All arguments about blood vials are stupid 'MUH FARMING' shitposting

>all arguments about blood vials are stupid 'MUH FARMING' shitposting

You wouldn't have to farm if you weren't FUCKING SHIT. L I T E R A L L Y, just git gud.

I want to flame you but I really just can't. Fuck you, faggot.

>this game deletes itself off your computer if you die too many times but who cares, just git gud!

Every time I see that image. I get thirsty.


The path to getting good involves lots of failure, and thus blood vial farming, you dumb fuck.

My first playthrough I had to farm for echoes in order to stock up on hundreds of bllood vials for boss encounters, and I agree with you.

Just recently has the chance to actually play. I'm enjoying it a whole lot and it plays very well but so far it's much easier than every souls game I've played. I haven't reached any point where I actually have had to farm and I hope I don't have to. They had the perfect health system for the games they wanted to make in DS1 estus I don't know why they didn't just stick with it. My primary issue with the blood vials so far is that they make the game so much easier, they're fast to use and can be replenished easily without headed back to a lantern. This makes it particularly laughable when retards defend the idea of mindless farming with 'git gud'.

Are you ok user?


Giting gud requires trial and error, which means dying and losing blood vials. Frankly the fact that the only complaint about them is farming should be seen as a good thing.

It's only really bad in a second play through when you're not going through the chalices and thus don't have a surplus of hundreds of vials and bullets.

Simple thing - there's no shield, and there's more enemies that can one-two shoot you than DS. Also, in DS you can progress from 5 estus flask to 20 while in BB you start with 20 and you're able to expand it by using runes(nto sure if its runes or something else) but nobody would waste rune slot for it

What if there was a chance to not be able to use a blood vial because the character broke the cork and couldn't open the bottle? Happens to me all the time whenever im trying to open bottles of wine do it would only make sense and make the game fairer.

You don't have to farm them even if you are shit since you can just buy them for next to nothing. Skip levelling once and you'll never need to restock again.

If anything, Dark Souls III had the worse healing system of the series. The estus in that game was far too easy to chug without punishment.

>cockgobbling ps4 fanboy defending shit game decisions
>would be shitposting if this game was on xbone/pc
die you double digit iq subhuman, and take out your family and the rest of your shitty gene pool so you never procreate

You're still limited to the few you have and it was easy to panic shug and waste more than you wanted to.

>They had the perfect health system for the games they wanted to make in DS1 estus I don't know why they didn't just stick with it.
Lore reasons. Sticking to estus in BB would be stupid. Blood vials and rally/regain both tie to the blood=life.
>and can be replenished easily without headed back to a lantern.
This will pass, you get that a lot in first 1/3 of the game but later you won't get so many vial drops if any at all.

>see drink
>get thirsty

The animation looks like character just breaks the vial on his leg and gets plashed with the blood, same as with regain mechanic, so you don't exactly need to drink it for it to work.

No. It's that specific image only.

Farming vials isn't a big enough punishment for not just spamming them against bosses whenever you want. The healing animation is way too fast, making the whole game extremely easy if you play safely. And you have so many vials in your inventory that you will never run out no matter how much you turtle away. If you play aggressively like it was intended to be played, you might risk dying, which in return make you lose the few vials you already used.

Newbies won't exactly be punished for playing worse, they will trade an easier time against bosses for grinding. The game is by far the easiest in the series because of vials. It's just stupid when Dark Souls got it right the first time. Why do they keep fucking with the healing system? They could have easily fixed it with making the vials extremely limited estus flasks, where you had maybe only 5 throughout the whole game. That way you'd be more encouraged to play aggressively.

A friend of mine abused an exploit when this released to farm echoes and level his hunter to 150 and stock up on hundreds of blood vials. the retard never beat Gascoine. Only after I picked the game up two years later and beat it was when he joined me and I had to HELP him
You can farm vials all you want but it's not gonna help if you're a complete shitter.

wow someone's a little upset


But all that takes is a bit of remixing rather than uprooting the entire thing. When I say estus system I just mean a system made up of the following parts:
>Limited, if not the only method of realistic healing
>Heals in large chunks, creating risk/reward between healing and surviving the next shot for sure vs wasting healing (something that would mesh very well with bloodbornes rally system)
>Set pool that replenishes at every checkpoint
>Pool cannot be replenished outside of checkpoints, you always have the same important resources to succeed when you fail, only question is getting better
Yet with every souls game after the first they decided to change it. It really is bizarre when they kept a few holy cows of the first yet threw out one of the best bits. There's no real reason they couldn't do a system that meets the criteria while also tuning it to the game. Then again: I'm still really early and as pointed out, shit might change later on that I'm not in the know about. I'm interested to see how it all goes. It plays a lot better than dark souls so far, despite the more forgiving start and the frame rate. I obviously didn't mean directly taking actual estus flasks and putting them in borneblood you silly billy, the hunter isn't undead. As far as I know.

Nah, that means your shit

DS2 had the best healing mechanics. You literally can't prove me wrong.

>The punishment for failure is tedious busywork

Only the most tryhard autistic shitheads believe this is a positive addition.

Now that you've failed, your spelling will get better! :)

you're spelling*

It's not just the blood vials, or Soulsborne as a whole. If you browse this board for a while you'll Sup Forums bitches and moans about anything and everything slightly looking like a challenge.
>Bosses have attacks stronger than you and if you get hit by those attacks you can die. Shit game!
>If you don't manage your resources efficiently you can reach a point where the game is unbeatable. Shit game!
>More than one enemy attacks you at the same time. Shit game!
>To do special attacks you need to input an specific sequence of movements and buttons. Shit game!

Sup Forums is as casual and bad at videogames as the people who eats lineal corridor cinematic moviegames.

I think DaS2 is the weakest souls game but I honestly agree
>B-but muh limited heals estus system that mathiewmatosis tells me is good
The gems heal so slowly that it's a good compensation,

>The punishment for LONG and PERSISTENT failure is tedious busywork
The difference isn't subtle.
You won't run out of vials if you kill your bosses on 5-8 attempts but if you persist in heal spamming instead of learnig their moves you will run out.


The ONLY time I had to farm those was for the DLC bosses, and even then it only took me less than 10 minutes to farm hundred of them by killing slime students in one room of the Lecture Hall and trading their blood echoes. They also dropped bullets so I believe that room was specifically designed for farming.

Good I loved Bloodborne.

you're injecting the blood in your leg you bloody mong, the art doesn't reflect it but thats what is visually happening

I know that estus=/=blood vials kek, anyway as you pointed out, its diffirent design
In ds, you have fixed amount of estus(wchich is also placed in lore as a undead drink). You can only expand it finding secrets and progresing the game. You have fixed amount from one bonfire to another. You can hide behind shield or roll to lessen the estus usage
In bb, there's no shield (well, one is shit and second is anti-magic), and you can regain health by counterattacking. BB is about being agresive and fast, so you're more prone to take damage from impulsive actions like geting more hits before quickstep or doing something wrong. And in BB there's more furious, screaming shits that spams sonicspeed attack combos at you than in DS. Also visc attack that you should master

I shouldn't have to "git gud" at anything. Everything should cater to me, I'm the consumer after all.

>the art doesn't reflect it
On a very short notice from a corked glass vial?
Is that really necessary when just getting splashed with blood is enough to get healed?

Actually if you look closely when you use it you can see the needle

Punish me by cutting off my shortcuts then. Replaying the level is a more stimulating and educational gameplay experience compared to treating the enemy's as glorified piƱatas for twenty minutes.


Every time I see Bloodborne I'm reminded that I'll never have it on PC.

It's a non issue since there is a harmless enemy you can kill to get 10 vials each time

Will you're just jamming it carelessly through layers of thick clothing anyways, so you could just have the chance be the chance of not injecting it properly.

t. Gascoigne

It looks like delicious maple syrup. Not that corn syrup shit that they try to pass off as maple, the real stuff. The bottle I have in my fridge is even shaped like that, just with a metal screw top instead of a cork.

>want to try a new build
>weapon I want is locked behind some tedious quest or is found at the end of the game
Everytime. How far will saw spear carry me?

>he actually farms blood vials
I used to hate the blood vial system, but then I started buying blood vials with all my leftover blood echoes whenever I leveled up. Doing this I quickly built up a surplus of vials and didn't have to worry about them for the rest of the game.

Souls isn't a game about skill but trial and error, which makes your "your shit" argument moot, and makes vial farming a flaw either way

Ok what if he has a chance to get broken shards of glass in his skin and needs to rush to the urgencies before he passes out from the bleeding? That would make the game much harder for sure.

>everyone should be perfectly good from the get-go

Guess what, practice makes perfect, case in point all these autistic speedrunners playing 12 hours a day if not more to get a better time by 1 second than the other autists.


What does a blood vial taste like?

>Everytime. How far will saw spear carry me?
I'd say the Saw spear is the best PvE weapon. Serrated in both forms, so extra damage against beasts, thrust R2 to fuck up Ayyys. L1 has a good multiplier. The weapon is really fast and builds up beasthood quickly for physical builds. It has a waning slot for an arcane build so you can infuse it with a fire gem after Gascoigne. Because it is skill leaning you most likely have high skill when using it meaning that your viscerals will hurt.

Blood probably

I'm still adamant that Dark Souls 1 is better than Bloodborne and that the minute changes BB made doesn't make it surpass DaS1

>Getting thirsty after seeing maple syrup

Hi, Omega Diabeetus

Blood vial farming doesn't exist

Bloodborne actually has a solid second half unlike Dark Souls.

I dislike blood vials simply because they're too abundant. 20 healing items? Fine. You can knock up 20 estus. But enemies drop blood vials left and right, so you always have a ton any way. Not to mention that bosses can hit you for so much damage that blood vials become irrelevant. Pic related for example. Only used 3 blood vials the entire fight, but still get KO'd.

Bloodborne has a worse first half though, and nothing in the second half surpasses the first half of Ds1

You mean the 2deep4u lovecraft shit that is universally regarded as hamfisted? Yeah, fuck off.

>Punish me by cutting off my shortcuts then.
Tell that to FROM not me.
Also when I got stuck on the boss and it started to look like it will take a while I used simple rule.
Didn't touch the vials until I got him to 50%. Saved me a lot of time and actually made me pay more attention instead of playing sloppy and relying on heal spam.
If people can't be bothered to do that there's still save scumming possible.
You mean these guys?
Aren't the really rare?

Use rally and dodge?


Like blood?
Bite your lip and suck on it.

Yharnam is a stupid fight, but I never got oneshot when wearing Cainhurst or Marias armor for full blood damage protection.

DS1 was better than BB just because the plot was more straightforward. I'm fine with Dark Souls being all vague and shit, but I like the intro cutscenes where they kinda give you an idea about the players in the universe (Nito, Gwyn, etc) rather than just throwing you into the pool and hoping you learn all plot points on your own. BB could have given you a little more than "healing blood is here, so you came here," at least in terms of the background of the hunt and leaving all the Lovecraft stuff out there for you to discover.

Skill is always accumulated through a process of trial and error.

farming blood vials is the wrong way to play
you will literally never run out if you do any multiplayer before killing rom. After Rom dies the price goes up significantly enough that if you were already bad at the game you wouldn't be able to afford them after that point.

If you ever can't level up just drop all your echoes into vials and bullets problem solved enjoy bloodborne. If you're a shitter saving up to level by grinding in the first place you are doing it wrong. Grinding echoes should be done in multiplayer since upon death you don't lose them whereas in single player you will die at some point then you will need to either retrieve the echoes or lose them in the process of retrieval.

That last part is why people are so garbo at bloodborne they simply play the shit wrong top to bottom.

I like your enthusiasm in attempt to improve the game but I think a guy that gets snacked on regularly by giant werewolves, eldritch monstrosities and smashed to a pancake by 4 meter tall guys and still walks it off can take a small glass shard or two.
I think making your healing unreliably would suck but maybe if there was another type of chalice dungeons besides F/R/C ones maybe it could be used as an effect.

Blood vials always seemed to heal for more than I was expecting them to, especially because you have 20 of them and they're quick to use.

>Not to mention that bosses can hit you for so much damage that blood vials become irrelevant. Pic related for example. Only used 3 blood vials the entire fight, but still get KO'd.
That only happens when you eat a charged, highly telegraphed hit or some special attack.

I always thought that you were injecting yourself with the vial, like there was a syringe on the bottom that was infusing the blood in your leg.

I did, hence why I used so few blood vials. This screenshot was a long time ago and only used due to the point I was making.
They heal a consistent 20%. So if you have high VIT, they heal a lot.

>Dark Souls 1's second half is bad
When will this meme end? The only thing missing from the first half is the lack of shortcuts between major areas and Bed of Chaos, and that was because the game was wrapping up

The second half was solid in its own right, as it had the unique design of going to whatever level you want at your own pace, like a Metroidvania

Here are some highlights from the second half:
>having to navigate through the dark and watching it for those fucking giant skeleton dogs
>a health-draining area where you have to sacrifice a ring-slot to stay alive
>a stairway puzzle where you have to figure out how to spin the stairs to the place you want to go
>invisible platforms where you got to watch your step and pay attention

All gameplay-altering levels that make you play differently and keeps the game interesting all the way towards the end

>you can see the needle
Going to check, at least I have an excuse to start Bloodborne again.

pretty much this.

Fuck these retarded posts, OP is a subhuman degenerate.. Wish Sup Forums would actually go back to discussing games instead of baiting pointless shit all the time.

Why is this series so comfy

They're so amazingly easy to farm if you need to though. The Wolves drop like three a pop on the bridge and you can generally get lucky with a drop or two from the guys on the way as well. The brick guys on the way to Gascoigne are fruitful as well.

Late game, not even a problem. Load a endgame chalice and farm souls. You can get a shit ton of vials very quickly.

>All gameplay-altering levels that make you play differently and keeps the game interesting all the way towards the end
While not all were well implemented, they at least tried to change up the gameplay.
I personally love Tomb of Giants.

salty milk and coins

Bags of sand

Welp, looks like I have been a beastly idiot not paying enough attention.

If we heal ourselves with blood why don't we turn into a beast?

We have insight

protected by the dream

>bloodborne 4k

>this game deletes itself off your computer if you die too many times in the same exact spot, so if you can't pass the spot this forces you to step back and reevaluate your tactics and gives you the opportunity to git gud
there, fixed that for you
if you can't take a hint that running out of vials means you're doing something wrong then obviously you never had any chance of giting gud anyway and don't deserve to play the game

>tfw madmans knowledge keeps us sane



Probably takes a while longer.
I vaguely remember some item description mentioning that Papa G and his partner Henryk had a long life.
Running on my 1337 RIG 4K@120FPS, my own personal emulator.
PRO upscale

looks like someone needs to play the entire game again two or three times what with all this new insight.

Sup Forums (or as some say vidya) has granted you eyes on your brain so you may see.

Might do just that. It has been too long since I last did it.

Well when your insight is low, your beasthood is highest. Also probably helps that you're a hunter trapped by the moon presence. I'm sure that has something to do with keeping you from becoming useless.

>Finish game
>Instantly feel an itch to replay
Fucking hell I'll never get through my backlog

If you need more Blood Vials, you need the Echoes from farming as well.
It's a great system.

Agreed user, but these little bitch bois will never understand what it means to. GIT GUD