What are some good actiongames with huge swords with a moveset that actually feels like youre using a heavy sword? Like, every hit feels heavy. In most games greatsword still get swung around like its some fucking stick.
What are some good actiongames with huge swords with a moveset that actually feels like youre using a heavy sword? Like...
Other urls found in this thread:
>wants huge heavy weapons
>posts the guy who can swing a slab of iron faster than arrows fly through the air
Dark Souls 1 has the most satisfying set of heavy weapons I've ever used in a game
monster hunter
vindictus except the heavy huge sword user is a girl
also this
Monster Hunter
Great Sword is real good for that
an action game can't be good if any of the weapon is too heavy and takes eons to lift and wield
This and Demon's Souls. If you're not a souls fan or have already played them to death, then try Monster Hunter or God Eater.
>i've ever used in a game
that's sad.
and op, dragons dogma or dragons dogma online or monster hunter.
NieR, obviously the original not the crazy quick sequel. Also Dragon's Dogma for sure, playing Warrior is tough with how slow and bulky the greatswords are. That and everything else in the thread, I haven't read anything I haven't agreed with.
>wow SAD really dude WOW how could you even say that my fucking vvvVVIDEOGGAAAMMMEESSS REEEEEEEE GET OUT!!!!!!
Fuck off
Heavy weapons in Souls are so fucking lame, they typically just swing slower while the properties of the weapon are no different then anything else. The only proper heavy weapons in the whole franchise is the Dragon Bone Smasher because of the one-handed rolling attack actually launching, and the UGS in Dark Souls 2.
Oh, but these become moot since it doesn't work on non-humanoid enemies and bosses.
they might not satisfy one's ADHD but the weight and impact are satisfying to look at
Berserk on ps2.
>Heavy weapons in Souls are so fucking lame, they typically just swing slower while the properties of the weapon are no different then anything else.
thats ds3. ds2 all weapons are lame due to shit floaty combat. ds1 is great
That's part of the fun though
Have you only played DaS 2 and 3? In Dark Souls 1 you could send enemies flying with some heavy weapon attacks, and in Bloodborne you can break enemies/bosses limbs and practically stunlock huge fucking bosses like Ludwig if you use a heavy weapon, especially Kirkhammer.
>that roundhouse animation after a charge that nearly throws them off their feet
I wish Sheathe Control and Crit Draw didn't entirely dictate the weapon. Fuck Freedom Unite for introducing that skill
>that positioning
man with the tightest asshole in the world
>posts dragons dogma
I adore Dragon's Dogma but aside from Arc of Deliverance, heavy weapons are not satisfying at all. Souls heavy weapons feel constantly heavy and powerful, they can do tons of damage to bosses and stun the fuck out of enemies and send shit flying whereas in Dragon's Dogma nothing except Arc of Deliverance and that other, lesser charged strike feels satisfying at all, especially basic attacks, and you gimp yourself with less skills than anyone else.
Is vindictus ded yet
How is it atm
this, I can't even enjoy GS anymore because I know unless I do some autistic grinding multiple times I'm totally gimped.
>that kick-into-overhead at 4:30
That was fucking rad
I haven't played it in a year. There's a HUGE revamp that apparently turned it into an ok solo game but I bet the game is on life support in all regions by now
In KR Hurk and Lynn got their secondary weapons (the latter actually looks pretty fucking fun), there's a new slut that's all sorts of broken and the best solo boss yet
>God Eater
No. Its literally "teenies using huge ass swords like they are fucking short swords". There are some animations that give the impression they are heavy, but most of the moveset looks like they are made out of paper.
honestly im about 20 hours into the berserk musou on steam and its pretty fun as guts once your combat is leveled up and you have some interesting combos with neat moves. Gets more fun when you unlock his arm cannon too, then when you unlock shierke her magic is kinda amazingly fun - I chained a 6000 hit combo a couple days back which was neat. I don't even have the berserker armor yet, and ive seen a few clips (but not too much so as not to spoil it for myself) and the gameplay I saw for that looked pretty fucking berserk.
Bloodborne's MLGS and LHB are pretty satisfying