You guys should really play this. It's great and only 30 dollars.
You guys should really play this. It's great and only 30 dollars
thank you fellow Sup Forums user! I will make sure to buy Hellbladeā¢ with its astounding metacritic rating of 83% for the bargain price of only $30. What a steal for this incredible life changing experience!
I don't care about story, the combat is dogshit. Pirated it and uninstalled after 30minutes. Glad I didn't waste money on this turd.
Great 30 minute review. very helpful.
The combat is supposed to be easy in the beginning you idiot.
I didn't say easy
It was boring as shit
I then looked at gameplay videos of people further in than me and it doesn't change in the least
It's Ryse-tier
>the Sup Forums poster in a nutshell
as autistic as it can get
>caring more about gameplay in a video game
You have no idea what autistic means.
>the poorly-veiled shill in a nutshell
as desperate as it can get
I will admit that I havnt played it, but ive seen a decent amount.
It looks like a walking simulator that also has combat sometimes. Problem being that walking simulators are fucking horrible and boring, and the combat lacks depth and is also boring.
why did you start playing the game in first place since you know it's a story driven corridor simulator which aims to give a depiction of psychosis in this kind of media format?
so yea, literally autistic but of course you wouldn't understand that because you are virgin 16 y o edgelords who are in depression of not getting laid
>supposed to be easy in the beginning
combat is shit dodge fest in the end, nice try marketer
>If your game plays like shit, it fails to correctly use the features of its chosen medium.
If they had a story to tell - a well-written story that can stand on its own mertis - then write a book. Make a short film. Do a radio show. Don't make a video game.
Yeah because superior games like dark souls you never dodge ever.
Didn't mean to quote the first part.
They should have just reskinned DmC:devil may cry to make this game. Use this new character, setting and story, but have DmC gameplay.
I would have actually bought this game if they did. But in reality it looks like a shitty cinematic walking experience with lackluster boring combat
Games can't have a good story ever hurr durr I'm retarded I need constant epic zombie cod PUBG gameplay all the time because my attention span is 5 seconds.
yea but this game was mostly an experiment and it achieves to do what it aims in an interesting way
it was never supposed to be focused on combat or some deep profound gameplay
it is what it is and it did it well
Games can certainly have story
If it plays like shit, it's a shit video game
I don't like PUBG but I find it hilarious that you would bring up a flavour of the month to compare to this game
The combat isn't even the main focus of the game though. Nier Automata's combat is shit yet this board seems to jizz all over the game for some reason.
Not him but I preorderedd this game as soon as it was up (so i can have an AMSR PS4 theme) and I also love PUBG. They are both great. It's not one or the other.
>"FUCK YOU' Theory
>bullshit combat with bad animation
>crawwwwling in my skin edge story
>Ugly SJW character design
No. Kill yourself.
dark souls isnt frustratingly linear and cinematic. it also feels like your playing an actual game
>play for 20 minutes
>nothing happens
Tameem yet again doesn't disappoint me
>Needs something epic and over the top every 20 minutes or else he uninstalls.
America's youth everyone. Growing up with the internet and cell phones were a mistake.
But the game does have a great story to tell and it's one of those games that takes the medium and pushed it to a level of immersion that a book or a movie will never reach. But yeah you're right
>Muh combat isn't CUUUURAYHZEE or dark souls like so it's shit
Disclaimer, I love Devil May Cry
>8 hour game with 0 replay value has to be played right to the end before it gets good
Quality game development, everyone. Cinematic "video games" were a mistake.
Growing up playing hellblade was a mistake
>implying i'm american and 18 years old
Who said anything about action ? The story could have started, they could have introduced me to the characters, to the world, to the what's happening but no just rowing on a canoe and hunting for glyphs in a barren wasteland.
Dev does something generic
>"shit game"
>"looks and plays like x games"
Dev does something original
>"shit game"
>"no gameplay"
Didn't you all underage faggots see that the game is rated M? Why did you play it?
The Ninja Theory fanbase is really young.
>Dev does something original, with shit or no gameplay
>"shit game"
>"no gameplay"
>Dev does something original, with good gameplay
>"hey this game is pretty good"
Is it even 8 hours? I doubt it.
>Watch gameplay
>Skip around video
>Land on WALKAN most of the time
>Faggot lefty game "journalists" praising it
>Modern Team Ninja
Too many red flags.
According to HLTB, 8 hours for main + extras. Main is 7 hours. I was being generous.
So many shills, so little time
Hellblade really has a great story concept, but everything I've seen about the gameplay and level design seems boring.
There's no reason focusing on story would have to mean that the gameplay is an afterthought
Well, I mean it would work if there was at least an interesting story to tell, but the problem is that there is actually no story, like literally NOTHING HAPPENS for the whole "game". It is just boring as hell. Felt like watching a Tarkovsky movie, but even worse
>Felt like watching a Tarkovsky movie, but even worse
Low IQ pleb spotted.
>PUBG is flavor of the month
>the game that regularly hits 600k peak players
>this unadvertised japanese game is somehow not flavor of the month
I did play it, giving it a 9 is way overrated. The game is very boring to actually play, unless you get really swept up in the story I guess. The thing is all its "game" elements are too boring, tedious or basic and they constantly distract because you get bored.
The puzzles are all exceedingly simple to the point where you can barely actually call them "puzzles" in the first place since they don't involve any actual problem solving or some sort of challenge, you just have to find shit in the environment, basically. Due to this level of simplicity they're never satisfying to solve either, so the segments are just boring and way overused. Too much of the game is just walking or these barebones "puzzles". There's also no real exploration, of course.
The combat is simple, though pretty satisfying at first, however it doesn't really change at all throughout the entire game and starts getting old, especially considering how it's quite easy even on the hardest difficulty. I think the only legitimately enjoyable encounter was the Valravn fight early in the game, since he was actually quicker and more aggressive while almost everything else is a dumb, slow punching bag which you occasionally dodge or parry.
It's a 6 or 7 at best, I think they did pretty well with the psychosis portrayal since Senua actually comes across as fucking broken, but everything which makes it an actual game is boring and bland.
This isn't Japanese, it's from the great land of Airstrip One.