearly nothing bad about it. Even though there are like only 2 entirely new stages the old ones are so revamped they aren't even remotely the same


nostalgiafags nostalgiafagging who cares


>one of the best platformers in years is made by a ragtag group of romhackers
maybe Ninty should follow the same with some of their near dead IPs like Metroid and F-zero

Metacritic is more right than wrong, at least the user scores

>implying userscores of the hottest exclusives aren't just a battleground for console warriors

That's just the Switch metacritic score. The PS4 has 86%.

Mario is finished!!

>sonic adventure 2 unironically rated that high
absolutely fucking disgusting

>near dead IPs like Metroid
But they're making a Metroid 2 remake and Prime 4...

The disabled kids get the best score, this way they won't feel sad about it.

Depends on if it's pre or post pruning of all the troll 10's and 0's.

We live in an age where people are literally incapable of forming their own opinions without having them validated online somehow.

shitposting fuel

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this game just a collection of fanmade levels?

>Mario is finished
>implying we all aren't bros in the year of Mascot Platformers
detected the brand-loyalty kiddy

>based on 7 critics
>meanwhile PS4 and XBONE with much more reviews are at only 86 and 85

Name the last game for which you used MC's user score to determine if you would buy it or play it or not. Say it.

It's called the Nintendo bonus


Next time use Opencritic, it's a better website for review aggregation, it looks better too, it also aggregates all scores together for all versions of the game.

>half of the stages are just old stages with some enhanced sprites
It's fucking nothing
I still own Sonic 1 to 3 and a Genesis. If I want to play the old stages, I just play them instead of buying them yet again. I could also download the ROM for those. GG no re.

thanks for the virus asshole

>people praising a literal rehash.

Is there something I'm missing here?

>GG no re

Now there's an old meme.

>SA2 was rated high

jesus christ

I own S1-3 on so many platforms I can't remember them all anymore.

It's probably one of the most ported series there is.

So what you're saying is Switch is superior?

Sonybros BTFO once again.


And he's going straight to the jugular

PS4's score is bogged down with shit publications like slant that gave games like hotline miami 2 and DOOM (2016) low scores

We're talking about a series that only have a good game every 6 years vs a game that only have a good game every 10 centuries.
There's just no enough density to have the games in actual competition.

>the way to make a 'good' modern Sonic game is to remake the old games

Yes, age probably. You see, the current state of gaming is such, that people who are old enough to remember would rather play N.Sane trilogy and Sonic Mania than what ever "new" fee to play, micro transaction multiplayer experince is coming out today.

That's a nice guess from you but I'm 31 years old. Question stands.

Your age aside then, so does my conclusion.


I thought that the remake was triggered by the fangame that Nintendo took down.

It work very well as a "lost sega saturn game".

It's okay, not everyone has to like Sonic. I mean, saying the game is objectively bad is autistic but not enjoying it isn't uncommon.

>N-Sane trilogy is good
>Sonic Mania is good
>KH3 finally coming out
All they need to do is a Spyro remaster and it will be perfect.

Who else thinks it's dumb that each console/system gets it's own reviews?

A nice new Mega man would be nice as well.

I do. What do you do with that useless info? Average all the scores together or some shit?

Fuck that collectathon trash and give me Ristar 2 or Jazz Jackrabbit 3

>dusk episode hinted to be coming out later today
2017 is the year of "I wish I was born 20 years ago"

How are those 100% new weapons and maps in Splatoon2 ?

It's because SA2's a genuinely good game that's just rough around the edges. People didn't start actively shitting on it majorly until it became popular to hate on it through youtube personalities and their exaggerated assessments.

>still a worse score than the worst Mario game
This is kinda sad.

PC release when?

>3D World
>Worst main Mario game
Show me the meta for NSMB 2 or 3D Land

Can someone photoshop Iizuka's face onto the midget?


Different scores for every version should only apply to games like Heroes.

What was different about all the versions of Heroes?

Even hardware fetishists enjoyed the game

Switch = 91
PS4 = 86

The thing is there are at least a dozen nintendo-exclusive websites that only review games released on Nintendo hardware

#4 Best Switch Game of 2017

#11 Best PS4 Game of 2017

Sounds like Dark Souls 2 alright.

Sonic Adventure 2 was almost a 10/10
The camera and boring collecting levels held the game back
I can't understand why Sonic Adventure has such awful camera. It's one of those cameras that give headache.
Dark Souls II is decent compared to Dark Souls 1

If post an anime reaction image, will you use a MAL score?
You are somewhat pathetic

What's wrong with these guys?

NO you fucking retard. Is it so hard to use Wikipedia?

>PC port of SnK
You poor, unfortunate soul

SNES kids

You mean best Mario game. Easy mistake to make, I see morons on Sup Forums do it all the time.

8 old zones is extremely lazy, and not all the Act 2's have much new stuff

Call of Duty would blush if it was rehashed this hard

>Mario is finished
>only good sonic game in the last 20 years is more or less a reboot of that game


Super Mario World > Super mario world 2 > Super Mario 64 > Everything else

MAYBE, MAYBE if I'm in a good mood I'll consider New Super Mario Bros 2 on 3DS a good game

NSMBU was extremely well made

I didn't like much but it wasn't bad. At least it was vastly improved over the Wii version
Regardless the last GOOD super mario game (2D) was released in fucking 1990/91.
We may never see another 10/10 Super Mario game in our lifetime

for someone that never watched any sonic cartoon/3D animation what is the best to start?

PS2 version had frame rate issues.

>it's an easy mistake to make, but you're still a moron for making it
What a nonsensical statement. You're a bitter retard.

>The old zones have completely new level designs, enemies, bosses, graphics, and remixed music
>They're still rehashes though because they use the same background and platform sprites

>i-it's gonna be shit!!!!
What now, Sonybros? Let me guess
>d-didn't want to play it anyway1!!!

>people caring about a 1980 game

fucking sheeps, idiots i hate all of you

This post literally makes no sense

You know that the game is multiplat, right?

Butthurt Sonyfat detected ;)

Yeah, Switch and PC. Sonybros get cucked again, it seems :) Hope they still enjoy Bloodborbne!





Hey user, what's this?

Last reply from me.

Watch him claim that it's fake, especially since he deleted his post.

>7 critics

Would it stay above 90 if it had a double-digit number? Couple of 8/10s would do it at that tiny a sample size.

Fuck you damn mouth.
It's not a masterpiece but an excellent video game.

>and not all the Act 2's have much new stuff

The only levels that feel at all untouched are one of the acts of lava reef (the other one is balls to the wall with shit like the treadmills from quartz quadrant) and I think one of the acts in Hydrocity. Even GHZ feels pretty radically changed depending on what route you take.

DAMN, Sonic looks like THAT?
Looks like he still "got it".

the best way is to not start at all.

Reminder that it just feels better on Switch

>Try to click that link
>YuBrowser won't let me because of security concerns

The absolute STATE of PSN

Does doing fast times in Time Attack unlock anything ala Sonic CD?

Even the backgrounds have been redone

Would sonic mania be fun for someone whose never played a sonic game?