>10/10 trailer
>game is shit
Which was the last one for you?
10/10 trailer
Other urls found in this thread:
Metal Gear Solid V
Witcher 3
SW Battlefront
Portal 2
This by far. The hype behind MGSV was fucking insane, it's possibly one of the only games where the demo (Ground Zeroes) and the trailers were better than the actual game.
I'm trying to think of other games, maybe Spore is up there too?
It was painful.
first and last time I ever pre-ordered OR paid full price for a game.
fucking ubisoft
>Metal Gear Solid V
Actually came here to post this. I am still mad.
There is only one definitive answer.
>Ever being hyped for an exploration game
I don't understand this shit
Even if the game had multiplayer and you could do everything that they said you could do, still who cares?
Oh now I can just look at things with a friend, I'm exploring the universe!
My man
At least we got this youtu.be
To this day it still gives me chills
To this day I am still so fucking mad
ODST's story missions besides the Rookie being by himself are probably some of my least favorite levels in the franchise, sorry user. The trailers for the game were amazing though, along with the soundtrack.
>Trailer shows an empty, randomly generated game where the only thing you can do is fly around and look at shit
>That's exactly what the game is
>Redditors and children freak out
You all deserved it. It looked like indefensible garbage from the very beginning
obligatory hooooly fucking shit, i almost feel like it hasnt been posted because it's too easy
cheeky cunt, Reach was the last good halo game
>Trailers make the game look as if it's plot line is similar to the books
>The game goes completely left field and tries to retcon all of that juicy lore
>The game could have had the same story but without all of the shitty build up, ONI missions, and excessive amount of Spartans and still be good
Was the writing team extremely green or something? Why was this game's campaign so bonkers.
>Metal Gear Solid V
Sometimes i rewatch the trailers and daydream of what could have been.
Fucking Kojimbo.
almost forgot this trailer. It got me so hyped, and then the game came out.
This desu.
Even if everything promised was in game it would be a boring shitfest.
Fallout 3_______
>That cutscene
Every time.
This is what irritates me about all the outrage. If someone pre orders / buys a game without knowing if it's a pile of shit or not, they deserve ridicule for being such a stupid cunt
That's totally true, but what's even worse is that all the evidence pointed towards it being an empty shitty shell of a game and nothing ever indicated anything else. Not only did they pre-order and be disappointed, they were flat out ignorant of common sense
Every Blizzard cinematic ever
Going a bit off topic, but after all the years without a game, I felt so fucking disappointed to find out valve decided to make a card game. Why can't you stop going downhill valve? Why?
I want to puke.
The WotLK trailer is still one of the best fucking things to come out of that game god damn.
Turned out to be a pretty meh expansion.
Great trailer
Great game
>that ai
>those animations
Sonic Mania. I should've known when they said remixed classics it would be a rehash, but not to the extent it turned out to be. Jesus what a pile of shit. If I wanted to play Green Hill Zone or Chemical Plant Zone again I'd emulate the classic trilogy, not spend 20 bicks on a fan remaster.
isnt that the game with the we wuz kangz expansion
Goddamnit i thought this shit whould be KH3
Dead Island (and 2)
>kojima actually loved mgs and wanted to make great shit
>Kojima is lucas
>now we getting force awakens of mgs
just be glad you got to play mgs
Dark Souls III
This one hurts more than MGS 5 for me.
The campaign was so disappointing.
And everything being grey in forge world was an eye sore.
>Literally all the good parts of mgsv were in the trailers
Only part that wasn't is "This is the enemy and he's here on his knees!"
Makes me sad.
The last of us.
these are the ones i remember the most, these trailers have no business being that fucking good for their respective games and is the symptom that good marketing is the bane of the modern game industry, syphons all the money to make a game sell instead of making it better and often creates a big gap between the actual quality of the game and its hype
More like the phantom menace because TFA was actually good
Dead Island I guess.
TFA was fucking trash, kys kiddo
SW Battlefront when it came to expectations. Thought they were going to take the original formula and make it better but they fucked up something simple.
This isn't a trailer but Tom Clancy: Future Soldier was what I was hyped ffor at E3 but then the game came out and it was...not as gritty.
gta online
Skyrim is pretty much the quintessential "trailer was better than the game." for me.
rogue one is better but TFA was okay, even with mary sue Rei
Hardmode no whining about niggers
>inb4 MGS newfag posts it was the best one
Glib facsimile
>DoW3 trailer
Also you fucks wanted DoW1 again so you GOT DoW1 again. You said you hated DoW2, so goodbye the awesome shit it had (cover, loot, rpg system). You made your bed, now lie in it.
Can't believe there's 60 posts and no one has posted this yet.
Boring soulless Hollywood cash grab.
ANOTHER MGSV thread...
I marathon'd through the whole series and fell in love with 1-3 then absolutely hated pw and v. Never watched the trailer
Dare I watch it?
Smash 4
It was a huge part of my life
It's like it's still there
Drakengard 3
movie completely ripped off it's "mystery box" plot/story from A New Hope and Empire, they crammed way too much in the 1st movie because they know it'll get 20 sequels and as a result it's riddled with plot holes and gimmicky shit. The beauty of the original film was that they didn't know whether or not they were getting a sequel so they made the movie contained within itself. The fact that they had to rip off entire story lines should indicate the state of the writing team for the franchise.
Letting the fact that it's a legendary franchise leak into the film is what killed it. Plus Rei is such a boring Mary Sue that her co-stars completely eclipse her performance. Directing was fine though.
Rogue One wasn't very good either but I enjoyed it a lot more than TFA, the latter half was where it really shined.
why did they focus so much on the multiplayer
It makes the bright, hopeful ending of Return of the Jedi completely meaningless.
It has tons of new stuff too though
I understand people's grievances with Skyrim but honestly this is probably the most accurate trailer they could've made for the game . Maybe the dragon battle was slightly exaggerated
Halo reach and ODST trailers were fuckin sick, too bad the games weren't as sick. ODST had a fantastic atmosphere and I liked the characters, but that's it. Reach was really hit and miss. Storyline was a bit fucky and the characters, while cool imo, didn't really impact me when they died because I barely knew them anyways. When chief """""""died"""""" at the end of halo 3 I got a bit choked up since 1. I was 9 when it came out and 2. I grew up playing halo, seeing him """""die"""" got to me a bit after spending so much time with him, but the Spartans in reach I only knew for like 8 hours maybe so it was kinda "forced emotion" I guess and it didn't work. Forge was an eyesore cuz of muh forerunner gray
No Man's Sky... the E3 2014 was really good. Too good to be true sadly.
Dead Island
Nah, it's a lot of the implied shit that is what's off: the idea that the towns and cities shown will have lively NPCs and interesting quests like Oblivion, the implication that the better animations would tie in with better combat mechanics, the implication that dragon combat would be mechanically interesting on the slightest, the implication that dragon shouts would be anything other than more spells... So much hope and hype gone forever. Imagine watching this coming off of Oblivion and imagining all the things gained if nothing was lost; yet the problem is that so many things WERE lost that it was so disappointing
MGSV broke me and i dont think ive been same the ever since
Also when Mass Effect 3 happened...
Im done with feeling hype if i still wanna buy games ill get a one i know to be good and that means no trailers just watch actual gameplay before a purchase
and heres to EA and Sony who doesnt deserve exclusives
But Mass Effect 2 and Metal Gear solid 4 we're shit; you should have seen those coming
saint's row 3 did a lot of things wrong but the killbane ending has one of the best cutscenes in the game, and in my opinion is the only point in the game where you can feel any remnants of saint's row 2 still there
MGS 4 was the best movie that yea.....wait that was supposed to be a game?
What is nearly every AAA game trailer since 2008?
cant think of any other trailer, however deus ex md was a pretty solid 8 youtube.com
still rustled today with how the game ends...
it looked so fucking bad just from the trailer, like what the hell
Exactly, I'm so happy that retards who didn't think so lost their money
The game was fucking NOTHING like the trailer in any way. It was a quippy, avengers style cringefest full of characters that apparently knew the script and that they and earth were in no real danger. And nothing in the game affected the franchise storyline in anyway.
Came here to post this
verdict day fixed it
Fucking this
>comparing fanart to fanart
>its not the same