Is Shantae a good female protagonist?


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She is most definitely the cutest

Female protagonists are automatically wrong and bad, they're either propaganda pieces or underhanded, duplicitous fapbait made to distract gullible players into ignoring the mediocrity of the game.

careful, salt disney, youll get a hernia

No because she's a goatfucking sandnigger.


How can you look at her and not see perfection?

Fuck you, I refuse to consume your vile propaganda

We don't allow sexism in 2017 anymore


I don't jerk it too animals


You refuse to get laid, too, but no one bitches on Sup Forums about it like you bitch about "the dykes that wont fuck you" or whatever you say when you strike out all night. You're just as bad as those cuck nazis who beat black people they disagree with.

Never played her games but I think she's a qt

Any problems Shantae has as a series do not spring from Shantae herself. As evidenced by the fact she's REALLY fucking popular for a protagonist from a series with such mediocre gameplay.

I wonder what Shantae smells like when she wakes up haha.

Shantae isn't fat, do not post this again

Sexism is just facts that 'triggers' women because they know deep down sexism against women is simple fact and logic and they truly are the inferior in the relationship
Fucking GOOD, you want to know what women do when they get bored? Ruin people's lives, I have sex with one of them, they get bored, I get a piping hot fresh rape accusation, and I can kiss any fucking job with decent prospects goodbye forever, because society is so utterly pussywhiped that even if I somehow get a 'not guilty' verdict, society at large will shun me and assault me for 'daring' to assault a woman.z
i'll take being alone and miserable over being some cunt's plaything.

According to herself? No

Like Ham

Can you make it anymore obvious you have never actually interacted with woman for more than 5 minutes?

>Shantae armpits

Fuck, I didn't know I wanted this

How would Shantae and her friends feel about you saying such horrible things

Brown is life.

Would've been better as a male

Males don't have that wide hips.

I think you're a closet straight person.

What a fag.


Risky is also cute

Brown (2D) girls are a miracle of the universe
(other miracles include: tomboys, spats, fluffy hair, lonely Christmas cakes, underboob and shark teeth)

Is this kinda testicle cancer thing your fetish?

Risky Mode soon


california gold is best, prove me wrong
does anybody have that muscle girl that is a california gold? I've seen some pics of her

I like everything you just said. Patrician tastes.

She doesn't think so.

Shantae will never look good again.
The new art is cute and all but Pirate's Curse was the shit.

my man, inject oxygen into your blood stream.

I'd never say anything mean or nasty to them only nice things they all have pretty fun personalities.


Do not hypnotize the Shantae

>California gold is best

My nigga

Forget this, do it!

Shantae olev Rooty

my man

Shantae thinks so too

add tummy to that and you have a sale.

I don't know if this is cute but it sure makes me masturbate

I can still fap to new shantae so I'm happy. Just a little disappointed there's not more r34 of her in the new style

cute I wish shantae would princess carry me around.


God tier taste

Not like that though, gross.


What the fuck, that drawing actually makes me feel sad for her

She's alright.

>loose thong string
Is there a word for small "fetishes" like that? Because such details can be a pretty big turn on


That's better.

Yes we do.


Its gonna be so good having pirates curse gameplay in half genie hero.
I don't expect it to be as long as the main game but lets hope it doesn't end too soon.

I don't like her full hp dance.

I wanna stay up all night and play vidya with shantae.


Pajama Shantae is way too cute.

this post is a blessing, thank you user, for saying the truth

I wanna do things to Shantae's butt that would make her walk funny


I wouldn't mind being Shantae, just for a laugh of course.

>that goofy grin at the end

Despite the way she dresses I find her more cute then sexy, then again I prefer cute girls and cuddling over lewd.
just buy some genie pants and curly shoes and dance, it's basically the same thing.

Is there any vidya female who can compete


how come the jungle book has caused so many hypnosis fetishists?

she is a dumb slut


There's no way the animators didn't know exactly what they were doing.

There's worse.

because they saw it as kids, fetishes are mostly born from your childhood.

When people watch this shit while their tiny kid brains are still forming, fetishes form accidentally. That's why Disney is responsible for so many furries.

White Shantae a cute! Cute!


White Shawnty a shit! SHIT

>watch alice in wonderland
>get a nice girl/poofy dress fetish

dodged several bullets.

>american anime game


i saw the doujin but i can't remember it's name also it's futa

I think if we've learned anything it's that rotty is a very lewd zombie.

Just because its good taste

Possibly the lewdest

And just because im such a nice guy today, have this

Shantae gets subjected to the weirdest fetishes.

Would genies even need hypnosis? they work for you anyway I mean if it was an evil genie that'd be one thing but shantae doesn't seem like the type to to corrupt wishes, after all she is a pure princess



>one guy makes a better shantae game than the actual shantae devs in 1 year with no budget

>better shantae game
Your a rabbit, how can it be better than cute brown girl?
it cant

For me it's Rottytops

shantae is a la mulana clone?