Why the baggettes are so inept in online games??

why the baggettes are so inept in online games??

They don't care about winning whatsoever, turns out when you let someone take over your country multiple times and do nothing about it you tend to be pretty weak willed

Winning in video games doesn't matter though.

>multiple times

name 2

jackie chan


It seems like they're only there to speak in their language on the mic like the whole damn world is fluent in french and proceed to speak the most horrible english once their 500 "who speak frenche ere?" have failed to get any kind of response

Prepare your anus, butthurt frogs inbound


uuh. you might want to check that again.



Because they're so arrogant they trip over their own egos trying to complete the simplest task

nice meme lmao xd

Are you pointing fingers for losing user ? maybe you're the one who's terrible.




porquoi les baggettes cest faggots

bagetos spotted

lasagne is way worse. is there even any italian pro gaymers?

Baguette here, this is not true at all. I'm not just bad at online games, I'm bad at every game.

Most of them are niggers or muslims, let that sink in

Baguette(s), retard. If you can't even bother to take your greasy fingers off your cheetos bag and type one fucking word to check the spelling, why should i think you're better than any of those shitters?



Those are usually fifteen years old, tho.
Our young community is extremely "expressive" if you get my point. A lot of retards, probably coming from the jv.com forums.
Older frenchies speak english just fine.

Because after hundreds of years of having one of the strongest militarys in the world and constantly standing toe to toe with the British empire, they were utterly and royally cucked by a ragtag band of autists hopped up on meth and haven't recovered since.

At least the Questo di pesto know how to shut up the fucking mouth for more than a minute and speak in English (or try) instead of talking a fucking terrible language that seems to speak with a cock in the mouth

>enter game
>kill someone
>prepubescent voice starts bitching in French on voice chat for the remainder of the map