What killed the stealth genre?

What killed the stealth genre?

The finest stealth was just released in MGSV, I wouldn't say the genre's dead yet.

You can't do better than Chaos Theory so why bother trying?

Normies buying call of duty and fifa/madden.

The fact that stealth is shoehorned into every fucking game now could potentially hurt real stealth games.

People bought them less and less, publishers took this as a sign the games were too hard.

press x to kill everything on the screen
uh oh you've been spotted, have a free slow motion grace period to shoot whoever saw you in the head

this game is actually kinda decent Stealth game too
if you ramp the difficulty up

You're talking about absolution and every hates that game

you can also do this in blood money and contracts which gives you extra health

>Mark of The Ninja
>MGSV (not very good but it's stealth)
>Hitman 2016
>Dishonored 1 and 2

I'd say stealth is slowly coming back rather than dying. The problem at the moment is that running and gunning in games like Dishonored and MGSV is easier than being stealthy. I have nothing against being able to fight back in a stealth game, but it has to be discouraged somehow.

Lack of marketing. Outside of E3 what did you see for hitman, splinter cell, or dishonored?


Assassin's creed killed the genre.

It was the catalyst that made the casual audience want easier stealth games where they can feel powerful.

You get a last stand when you die and its on lower difficulties

IS assassin's creed even a stealth game ?

I mean seriously most of the time you're running straight into the enemy and killing them because they can't figure out how to attack all at once.

It stopped being stealth after the first game.

>it has to be discouraged somehow
The only fun way to play dishonored is to be a stealth assassin. The no-kill playthroughs are insanely boring.

>What killed the stealth genre?

>Purse Owner 5 is one of the best stealth game selling this 2017

Stealth genre?

I'd say Tekken 7 is better.

Ubi tried to push the "It's a stealth game" with Syndicate gameplay trailers.
I would actually love a proper stealth AC, but that would require too much dedication.

>Welrod Elite 4
>Crouch Walk Painfully Slowly Everywhere Elite 4
>Brain Dead Guards Elite 4

It's shit, mate.

>can't do better than one of the worst stealth games of all time
Um, no sweetie it's already been done a couple hundred times.

Most people not having the patience for them.

>>Mark of The Ninja

Terrible. Only retards think this is a good stealth game.

Yeah that's what I meant

You're both wrong
kill yourself

Autism. Not buzzword autism, but actual autism.

>every generation is getting progressively worse because of massive vaccine cocktails
>gen x was a bunch of dickhead stoners with high autism rates
>millennials are a bunch of snowflake dickheads who have reached peak autism
>generation z is normal and hates millennials because their parents refused most vaccines

It's in the culmination of the millennial generation that stealth games died. Devs knew that their audiences were mostly retarded mind-numbed boys who couldn't figure things out and would easily flip out and throw fits if something didn't go their way.

To compensate, they made tutorial missions that would hold the player's hand and dumbed games down to unreasonable levels so that the borderline retarded pajama boys could beat levels when they weren't busy cosplaying as the blond girl from Captain Planet and wishing boys could have periods too.

>inb4 hurrr vaccines didn't turn young boys into retards, we're just better at diagnosing it

Show me the same level of men in their 60's walking around with autism today if we've just gotten better at diagnosing it.

Call of Duty is a dying franchise, fifa doesn't exist outside of third world shit holes like South America and Europe, Madden is a dead franchise.


What's wrong sweetiepie? Don't you like lovey pet names, honey? Hmm? Deary?

The stealth-action genre killed it.


I never said anything about discouraging killing.
I'd love more stealth games that are about silently eliminating people.

In Dishonored getting caught affects nothing in the grand scheme of things aside from your face being put on wanted posters, which is just a minor background detail.

Shitty stealth sections in action games ruining the desire to even want to try a game based around well-implemented stealth.
Shitty action sections in stealth games ruining the stealth game, period.

Action games have had stealth sections since the late 90's. The difference nowadays is that they're optional.

Why must stealth games have needlessly cumbersome controls with respect to combat (e.g. shooting in MGS1-3)?
Why can't action games add more options by introducing some form of stealth mechanics?
Developers simply realized that they don't have to gimp one aspect of their game just to stay true to their genre, so there's a convergence of game genres resulting in many of those "play it your way" stealth action hybrids.

Nothing. It's simply not marketable anymore to current mainstream audience. Keep in mind a player inclined toward stealth has a specific mindset that wants to avoid enemies and not be detected doing shit, almost polar opposite of what most games have you doing. Only way to sell stealth to mainstream is to hybridize it with something else.

stealth is too comfy for the instagram generation
they need notifications and kills on the reg
they can't approach a level with finesse

players are bitches

I don't that's entirely a bad thing.

I like stealth as a genre because stealth games are sandboxes that give you options, so I don't object to having even more options.

The problem with these hybrids, isn't the fact that they're hybrids, but rather the fact that many are poorly balanced, which leads to dominant strategies (sniping in Far Cry, tranq+ Fulton in MGSV, etc.).


I have Hitman: Absolution uncompleted in my Steam library. should i finish it?

They're a niche genre but they're far from dead, the last 3 that I've played (Hitman, Styx and Aragami) were all great and very different

Exactly. "Play it your way" approach generally just leads to dilution of game design because you have to compromise your game on every front so, for example, action crowd can just plow through. Dishonored is probably a more recent example of this.

diamond studded buttcheeks

>dat feel when Tenchu is dead

Fuck no

If people can grind 1488 hours in mmos and games with achievements/unlocks then they have the patience to play stealth games

Vaccines do not cause autism.


If you remove the dominant strategies it would work though.

Far Cry for example would be a much more interesting series if you removed all of the OP tools like air strikes and X-Ray tagging, since the core mechanics are actually quite solid. MGS3 (as much as I love it) would also be a better game if the tranq gun was removed since it would encourage you to use the more experimental mechanics.

Balancing is the biggest hurdle a stealth-action game has to overcome in order to be good.

It's total shit, don't bother.

I totally forgot you didn't need to be a stealthy ninja at all in Tenchu if you didn't care about the score.

>vaccine cocktails cause autism

are you american ?

then explain how gen Z became more redpilled and doesn't do all kind of retarded shit

What was the last stealth game that didn't let you see enemies through walls?



No more Boktai games killed stealth



>press x to see the through the wall and reveal every enemy


Styx shards of darness confirms stealth is alive and well again

HItman 2016 if you turn instinct off (which you should).


It killed the tension of being caught, it takes nothing to run away and sometimes taking on emenies in open is best strategy.

This game was great and not even out for a year

>1488 hours


I'm thinking about getting this. Are there any games or is this the only one

They are not hard, just slow-paced which a lot of people find boring.

Plus it's 2k17, time is valuable. So fastfastfast is the way to go.

>time is valuable
There's enough time in the day to play a stealth game every once in a while and you can just quicksave where you were if you need to go somewhere

Empty open desert or empty open map in Africa.
Great stealth but too bad it takes so long to enter any situation when you need to use stealth.
It's boring as fuck unlike Hitman, earlier mgs games and splinter cell

Hitman 2016 being an abomination

Hopefully season 2 doesn't have terrible maps like the Japanese hospital or Thai hotel.

I agree, but people do not have the patience. It's like, just because I have the time to watch this slug travel 100 feet (which would take an hour) does not mean I should. Any human would get bored.

Idk, we live in a face-paced world and slow-paced stealth games just don't do it.

Stealth games are like memes, and you literally just play them drunk with other friends that are also drunk.

Better than car/racing games though.

Objectively wrong

I'm still frustrated we just didn't gave us a bunch of Camp Omega-like levels instead.

What the fuck is up with this image? Did somebody photoshop these characters' heads onto low-resolution images of their own bodies? For what purpose?

fuck you

I cant play sltealth games where I know I can just kill every fucker in the room with ease. What is the point of hiding when Im so strong? These games want you to choke out everyone to get perfect score and it dumb and boring.
Thats the main problem I think. They tried to mix stealth games with action and turns out they appeal to neither audience.

I don't understand the question, user

stealth fans becoming too lazy to make good stealth games

Can you fuckers hurry up and play styx shards?

Thief levels meets splintercell. Its got like three flaws max and the eagle vision doesn't even work when youre moving. Frankly a return to form.