Gameplay starts

>Gameplay starts
>Immediately press escape because the mouse sensitivity is wrong

>it takes half an hour to set up everything
>takes up multiple times to start the game since no benchmark option
>cant skip cutscenes

>game starts
>have to edit the resolution in the config

I hope thye make another stream next year.

Im actually mad that i missed it, i love that kind of shit.

>gameplay starts
>immediately press escape because the mouse sensitivity is wrong
>it closes the game

yeah it was pretty fun

how the fuck did you miss it wasn't it on for 10 hours or something like that

it was the best event at e3 since like 2006

>forgetting Konami 2010

>the host apologized after the show on the twitch E3 special
Redditors should be shot.

By missing i meant actually watching the whole thing, i watched the beggining only.

>finish watching MGS4
>press start during cutscene in any other game
>cutscene skipped

>gameplay starts immediately after the logos without even showing the menu
>the volume is too goddamn loud
>the mouse sensitivity is wrong
>the resolution is wrong
>the graphics have defaulted to medium
>immediately press ESC
>it's not actually the pause menu, it's the one used when you pause during a cutscene
>you have to beat the tutorial before you can even access the options menu

I actually can't remember which game this was but it was by far the worst start I've ever seen

>game starts
>cutscene but subs aren't on
>press start to go into options
>skip cutscene

>mouse sensitivity doesn't change in the menus

>mouse sensitivity is different for X and Y axis
>go to control menu
>menu only has one "mouse sensitivity" slider

Fuck every game that does this

>mouse sensitivity: on/off

>Game starts
>Graphics settings are wrong
>"Game must be restarted for changes to take effect"

Sounds like fuckin Saints Row 3

>Open game
>It goes straight into gameplay instead of a menu, giving no chance to change options

I blame consoles for this bullshit

>game starts
>graphics are wrong
>have to play trough the entire introduction sequence before being able to change them

It was the cringiest thing I've ever seen.

>game opens with a quick time event

>Game has a quicktime event
>It's out of nowhere in the middle of a cutscene when you weren't expecting it

>intro video
>title screen
>start new game
>same intro video starts playing

>title screen
>video playing in the background is one of the last cutscenes in the game from a different angle

>skipping it skips a scene right after which serves as the introduction for the plot

>Need to pause the game
>It's in a cutscene
>No way to pause other than skipping it entirely
>Checkpoint immediately afterwards

>Adjust brightness until the logo is barely visible.

>game seamlessly transitions from cutscene to gameplay
>just watch your character standing there till you eventually realise

>game somehow has mouse lag
>go to forums
>ask for help and wait a day
>no response

I'll never understand why they do that, it just looks awkward every time.

How do you spell pearl harbor?