Is it just me that's noticed that PC seems to have won?

Is it just me that's noticed that PC seems to have won?

Feels like a lot of the people I talk to who like games are on PC now, a lot because of how convenient it is.

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people pretty much realize that pc superior and console games are really not that worthwhile anymore either

>DFC Intelligence.
Delicious indeed. Though interesting OP, I doubt your thread will get many replies. Console warriors will only hop on when a piece of statistic serves their purpose of FUNposting, while computer users don't feel the need to validate something they know to be true already.

The biggest console base is casuals and convenience, a lot of that has been eliminated by android/ios tablets and phones, its obvious that consoles would suffer the most

those PC revenue included P2W game

Well, yeah.
Unless you're a retard, a weebshitter or both you would've gotten a PC this shitty console gen.

PC is not a gaming platform.

Those are still games.

and F2P games as well

So? Consoles have plenty of those too.

there's no reason to own consoles anymore, the exclusives no longer make up for the drawbacks

Consoles have a lot going for them in their simplicity. Standardised hardware and software means it's a consistent experience, you don't have to worry about things like a graphics card not being supported etc. etc.

What exclusives?

>Modern consoles
>a consistent experience
But those days are over osn. Consoles are now nothing more than downgraded notebooks running on smartphone CPU's which constantly needs software and game updates so you might as well get a PC since those have become more convenient than consoles. PS4 has even had problems with running certain games at launch.

the same third person shooter that seems to be getting re-released over and over the past few years

Not to mention they now have the Pro/X/whatever upgrade which means you don't even know if a game released for your machine will run well on your machine.

I swear it has been getting more mainstream in the uk, or just in general.

If you look at the most popular games on twitch/youtube it isn't cod and fifa, it's pubg and mobas.

PC games don't sell, PCfags are pirates.

PC Gaming is an expensive rip off

It has thanks to steam and streamers

I'd say it's less of a rip-off than console gaming.

Consisent, yes. Consistent stuttering of frame rates, that is. I bought my mid range computer 4 years ago and I have yet to upgrade it once, had no problem playing anything I can buy or pirate. The presence of bundle/giveaway sites meant I can get games a lot, lot cheaper than any console counterparts too, this means I rarely have the need to pirate anymore as it is.

I don't particularly care about muh exclusives either when I have a backlog of 980+ games on Steam, after spending merely $191 USD on the account.

The days of consoles were good back in the last century, where the Super Nintendo and Playstation 1 reigned, but those days are long gone I am afraid.

Nope. The console graph doesn't have that much of a dip in their numbers. Only PC is having increase.

Objectively PC stopped winning. It just comes down to which games you actually want to play.

>dat feel when people say all PC has are MMORPGs, strategies and survival games
Yeah, well, I could make the same case for TPS, JRPGs and sports games on consoles. Neither is an argument seeing as it's just a matter of taste.

Off the Scale there Buddy!

I don't think that's true. A lot of people just like to have a semi capable gaming PC along with their console of choice. I've for example always owned a PC since the late 90s. Not always a super capable gaming PC mind you, but when compared to consoles there's a lot less consistency there. Last gen an Xbox 360, now a PS4. Perhaps in the future a Switch etc.

A X1 is $200. A PC with comparable performance and life time is at least $1000.

That graph looks good until you see what games are the big earners.

Yeah, those trolls need to put more effort in their craft. If PC games don't sell, then how the hell is Gaben swimming in all that cash?

steam market you fucking autist

it's about $400 tops.

For a most people it's about $100 (shove a gpu into the pc you already own) and for some it's "free" (if you already owned a high end pc for video editing/needed one for work) if you're being vaguely realistic

>1000 to do 720p30fps
Are you retarded or what?

New supposedly "next gen" consoles release which don't turn out to be very next gen at all, just slightly upgraded version of their 360/PS3 counterparts which run the same or worst.
I don't want to play weebshit so no point getting a PS4.
Don't want to play Marioshit so no point getting a Switch and I already played BotW on cheap hacked Wii U.
No point in buying Xbone since all its games are PC exclusive too.
Most logical step? Build a PC.

I prefer to play on my console instead of laptop.

>Build a PC.
That's for fat nerd who are neet and don't leave their house.

That only accounts for a portion of their income, sure, that is a very meaningful portion, but not the main dish. If PC games don't sell at all, then why would anyone bother creating games on the platform? Why would any company bother porting their games as well? Games sell on Steam, they sell even on Origin and Uplay too, enough to keep them more than afloat despite how awful those services are.

You need to troll better, fellow poster, not harder.

It's just this one generation in particular has been shit.
Complete utter shit.
The consoles have like, ONE exclusive that is remotely good, it's not worth shelling out hundreds of dollars for one game.

What are the best selling games on consoles?


Microsoft have definitely noticed.
Anyone else starting to think that having a console company in charge of the PC platform is a really bad idea?
Seems like the rumors months ago that Microsoft was working on a version of Windows that would block Steam and that the internal motto was "10 ain't done till Steam don't run" was real.

>Windows 10 S bullshit againt
The same retard who post the same published again. What's going to happen next? you're going to post about Steam OS and other bullshit?

lol quit scaremongering, this is a completely different version of windows designed to compete with Google's Chrome OS

Nonsense. Only Windows 10 S blocks sys32 legacy apps, and it does so because it is a rename of Windows Starter

You can be 100% assured Microsoft will never block application installs because 99.999999999999999999% of all their PC revenue comes from license agreements with government and enterprise, and those two customers use legacy apps exclusively. Anyone who suggests otherwise is delusional to the point of needing to be committed.


pc gaming has become socially acceptable. before anyone who had a pc and bragged about their videocard and all that were considered part of some small niche who also only played strategy rts games. with the rise of multiplats being available on pc with full pc features since the early 7th gen it's become more and more popular and now it's known as the definitive platform for all types of games. the muh controller and muh simplicity excuse has gone out of the window as pc's are just as easy to use as consoles now.

t. owned every console since 1995 and have had a gaming capable pc since ~2007

Literllay every normie I know owns a PS4 with FIFA and GTA.

GOG >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Steam

>console company
>in charge of the PC platform
>microsoft is a console company

>Not running Win 7
>Not running Win 10 in virtual console in Win 7
What are you doing nigger?


Not really. It depends on your tastes. I enjoy AAA and multiplayer games. Those are dead on PC. A vast majority of PC players are 3rd worlders on toasters.

>AAA and multiplayer games are dead on PC

Windows 10 in general runs all legacy Win32 applications through a compatibility layer, not that different to how Wine or DOSbox work.
Windows 10 S just removes that.

Its funny how people keep denying it, Microsoft have been really open about the fact that they think 10 S will be the most common version of Windows within a few years.
That's the kind of thing that happens when OEMs finally get the $0 version of Windows they've wanted for years.

>AAA and multiplayer games are dead on PC

I won't disagree with you there, but 10 S will block GoG just like it blocks Steam.
Its a threat to all third party software sources.

PC is fucking garbage with shovel ware that pc beggars call 'exclusives'.

PC is the gaming platform

They arn't?

Now think about CoD, Titanfall 2, Gears of War, Forza and so on.

If I want to enjoy those games, I have to boot up my Piss4.

That sounds fine to me. Windows 10 S should prevent mom and grandma completely fucking their laptops and thinking they need a replacement.

Probably cause a lot people woke up and realized that consoles are good for the few exclusives they have and Netflix on the couch. While everything else is on PC. Literally, I stopped buying 3rd party games when I built my PC. I only use my PS4 whenever an exclusive I'm interested in comes out. And that accounts for Persona 5, Nioh and HZD this year. The rest of the year every other new or old 3rd party game I care about, I've gotten for PC. And I've even started buying Indies on Switch since a few are just comfier on a handheld, but everything else in on PC.

Oh there will definitely be positive aspects to it, part of why Microsoft is pushing forward with it so aggressively.
It will just also have the affect of killing off all the current third party software stores as the versions of Windows capable of supporting them become a tiny minority of systems over the next few years.

That will have a lot of cascade effects on the gaming industry which could very well lead to another PC gaming crash of the sort seen in the 00s after the introduction of the Xbox.

Why would I buy a PS4 if I'm not into weebshit?
Why would I buy a Switch if I'm not into mario shit?
Why would I buy an xbone if all its games are on PC too?
PC is the go to gaming platform.

>If I want to enjoy those games, I have to boot up my Piss4.
Because you don't own a good PC. Kek.

>Buying multiplats
>On console
U dun goofed.

Why would I buy pc if I am not into web browsing?
PC is dead obsolete irrelevant overpriced garbage.

>It will just also have the affect of killing off all the current third party software stores as the versions of Windows capable of supporting them become a tiny minority of systems over the next few years.
Nonsense. I work for the largest IT provider on earth, ATOS, and 100% of our customers (10x as true for European Government agencies) use legacy applications. A large part of our revenue comes from making legacy applications from the 90s function in Windows 7-10 alone. The entire nation of England is still on Windows XP for that reason in fact. We also do the infrastructure support for Microsoft on the east coast and a few other facilities. A close partner. They have no intent on dropping legacy from Windows mainline. The goal is to create a second parallel operating system which is part of their Singularity project. It will not include IBM code so they can get away from all their royalty payments they have to make with the NT kernel.

So there will be Windows 10 rolling, which is a classic OS (they bill it as a service and are moving to a service company where they do patching/support for businesses exclusively) that supports legacy and also the new OS which won't be called Windows.

There is a small division at Microsoft that has been pushing the removal of legacy support from 10 for a while now. They offer a service where MS will package your legacy app in their new UP container and handle support forever, making them liable for making sure the app works under future patches, however the project is a nightmare and close to zero customers have taken advantage of it. The few who have already are threatening to sue Microsoft from failing to render services. I seriously doubt that branch will ever take root. Microsoft has dozens of branching paths they try out, most of which don't work. This is one of them.

>graph shows PC gaming on the rise
>PC is dead
Woah woah woah woah

cod is dead on pc

I have so much money that I day-trade at work to pass the time. Not everyone here is sad. Not only is my desktop top tier - I bought an Alienware laptop last month just to also kill time at work.

That bullshit aside - its not that it won't run, it's that it's dead and/or infested with 3rd worlders and hackers.

0/10 bait

>top tier

You seriously think Microsoft cares more about Xbox than Windows?

Name one game on pc that isn't trash?
Don't mention multi-plats since they sole existence is owned to consoles.

Was talking about my desktop.

I can't build a laptop.

>980+ games on Steam, after spending merely $191 USD
I'm a PCfag myself, but quantity is not greater than quality. How many of those 980+ games do you actually play?

now this is shitposting

I like PC because the graphics are better.

The thing that's good about PC is that games in general are cheaper. You spend money to build one, yes, but once you have it you can get a whole lot of use for not as much money.

>Implying PS4's weebshit isn't trash

PC will always be the cheaper investment in the long run.

>A large part of our revenue comes from making legacy applications from the 90s function in Windows 7-10 alone.
Well good news for you then, there will be a lot of good business in the next few years packing up legacy win32 applications up as UWPs.

> Microsoft has dozens of branching paths they try out, most of which don't work. This is one of them.
The problem is that when Microsoft encounters one of those things that doesn't work, their reaction is always to force it harder.

>they bill it as a service and are moving to a service company where they do patching/support for businesses exclusively
I'm not sure why that's supposed to be good for PC gaming. Microsoft has proved time and again over the last decade that they don't care about PC gaming at all as they've been willing to let gaming infrastructure for the PC sit and rot for years at a time.
Its really surprising that the industry hasn't put more effort into building a replacement that moves at the speed of hardware and needs of games, instead of Microsoft's updates only when there's a new Windows version and only for those users who upgrade.

There are more people without money - than with. PC is very popular in shitty countries.

I had no idea this level of autism existed.

No it' not and you are huge retard

>pc is literally the poor mans gaming machine
makes you think

PC is the RTS gaming platform

fuck off starcraftfag

Hello, I have played a good majority of them, of roughly 1002 titles (including f2p ones), only 340 of them I have yet to touch.

Since multiplayer gaming is free on PC, I can get back to titles whenever I feel like too, which is comfy.

That's mainly because their import taxes are out the ass which makes consoles there relatively more expensive than in western countries.

and MMOs/Mobas which makes the most of money.

>""""game owned""""

enjoy your disc rot

Not sure what you're saying there.
That the majority of Windows systems being incapable of running software from third party sources isn't a huge threat to independent game developers?
Or that GoG games will somehow run on 10 S.

Remember when the narrative was that Microsoft would never, could never dream of releasing a version of Windows that wouldn't run legacy win32 applications? That them even contemplating that would be suicide.
Well now they've done it and now the narrative has rapidly shifted to:
>oh its not big deal its just this one weird side project you know it doesn't mean anything

enjoy your data rot.

Go back to multiplayer games? Brand new multiplayer games are dead on PC. What are you going to "go back" to? CS:GO?

Come on now, this doesn't even make sense. You have put put more effort if you plan to FUNpost.

the graph shows software sales

consoles dip around the time when new hardware comes out - with less enticing software

they start rising again in 2015 and from what we have heard about software sales in 2017, it has been a pretty amazing year for software so it's likely that the curve would keep rising

conclusion: you are all retarded

>Brand new multiplayer games are dead on PC.
Brand new multiplayer games are also dead on consoles, mainly because a lot of them are shit.

are you using IDE or SATA for your hard drives

You are just spinning in a tornado of misinformation.