If pc master race is so rich they can afford 1080 SLI and play video games in 4k...

If pc master race is so rich they can afford 1080 SLI and play video games in 4k, why are they playing shitty multiplayer games with microtransactions and 2005 graphics in the year of our lord 2_0_1_7 instead of games with actual graphics and gameplay?


Bulk of PC gamers are people playing F2P games. You are in the 1% of Steam users if you own 100+ games.


When you buy witcher 3, you put it 100~200 hours and then you saw 95% content. Also it is single player, so like 50% will pirate it.

When you play csgo, you put in 500 hours only to be better than 80% players and with good team it feels as good as on day 1 purchage.

And if you will claim any of these game doesnt contain good gameplay, then you are ass faggot. And nobody cares about graphic (except when you play artifical academy, but then you but a nut and return back to gameplay only games).

And now go back.

Cause they enjoy it.
who gives a shit

this is what i dislike about pc gaming in general
People tend to flock to f2p, p2w games like world of tanks, LoL, dota or something very cheap like csgo.

It's just annoying that people actually buy powerful rigs and keep playing dota while new games that need new players just die off really fast and have a very small community.

wait what?

is there a source for this?

>p2w games like dota
you can stop posting

>farm money
>buy better items
>win the game
>pay to win
what's wrong m8

the majority of the players of the games you mentioned are russians with bad PCs

>own good computer
>play grand strategy 95% of the time

at least it makes speed 5 in EU4 and such go fast

Because PC players are all about dominating other humans.
Nothing more satisfying than raping everyone in your favorite FPS.

Don't know why people play mobas though.

>It's just annoying that bad games do not have players
Nice shilling, what's your shit game that badly deserves players?

This is why. They're not playing those shitty games; they're just letting them run so they can sell shit for a few steam bucks.
The only games on there with any real merit are the ones that don't have any Marketable items, like Rocket League.

>new games that need new players just die off really fast and have a very small community

maybe if the games were actually good they'd be succesfull
just a thought

You need to play the games to get the items


Because your view of PC is basically the equivalent of taking everyone who has a PS4, PS3, or WiiU and throwing them all together in one category called 'consoles' and acting like that's a single platform

i don't know, why did you buy a console to play nothing but FIFA on it?

stop looking at the retard majorities

good games like pubg?

>It's just annoying that people actually buy powerful rigs
they really don't, if you actually played any of those f2p games you listed you'd know who plays them, and what their average take home is from the sweatshop

Good games are rarely successful. Word of mouth making a phenomenon like Minecraft (which Notch viraled the fuck out of in the beginning) is a one in a million outcome.
Only heavily marketed games sell well among the general public.

Some real fast and furious gameplay in those TF2 Idle servers which outnumber actual gameplay servers.
Fuck around in Bronze rank CSGO for a while, get a drop.
Round or two a day in Dota2, PUBG or H1Z1, get a drop.

Wow, then call me scrooge mcduck.

>popular = good
go back to playing CoD

but most players in online games are children ao youre a child rapist

Yeah LoL and HearthStone are clearly an indicator of quality

not when you're in the top 0.xx% of ranks in all the games you play.


They're better than most multiplat garbage released in the past few years. Nier is the only exception I can think of.

there is a galaxy of terrible games on steam and none of them sells exept a few exeption (like ark or DbD)

Only TF2 has idle servers for the rest you have to play
the more you play the more items you get that you can sell

where exactly i'm saying this ?

A) Almost everyone can run those apps.
B) They are fun

>sli in 2017
too much bottleneck, just get a better card


PC gamer here, I'll tell you why I mostly play f2p games. This is because most f2p games are always being updated so there's constantly new content. This brings in a lot of players which attracts even more players.

Single player games only get a few expansion DLC packs and are behind a paywall. Most single player games released nowadays have absolutely no replayability, especially games without mod support so the only steam users you'll see playing these games are those who somehow didn't pirate the game or are trying out new mods.

Back in 2008, f2p games had the stigma of being low quality but that isn't true anymore. Most f2p games are more quality and have even more content than some AAA games

>If pc master race is so rich
How exactly did you reach that conclusion?

>PUBG beats CS:GO

not long and it will dethrone Dota 2 and every person on this earth will play or know PUBG.

id suck those sunglasses

oh you are too stupid
i see

There aren't many people running a 1080ti in SLI OP. Also the PC player based extends to countries where consoles aren't bought due to high import prices. So a good chunk of the audience centers around cheaper/free games.

Team Fortress 2 is the best game on the market, you dumb faggot.

It's got everything-- lots of content, a high skill ceiling, a good base gameplay design, moddability.

don't forget 85% of steam doesn't even have xbox one specs let alone ps4

>Buy better items
That's what's wrong you faggot. I only have 10 hours of DotA and I'm aware that every microtransaction in that game is cosmetic only