Hey dude, let's play [multiplayer game]

>hey dude, let's play [multiplayer game]
>friend: sorry man right now
>Friend is now playing [singleplayer game]

clinge cringe

>not in the mood for multi
>just wants to relax with a game

what's hard to understand

>Lets play some splatoon in 6 hours time (9:15)
>Yeah sure
>9:15 see him pubg
>10:15 "sorry man im in a call with a collegue cause im anxious about a girl i just met going on holiday"

>already knew he'd do this bullshit and was already playing something else from 9 onwards

>hey dude, let's buy [multiplayer game] and play it together
>buy it and play together for 2 hours
>never touch the game again

I am the guy that makes you get that game

other people aren't features of your gamint experience you shitters.
>why wont other people do what i want reeee
that's what you sound like.

>Friend : Hey dude, play this multiplayer game with me
>Sorry, I don't have it and I cannot afford it
>Friend : Ok
>Friend : Hey dude, play this multiplayer game with me
>Sorry, I don't have it and I cannot afford it
>Friend : Ok
>Friend : Hey dude, play this multiplayer game with me
>Sorry, I don't have it and I cannot afford it
>Friend : Ok
>Friend : Hey dude, play this multiplayer game with me
>Sorry, I don't have it and I cannot afford it
>Friend : Ok
>Friend : Hey dude, play this multiplayer game with me
>Sorry, I don't have it and I cannot afford it
>Friend : Ok
>Friend : Hey dude, play this multiplayer game with me
>Sorry, I don't have it and I cannot afford it
>Friend : Ok

There was actually a guy from Sup Forums or maybe it was Sup Forums who gifted me skullgirls but we never got to play together, neither I played it myself

>having online friends
Guess I'm too old to know this feel.

>friend: hey man let's play this multiplayer game
>Sure I'll buy it after work
Buy it
>Friend: sorry man don't want to play it anymore

This happened between my friends and now we're really autistic about it every time we decide to get a game to play together

>'sup senpai u wanna game'
>ok sure
>dipshit is offline
>2 hours later
>in middle of extremely important videogame
>game minimize itself
>incoming skype call from dipshit
>'hey sorry dude was just talking to someone'
>'anyway dude lets play ranked on this game i suck at'
>is by far the worst player on the team and goes afk halfway through

i dont know why i put myself through his fuckerage

>Probably because you're a cunt that uses words like Fuckerage
>ITT: booty blasted NEETs who don't understand the concept of "leave me alone"
>"Why don't I have any friends???"

Play a fucking singleplayer game or find a new hobby. Delete this thread

>friend plays game 12 hours a day
>convinces me to buy it too so he has someone to play it with
>stops playing the instant I buy it

>Buy shit game
>Convince friend to buy it too thinking it might be less shit playing together
>Game continues to be shit

>hey let's play [multiplayer game]
>sorry not right now im busy
>friend is now playing [singleplayer game]


This is why I don't add anybody on steam that I don't actually know. What if I just want to spend some time by myself, don't get all uppity about it.

This is quite litterally me.

>Heavily generalising the thread so you can sperg out

>play multiplayer game
>someone adds you and invites you to next match
>they rage and sperg out and throw a tantrum
>leave game without saying anything

why do you people think anyone wants to play with you

yeah thats literally what the OP post says you retard

>buys Splatoon 2 after friend begs me to get it.
>have other friend who really wants me to play it with him, unrelated to the first friend.
>buy it
>get really into it
>first friend has shitty internet, so he can't play
>okay, what about [other friend]
>instantly drops the game to be glued to pubg for all eternity.

>"Hey, user. Let's play a game together."
>"I don't feel like it. Sorry, man."
>"Figured. You don't even play games, anyway."

>hey dude, let's play [multiplayer game]
>friend: i'm busy sorry
>5 minutes later
>friend is now playing [multiplayer game]
>"she's just my bro" is now playing [multiplayer game]

>Friend: Hey man, let's play [multiplayer game] with me and our mutual friends
>Me: Yeah sure
>Play for some hours and like it
>Never get an invite again though they still play it together

It seems that no one here understands emergency/having to go afk.

>Playing single player and get interrupted, just press pause
>Playing multiplayer and get interrupted, literally have to abandon a match, making everyone hate you and depending on the game, losing xp, points, whatever.

Since I get interrupted ALL THE TIME, phone calls, favors and other stuff, I almost don't play multiplayer. I'm a very needed person, and I kind of hate it.


Busy playing a singleplayer game. Maybe the guy just wants some time to himself you needy cunt.

This happened to me this year actually, I'm still fucking mad. 40 dollars down the drain.

>that's not how you use greentext you fucking moron

>Playing shooter for babies instead of playing the true man shooter GOTY PUBG with your friend

>sorry man right now