Why are you not playing the GOTY?
>fps mode now
>new movesets
>fixed all existing bugs
Why are you not playing the GOTY?
Other urls found in this thread:
>fixed all existing bugs
It's a fun game user, there's no need to lie.
You can polishing that turd, but no matter what, it'll always be a turd.
>dota has lost 400k Players in 1 year
reminder to not reply to shill threads
>tfw framerate issues
Otherwise I would play the shit out of PUBG
It is fun game. even the suffering is fun sometimes
How did this happen?
I don't have friends to play it with
There's still no FPS servers for Oceanic regions.
That's all that's stopping me from playing the shit out of it right now.
>six time second place in a row with only one fucking win
Why do I always choked at the end? Fucking end me already
Fear. Fear isn't even real, so embrace it, use it to drive you and give you the confidence to get that last kill
This. My friends all hate pvp.
You bitch ass niggers should play duo or squad. Shit it some of the tensed game I've ever played, plus gives you an excuse to hide and camp like a bitch if that's your thing. Top 10s even easier than solo
*play duo or squad SOLO
>still shilling not h1z1 2 electric boogaloo
wasn't interested in arma, wasn't interested in dayz, wasn't interested in h1z1, not interested in this
I don't like fps shooty games.
>tfw PUBG devs will never pay me to shill their game on Sup Forums
>I'm not interested in X therefore anyone who says it's good is a fucking shill!
I mean I fucking hate the game but come on mate, at least shitpost well
>don't own or ever played PUBG
>still shill this game for free
Pretty bored of it.
nah, it's fun. keeps getting better and better to
the fact that I have made my money back on the game and then some via crates and keys is even better.
I'm sure this post will trigger someone
yet you do. dumbass.
>oh know they are talking about that game I don't like On /'v/ again
>i better bump the bread and show how salty I am
you need a better life my dude
>getting a win on NA/AS
I doesn't even feel satisfying. It just happens casually. Why are burgers and chinks so shit at this game?
>tfw got 2nd place four seperate times
>tfw finally got a win
Oh man, I had top tier positioning and no one even saw me at the end. Picked off the last 3 guys with my Kar quite easily.
Not even close to being bored with it.
Got bored when I started winning matches.
At least I made the money I spent on it back by selling the boxes.
I was long bored with these kinds of games by the time it came out. It might be the best, most polished version of the idea, but it's still the same idea and I have no interest in playing more of it.
at 125 hours and there is no stopping me. I'm ready for a new map though
Game gives me the most intense rush since arma 2 mods
feels gud desu senpai
Remind me why Sup Forums hate PUBG
You have a separate MMR for each region. You're winning matches because you're literally playing the worst players and complete newbies. Not surprising that an uneducated third worlder is running his mouth.
>what is sage?
>I-I-It's pa-pa-Popularr reeeeeeEEEEEEEE
It's popular.
So... This is... the power... of early access... WOW
>no waifus
>multiplayer focus
>no singleplayer
>no rpg shit or luck involved
>very skill depending
I love that this game triggers anons so much. I mean why in the fuck would you waste time talking about a game you don't like. lol yet there are still those faggots that show up and will maybe even reply to this post
I think its sonybros crying they don't have the game, or just console turds in general shitposting.
>mfw a console owner can't get his greasy controller hands on my fav gayme
stay triggered, thanks for you. Announcing sage is against rules btw. :)
It has a skill ceiling even lower than CSGO, which is why is a thing and it will soon over take CSGO in players.
Is this guy not a Starcraft pro? What happened?
because it's streamer bait, so that makes the community absolutely cancerous, Sup Forums don't hate games, they hate the people that play them
this game would be loved if there was a small niche community, Undertale was pretty much Goty here for around a month after launch, but the furries and homosexuals came and ruined everything
>fixed all existing bugs
C'mon, son.
>skill ceiling
Oh man, csgo is dying. feels gud
>the game would be better if less people played it
Son, you need to wake the fuck up from this dreamworld you live in.
>all 7 mill whom bought the gayme are the same people
yeah, just like everyone on v is the same, eh?
I'm 100% glad I'm not you.
It's not dying, PUBG is just dethroning it as the most casual shooter on the market.
Okay bros say it with me
It just seems boring. Walk around bored for 20+ minutes then have one decent fight at the end.
I did play The Culling, probably ruined it for me.
>be console shiteater with greasy hands
>can't play pubg and salty
>save shitty webms and attempt to shitpost about gayme I don't like
Oh i am laffin.
He got temp banned for this shit.
Destiny is trash.
If you are actually walking around for 20+ min, you'd get in a fight before then. Stop hiding in a house like a virgin.
Friendly reminder to report shill threads
and you need to clean your glasses, grandpa, reread the post, I said Sup Forums would love the game, never said if it was good or not
the majority of people here hate popular shit, yes
Why would someone be paid to promote a popular video game to roughly 500 people who hate popular video games?
>every thread for a game I don't like is a shill thread
thanks for bump on a gayme you don't enjoy.
I'll be the normal person and actaully talk about games I like. You do you though.
>announcing reports
you should go read the 4chin rule list user. newfag
Not him but being a 'virgin' is how you win games. You can't account for every single persons position which means there's always a potential to get shot in the back while you're moving. The actual 'git gud' to counter this issue is to take cover and move as little as possible to maximize your odds of survival. Even in first person, remaining still gives you the audio advantage.
>fallout 4 that high
Because it's some streamer bait fucking trash.
They just made a large elimination mode. I could make an ARMA mod with more than that. The appeal is that it "takes skill to play" and you "gotta be the best on stream"
>Fixed bugs
Bullshit. Proof?
>no luck involved
nope, won plenty of games just out using cover and finding people first. literally the only way to win like a virgin such as yourself is if you get lucky camping a house and the last circle ends on you.
you're a shitter
You don't say, cucklord. I have a 30/30/40 split for EU/NA/AS.
You can win with only roadkills on AS while you have to shoot on NA from time to time.
Post your name/stats. I'll wait, but I know you won't because you're trash.
its 2017 last I checked and Nier came out this year
Kek, sadly GOTY is actually System shock 2
>Pubfucks will shill this hard
Considering the /vg/ general is dead, and that 100% of the PUBG threads lack actual game discussion and are all
Yeah, sounds like shilling.
Post stats, you won't
>I could make an ARMA mod with more than that
do it fagget
He got heavy into cuckolding and makes a living out of black breeding his boipussy
No time for starcraft anymore
i only play first person, kiddo. enjoy being a lame duck ass and cheesing people with your camera, queer.
>I love that this game triggers anons so much.
But PUBG threads are full of people, and are made by people who are absolutely mad that Sup Forums doesn't like it.
It's also funny how aggressive and angry you all are.
we will see
best PUBG streamer
why not go play PUBG and post on the general
user, thank you for dat bumppity on dis uber fun gayme
Go away, cancer.
>spend 30 minutes looting
>die from unknown location
Great game you have there, Bluehole.
He has a somewhat funny persona if he's in the mood for it. Still, he's a toddler when it comes to losing.
>blaming the game
>blaming the devs
>blaming the RNG
Crybaby. Also, he's not that great of a player.
like it or not most of Sup Forums watches twitch streams daily
git gud
According to obese reddit newfags such as yourself, of course.
that's not pewds
>spend 30 minutes looting
This is why I refunded it.
Having to spent the first half of the match just searching houses for gear and ammo is fucking boring.
I enjoy watching him, can be comical at times. I also relate to him playing hoops and being an athlete. He played college hoops in the early 00s. Guy was a legit athlete.
he cries about the game too much though, he says he will stop playing it but he wont.
get fucked neo-Sup Forumstard
It's okay, I knew you wouldn't
are there private servers yet?
Fuck off Felix
Worse enough that you cucked in and made that 'apology' video to not offend anyone but also you stream in 360p. How do you even manage this shit?
Yeah, he's fucking epic bro, HAVE AN AWESOME BROFIST!!
custom servers have been out for ages
agreed he's so random and quirky xD
people like you are honestly the worst type of poster.
>oh I guess I better deflect to reddurp now
please leave the thread and go have some breakfast. fatass