ITT: Games with open worlds that feel 'alive'
ITT: Games with open worlds that feel 'alive'
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start whenever youre ready op
Why isn't their a pork bun in your hand?
>he hasn't walked through the Sleeping Dogs market
Is there any other games with a Chinatown level?
>"it takes guts to wear that!"
>same guy
>at every clothes store
>no matter what you buy
>'alive' open world
nah son
>ywn go on a date with emma stone
Feels good.
>literally the most drab of GTAs
wew lad, grays and more grays; how exciting!
God Damn!
>playing sleeping dogs
>steal a taxi cause can't be arsed to find my garage
>go idle for about a minute or two
>suddenly a pedestrian enters my taxi
>Wei Shen says something to her and she runs out
Fucking love this game.
I love Sleeping Dogs, but you're completely wrong.
Found the faggot with no pork bun!
Felt alive tho son.
>pork bun
real question here, where do I go to get one of these
>we'll likely never get another big open world game based around Triads with amazing combat and good driving every again
You got a Chinatown where you live? Chinese restaurants probably do it as well.
the market and that other place are the only "alive" areas
the rest of the tiny map is bland as fuck
Sleeping Dogs set in rural china or 80s Tokyo when?
Aint that supposed to be Shenmue or Yakuza?
not that guy, but yukuza is more beating oriented, while SD is more gun
I can't believe none of you faggots have posted Yakuza 0 yet, or The Witcher 3. How pleb is nu-Sup Forums?
GTA 4 has Chinatown, you literally blast your way through the swat teams in the heist mission through Chinatown
The yakuza series has invisible walls all over the place, don't get me started on Sapporo
Yeah until you try to leave the tiny square of land you play in and then you remember that you're confined to one city block. Granted within that city block you're 2000% correct.
Did we play the same Sleeping Dogs?
>Open world
Except he actually complements your style if you're wearing a more expensive outfit, retard.
This, GTA IV, and Saints Row 2.
Totally wrong. SD only has maybe a handful of gun centric missions
> its night
> its raining
> your are driving a sports car for your boy Winston(RIP) to do somehting
> that calming oriental radio station is playing
maximum comfy
>he Witcher 3
>driving away after the wedding
>it's raining
>this song kicks in
Sleeping Dogs being good is the worst meme on Sup Forums.
It's literally scripted to play after every sad moment in the game, including Jackie's death.
now that twin peaks is continuing and swery is back in gaming maybe we can get DP2
Certainly not anytime soon
I hope so. No way it could be as disappointing as Twin Peaks S3.
>Twin Peaks season 3
Normie scum detected. Go back to Game of Thrones
Why the hell did they have the team make that cancelled F2P Multiplayer game in the Sleeping Dogs universe and not a sequel? I seriously do not get what the fuck Square Enix was thinking.
got was even more disappointing
True crime streets of la
When was the first time?
It's amazing how this game still has a better story than both GTAIV and GTAV.
I relate to Wei Shen more than Niko, Michael, Memelord and Miles Morales.
>better setting
>better soundtrack
>better combat
>better movement
>better characters
Sleeping Dogs is the superior game
I feel like the GF missions are kind of a bait though, as soon as I read about how they go I felt cheated, or maybe I am missing the point.
t. never eaten a pork bun
Also, this game did something that GTA has completely abandoned:
Good celebrity voice acting.
Why is it that the celebrity VAs in Sleeping Dogs do a much better job in Sleeping Dogs than the "Professional VAs" in GTAIV and GTAV? Pic related.
Still falls short
Why aren't there more games about being Chinese scumbags?
Because (((developers))) think that 30-something white males and "stronk womyns" are "game sellers"
I've got the standard edition but never played it.
Should I get the definitive edition ?
Definitive Edition has all the DLC and changes some graphical effects. Check YT for comparison vid.
It's on sale here in the UK for 6 bong on the PS4, I just bought it again to replay it
If on PC, don't get the "definitive" edition, the lighting is all sorts of fucked up