Spongebob MMO patch 1.28 got released today

Spongebob MMO patch 1.28 got released today

>Chum Bucket Raid heroic version open
>Salty Spitoon raid open
>More bus rides to Rock Bottom
>New legendary item: Octo's Clarinet

pretty decent patch so far, the extra bus rides to Rock Bottom is fucking great. I hate it when im in Rock Bottom and I miss the bus and I have to wait 4 hours for the next bus.

>Salty Spitoon raid
It's fucking impossible without a sandy main.

>he doesn't use sandy's pickle-jar bikini costume
What are you, gay?

>Salty spitoon raid
My raid team is garbo, we can't even clear the ice cube. BTW anyone know where to get the bowl of nails consumables?

Spongebob is for autists and manchildren

>t. caught salesman

That's why we're discussing it on Sup Forums

I'm interested in starting. What's a good noobie friendly support class?

Is the current state of vidya so shit you sad sacks have to larp in here? Lmao

Fuck off with your role play threads.

>he's too young to remember earth patch notes threads
I sure cant wait for september to come around

>Frankendoodle boss fight still fucking impossible
Am I retarded or was this not beta tested?

turn the pencil around, dipshit

>he didn't pick up the other pencil half in the dungeon with the eraser bit

>more bus rides to rock bottom
who would want to go there anyway? you can't tell the fucking bathrooms apart down there

barnacles! just spent the last 36 hours trying to do the krusty krab raid, now i see why plankton never got the formula

Gary is a pretty good tank and noobie friendly but bubble buddy has the best support creating barriers and turrets but dies really easily so might not be a good class to start with.

Find a good Squidward player, his buffs make it super easy.

throw the penny towards krab's office to distract him, that'll get him out of the way for 6 and a half hours

>he doesn't use Cannonball Jenkins as main



no-one seems to realise you play the healing note after you defeat gary

You need to find a Plankton player, he can go through the vents and open the office door, doing this will make you skip 90% of the raid.

>Plankton players
>coordinating with the team

Choose one.

>Roll a Patrick
>Spec into tank like most
>Spend a decent chunk of time powerleveling
>Get into a 20 man raid in heroic jellyfish fields
>Act friendly and do my best for about half the run
>Start using "Look at it!" to fear enemies
>To those who don't know, this also fear allies. Amoung tanks it's a controversial ability.
>Squad is whittled down as I fear them into jellyfish clusters, off cliffs and interrupt spellcasters.
>Wipe them on the final boss.
>Do this once more before the raid leader spots me and openly flames me in chat

This shit is hilarious and I love this ability.

role play faggots should fuck off from Sup Forums forever


they should patch these threads to be partially funny next.



Yeah, we should discuss REAL video games like OneyPlays and GameGrumps

I'm trying to spec into a Ms.Puff meme build, namely using her puffed form to dps. Has anyone managed this yet or am I fucked?

>Dirty Bubble nerd when?
Seriously, I was a dumbass and ran a Larry DPS main (inb4 too bulky, I know) but how can I engage in CQC while this mother fucker floating everywhere and CONSTANTLY calling Man Ray for support?

Also, fuck you. I like Goo Lagoon

>he ran larry DPS
>when larry tank is so broken it's literally a mainstay

For Dirty Bubble, just CC him as much as you can whenever he calls support, or just try to cc Man Ray with a Squidward+Patrick combo with Look At It. Just stay away from said combo if you don't wanna get wiped

is this item actually works?

Im fucked guys

I rolled Master Udon DPS even tho he got nerfed to hell but I didn't know it was that bad. No one wants me in raids and I get destroyed in PvP.

Do I need to reroll or is there some build thats viable for him?


Guys, I'm having trouble with my transmogs, all my gear keeps shrinking. Any advice?

Literally does ANYONE run Squilliam?

I'm new to Spongebob MMO
only level 2 at the moment

are there any good quests at super weenie hut junior?

day 3, still farming the king jellyfish raid for the magic conch

do the Wumbo quest

Fuck's sake
thanks anons, he wasn't so bad after all

Someone else here striking against the Krusty Krab?


>He can't do Krusty Krab on Heroic
Lmao'ing @ ur life

When you go to transmog your gear head into the options menu. Under the Advanced tab, you probably have an option set to M for mini. It needs to be set to W for Wumbo.


Who cares, I was just playing with the time machine, the game is now infinitely rendering the time machine and Spongebob, this shit needs to be fixed

Is the "International Justice League of Super Acquaintances"-Addon out yet?

If you are doing a Flats build you need to run through rock bottom a couple of times.

It's class dependent, my guild's main Squidward player got one from the raid is doing and it doesn't seem to do anything good for him. He then gave it to me (Spongebob DPS with the Hydrodynamic spatula) and it keeps giving my party random healing buffs in the form of dropped food.

Huh? Ever tried raiding the Krusty Krab on heroic with Patrick? He has a scripted AI that let's him searching the entrance to the Krusty Krab even though it's right in front of him. Even if I get him inside, he'll just think about what he could order to eat.

For here or to.... Oh fuck it, he does it again.

Anyone feel like the new Jedi class is OP?

Salty that Fairly Odd Parents didn't get an MMO?

Try Monster Weenie Hut Jr.

Is there an easy support class that I can start off with?

hackers like you ruin this game

do you mean the in-game quest or the real life call to nerf mr krabs based on that quest?

where do i download this game???

cant find anything when i google spongebob mmo

What the fuck, is Dirty Dan broken? I got the infamy points up after doing 25 dirty deeds or so and got the subclass, but every time I go into PvP, Sandy players do twice the damage and kick my ass!

What do I do?

git gud

An Old Man Jenkins build would be a safe bet. He is one of the few classes able to run through the Shady Shoals questline right from level 1.

>go squidward
>low defence
>use soley krabby patties as healing items
>goes straight to my thighs

how do i counteract the speed decrease?

>Sandy players

Why even bother? You defeat everything else, it's broken and bullshit. Your only counter is if someone pulls off your helmet, literally one counter.

What the fuck, how do you do the food critic quest, I swear that I put on the pickles every single time but the quest giver complains about lack of pickles

>perfume shop segment in the flying duchman questline
How are you supposed to make it through without dying, the constant perfune AoE damage is far too great.
Turn up your volume and listen for the audio cues. Walk up and speak to him when you notice something off.

The quest is bugged, it says you need a Cooking level of 50, but you actually need it at 75.

i checked steam, uplay and google and have not found this game
do not tell me you were making this up op, i really really badly want to play this spongebob mmo

Anyone know where I could get my hands on a collection of spongebob reaction pics

>It's a "Let's talk nonsense about a game that doesn't exist instead of discussing the infinite amount of real video games which are superior to my fucking dumb fantasies about childish MMOs made out of children's cartoons!"
These threads should be fucking banned.

I'm sorry user

I truly am

How the fuck are you supposed to make it through the Perfume Department in the Flying Dutchman Raid? Even with a level 5 gas mask, the poison effects eat through my health before I can make it through. Pinhead Larry main btw.


make a thread about a real videogame then bitch

>He doesn't realize what sperging out about people having fun with a nostalgic meme makes him look like

Yeah dude, you're doing great

Thanks my man, will see if this works ig
I thought that was the Monster Patty quest?

>maining Pinhead Larry

Found your problem.

You gotta have an overall tankier party. Theres no exact method other than just powering through

V has always been for containment. It's rare to find actual discussion about non fictional games.

m8, we were there, thats why we are complaining, its repetitive, boring, and has been done to death.
You are the one who probably read about it in know your meme and is trying to fit in or relive the threads that once were.

>have the respec your entire party just to make it through one small section of a questline
this game's really gone down hill, this completely kills build variety

in higher level PvP you don't see a whole lot of sandy mains for that reason, you gotta deal with it

git gud or git out son

fighter patrick best build

Who here /livinglikelarry/?

I spent fucking hours grinding dabloons just to save up for my house, but then fucking nematodes came and ate my fucking player housing.

What the fucking kind of sadists are these devs?

how do I cook color burgers? my cooking is 58 right now

>Not running Patrick as ninja
Patricks passive regeneration abilities are perfect for ninja clone jutsu, Patrick can also throw these clones as ninja stars which also make the clones semi invulnerable

Why did they make the Rock mount only available to beta/alpha users? It doesn't even have any animations.

any other King Krabs builds on here? this build is amazing for the raids in the dunces and dragons world.

>wanking for autistic difficulty and grinding fags
>a shitty upgrade to a place no one goes to
>an overpowered item that's going to get nerfed into shit-tier with plankton
Great update. Glad I stopped playing a year back.

Is it true if you go the outskirts of rock bottom at night there's a chance you see a roaming Nosferatu? Or is just a bunch of hoopla?

Everyone having problems with the Chum Bucket raid, me and my guild have found a good solution for the second major boss Karen. She has quite a difficult attack rotation to master but if you use a kelp shake to buff your stats it actually had a unique effect against robots where you'll deal 25% more damage to her and you're also immune to her crowd control abilities now. It's quite a cheese and i don't know if they will tweak this in the future so make sure to abuse it will it lasts

FUCK this asshole in pic related. The movement debuff when sprayed with chrome is bullshit. Anyone else having trouble on the Time Machine quest? Plankton main btw.

Well I now have a new fear since I live in the mountains. Fucking thanks

Just get nematode repel my dude. Although at that point ya gotta rush anti-sea bear gear because he has a chance to spawn.
>pic related when my squidward main got fucking trashed after I forgot to prepare

Use a Giant Rock to get a movement buff my man. You can use it to ride for miles.

Depending on how fast you go, you can even use it in combat to run over enemies.

Be advised, it can run over allies and does extra damage to Squidward.

Man I miss the old plankton, being actually able to PVP well was so much fun until they nerfed the chum bucket

I'm not playing Until they Nerf the Pie Bombs.

Heads up guys, don't try and solo the Pearl's Birthday raid, my Krab Merchant got utterly defeated

>not grinding enough coral bits to get the Mystery mount
Must suck being a rockcuck

krabs merchant had some minor tweaks from the newest patch, it wasn't really viable for the birthday raid to begin with imo

theres a 5% chance he will spawn every night. there are literally guilds dedicated to killing this guy because he drops one of the best legendary

Almost all dps specs except racer Garys cant get through the perfume department without a pocket healer unless you are severely out-geared for the zone.

how do you avoid the avalanche?