What does Sup Forums think of the 2 new Dota 2 heroes that are coming?

Everyone has been saying that the pangolin has a break but having an ability that only breaks that's really boring and flat so I hope it also removes armor or disarms

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Is there literally any valid information about their abilities that isn't pure speculation? No reason to give a shit until there is.

>also remove armor or disarm
Literally better than Doom

are these two the first actual NEW heroes that aren't ports from dota?

well MK wasn't playable in dota 1, but concept was there, so i guess yeah

>Treant Protector
>Bad guy

from my point of view the trees are evil

>Lone Druid
>Nature's Prophet
>Bad guys
Who the made this? Timbersaw?

Most boring and shit design I ever seen. They doesnt even match to other heroes. Just 2 characters from some Fairy Tale.


>An earth spirit who grew curious about life
>An Admiral protecting his homeland from demons


>bounty hunter
>Good guys

Kunkka -> Good
Lone Druid -> Good
Nature's Prophet -> Good
Treant Protector -> Good
Skywrath -> Good
Elder Titan -> Good
Huskar -> Good

Ursa -> Neutral
Techies -> Neutral
Void -> Neutral
Abbadon -> Neutral
Rubick -> Neutral
Visage -> Neutral
Razor -> Neutral
Invoker -> Neutral
Bounty Hunter -> Neutral

Crystal Maiden -> Bad


Dota lore is fucked anyway

Terrorblades I went to super hell and escaped bullshit was the biggest evidence

I dropped the game when windrunner became wind ranger

Break (silence passives) is about as good as Silence, I'd say.
And there are abilities that just Silence, so it must be good enough.

I might be misremembering, but weren't some heroes released simultaneously on Dota 1 and Dota 2?

Porn of Pepe Lepew when?


When Earthshaker came about he went around and started earthquakes, at best he's neutral

Ursa went on a premtive attack, he attacked first, he's the bad guy

>Visage -> Neutral
>Razor -> Neutral

Kunkka's a pirate.

BH and Lycan both killed in selfdefence and just revenge

Do dota players even care for the lore

It's one of those games where it's just there and most of the playerbase probably don't care

>Kunkka's a pirate
>As Admiral of the mighty Claddish Navy, Kunkka was charged with protecting the isles of his homeland

that's literally a gw2 sylvari down to the hipster leaf hairstyle

Russians can't read so yes


I don't really care that much but reading the comedic summary version of each heroes was quite entertaining.

Ok Rizzrack

I think it's cool

>Crystal Maiden -> Bad
t. lina

It's pronounced ADMIRAL you M E L O N H E A D

>Ancient Apparition
>physical manifestations of the four great forces, negentropy and entropy
>aligned to an arbitrary human construct of morality
lmfao this list

1. Oracle isn't evil, he's just a retard who gets shit wrong all the time but thinks he's always right. "Don't attribute to malice...". He's neutral or good.
2. Ursa is defending the forest and his kin from invaders who want to pillage the land for their own ends. He's neutral in this regard, but a good person.
3. Lone Druid is the only being alive capable of saving the plane's biosphere with a life seed should shit go really bad (which it is implied it certainly will). He is fighting to prevent him from ever needing to use the seed. He's good.
4. Slardar and Naga are defending their treasure and and arcane repositories from pilferers and thieves. They're neutral.
5. Rubick hopes to lend his talents to bring about the end the pointless destruction of the war. He's good.
6. Treant hopes to save the forest. He's neutral or good.
7. Faceless Void wants to fight to prevent the war from spilling into his dimension. He picked the side he thinks is most likely going to win and wants to help speed it up. He's not evil, certainly neutral to the planet of dota, but good because he's trying to save his realm.
8. Huskar literally rebelled againt the bad guys because they stopped him from having an honourable death. He's an anti-hero, ergo good.
9. Visage and Razor are keepers of death and ushers of souls — they are essential to the life cycle and keeping it in balance. Because the Ancients are fucking up the cycle, they are drawn to investigate and put an end to it. Razor simply exists to corral souls to their final resting place and is devilishly harsh to souls who refuse to cling to life, and Visage is there to keep the souls from escaping. It's important to understand Eckhart's interpretation of hell and the devil in order to understand why they come across as "evil"

>BH and Lycan both killed in selfdefence and just revenge

Nigga wat? Gondar is, as his title suggests, a bounty hunter. He kills babies if there's enough cash on the table.

No, but you can guess all of MK's abilities minus the on hit passive from his trailer. The fairy bitch has really no good speculation though.
There is no way he is getting Break. Hex doesn't even do break anymore.

They're not as ugly as Elder Titan, so that's something
One on the right is still fucking horrendous though

except you couldn't

>Valve release another ostentatiously-narcissistic male hero right off the back of the last ostentatiously-narcissistic male hero
Nice job, valve writers

>pole extension like every MK adaption
>jumping from trees
>big illusion ult
All but the sub-ability from being on a tree and his passive.

yawn another roaming evasive agi carry ala slark and an int support. We already have too many of these
Give us fucking gimmicky strengh ones

>str fags think their heroes are in any way interesting

Those look like they came straight out of lol. Fucking kiddie design.

What's going to happen is that the int support will be intended to be an int carry with abilities that scale, but pros will figure out her kit makes her much better as an early-game aggressive babysitting support, and that is how it will be for all time. And the roaming evasive carry will have a kit that makes him a really good ricing carry, but the pros figure out that the existing carries are better because they already have them figured out, so he's picked as an offlaner that initiates and breaks a hero so the actual carry can follow up, and that is how it will be for all time.

Thanks to even normal matches being turned into a tryhard-fest with valve's CONSTANT fucking meddling, you cannot be flexible with hero builds unless you smurf or play against bots or with 4 friends.

str heroes are all playmakers
go click on creeps agitard

>Give us fucking gimmicky strengh ones
We already have so many of those. Wisp, Phoenix and ES are as gimmicky as you can get.

>ember spirit

Don't forget Tusk and Timber.

All i want is for them to make talents fucking balanced. A lot of them are fucking useless compared to the alternative.
>do you want a little bit more slow on your already tiny aoe slow that you never fucking use for the slow, or do you want a ridiculous amount of mana regen at level 10?
>do you want these survivability talents on a hero that will die if he gets caught out regardless of having them or not, or do you want more damage on your hero that only deals damage and control?

Are you retarded

You tried.

>Ember Spirit
>Earth Spirit

but these are fun. And its not like you see them in every game
unlike the same 5 right clickers

Where the fuck is my Earth Spirit image?!

What is wrong with you?

All I hope is Sylph's title is "Shadow Trickster" because we need more "Shadows" on hero titles.

Is there some new player mode or something? I'm brand new to this shit, have been in 4 normal mode matches and have been demolished in all of them. I feel like I'm missing something, because everyone else knows exactly what they're doing and this games learning curve is way too steep. Does volvo intend for me to shit up every game im in until I finally get it? This would be much more fun if I played with against other new people

Sylph is CUTE

This isnt 2005, user. We will never get another shadow hero.

You know the answer but you will not like it
go tutorial and bots


Limited Heroes or you can practice against bots with 4 other human players on your team.

>OD good
>Rubick bad

What the fuck am I reading?

There's no way Puck isn't secretly evil desu.

It's not even subtly ripping them off, either. Fucking valve originality lmao

>Everyone knows exactly what they're doing

No they don't. Everyone fakes it till they make it in this game. People will at best know how to repeatedly kill newbies and demotivate them, securing base pushes easier.

Full recommendation:

Just play against bots alone for like, 3 matches, to get used to controls and the shop and summoning the courier. As long as you start a lobby alone (not Co-op bots) you can leave any time.

Then you want to learn a couple heroes. Either go on the Arcade's Overthrow and play the 5v5v5 mode, where you can fuck up all you want without dictating the whole match, while seeing even more heroes than usual in a shorter time or skip to the next step.

Then play as many Co-Op bot matches as you personally feel right. It's 5 humans versus 5 bots. Bots lane well, but are piss easy to handle from any strategical perspective. This means you will most likely win 99% of your games even if you're being a retard. What you want out of this is to understand how a game progresses. Watch your team mates. Look at who they play and when they leave the lane and such. And don't pick a fucking support every game all the time. If you learn a deadweight's habits in bot matches, you'll b one for the rest of your life.

Don't play anything other than All Pick either.

>dota gets 2 more heroes
literally WHERE is the pyro update

This, but before you do any of that, turn the game off and spend a day just reading guides and watching noob friendly lets play on youtube.

Then learn fucking EVERYTHING about one hero. Memorize multiple viable item paths. Then go play that one hero for 20-50 games so you are actually kind of below average decent on it.

>No they don't. Everyone fakes it till they make it in this game. People will at best know how to repeatedly kill newbies and demotivate them, securing base pushes easier.

This desu. Stomping new players isn't knowing the game. When a 322-0-0 Slark gets a sheepstick slapped on him becomes the day he stops climbing and stays on 3k forever. Getting a huge lead against smart people while surrounded by idiots just achieves bigger bounties on your head and bigger comebacks.

Literally never ever
The main Valve staff aren't even making Artifact

The real staff are just too lazy to do anything with their games, updates or new projects.

Appreciate the advice. I guess I'll stick with bot matches for a while. Those normal mode matches were really disheartening. This game isn't particularly friendly to newcomers. I watched that international newcomer stream and it got me interested, but I definitely didn't expect it to be this difficult

that's a shame he's not viable (he never was)
they need to boost him a little

A new player doesn't need to worry about this so much. Dota isn't so incomprehensibly hard that it takes a whole day of reading on a hero before you can play it.

You play bots so that you can fuck up. You should do all that reading up on stuff after spending a couple days making mistakes on your own, so that what you read up on makes even more sense.

And why the fuck do you recommend spamming? That shit's only good for climbing ranked. Newbies should definitely NOT do it because they need to understand abilities and items. You don't get that by playing one thing ad nauseum.

If the free market didn't want them dead, it wouldn't have placed a price on their death.

Morally 100% unstepped.

>no ogre magi
>no jakiro

you have something against two headed peoples ?
also treant bad ...

doom used to be baller as fuck when he was played as a semi-carry. before squishy heroes could become tanky really early his eponymous ultimate was an actual threat. nowadays the damage doesn't mean much and carries can still dish out dps in fights without it silencing passives.

Just remember you can pick outside the eroes that light up. Why the fuck did valve remove Drow Ranger from the newbie pool? She's the second easiest carry next to Luna. They just farm without even realizing they do.

They look so bad. If the Pangolin were to be announced as a LoL champion nobody would bat an eye and the chick is so ugly that she would look out of place even in fucking HON.

My advice was targeted to people who are starting dota to play with their friends. You need to stop being a deadweight asap. Leaning before trying is the best jumpstart you can get in any new experience. And spamming is the quickest way to actually be able to play a game with somebody and not feel like incompetent shit all the time.

I guess if you dont mind fucking around with 9 random deadweight retards for a prolonged period of time, you should just go and play the game.

But if you want to get on an acceptable level asap, do it my way. I should know, taught friends to join dota for more than a decade. If they followed, they would be able to keep up with the rest of us in a week. If they just tried shit with no plan, they would be shit for few months.

I actually figured this out my second game when I was randomly clicking. Ended up picking nyx assassin and it went as horribly as any of the other games outside of the one I was lion. That shit was awful. Nature's prophet and mirana absolutely tortured me during that game. Had like 18 deaths

Because her animations are fucking terrible which makes last hitting hard.

Spamming a hero is a pretty good way of learning a hero.

The need to play another hero only comes if you don't understand its weaknesses. Playing a game will teach them that.

>Drow animation feels like a gundam compare to Sniper.
I knew those breasts are the problem, no wonder Windrunner got flat chest.

This. New players on Drow will never ever stop autoattacking, because its so much more efficient to just get lvl 6 and then lasthit everything while autoattacking with aura and ult.

They look like LoL characters, is Valve going to chase after the nuDisney style that Blizzard is in love with now?

>They look like LoL characters
I don't see any anime girls with big boobs in OP image.
I doubt any japs want to make porn about those two unlike any other lol champs.

I love dota lore but I suck at the game. I'm probably the only person in the world looking forward to artifact

If it's something like a turn-based board game, I'd play it desu

lol is half cute girls and half cute creatures. Those two are straight up from the later category.
>puss in boots
>cute evil forest fairy
Remember when puck was supposed to be a fairy?

puck is a Faeri Dragon tho

You know his lore is cheesy in purpose right?

Yeah, but look at the design. Puck was nightmare fuel when he first came and he was based on the cutest little Night Elves unit.

>puss in boots
>cute evil forest fairy
First, it not even a cat.
Two, you got weird fetish for thinking that shit cute.

The only reason lol is character popular is because they got a lot of humanoid character and girls.
So people who keep saying "we lol now" is fucking retarded, there will be no porn shit worth mentioning coming from those two ugly things.
Remember that Harley Quinn clone? that's how you make lol characters.

Gimmicks are fun. I want gimmicks to fill every niche. They're so much more interesting than
>le agi carry with 2 passives, super fast attack speed, and one damage/escape ability

I am mostly curious about what the game shop is going to be like.
I really doubt you can make a card game with an amazing f2p model like Dota's.

>nightmare fuel
in what sense?

His face just wasn't...right.

Blame the name changes on Blizzard. It was a trademark thing that forced valve to change the names.

you easily could, especially if you know anything about the inspiration

Besides his passive

How is she a crystal """maiden"""?
She's probably the sluttiest female around offering her "support" to literally anyone and everyone.

Stop face shaming.

More like melee int carry