Why play Zelda: BotW when you can play Gothic II?
Why play Zelda: BotW when you can play Gothic II?
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Why play Gothic II when you can play literally anything else.
What's with all the Gothic 2 shilling on Sup Forums lately? Did this game got an enhanced edition or something?
2 was genetic fantasy RPG garbage though, incomparable to the masterpiece that was Gothic 1.
I have literally never heard of this game outside of this meme.Is it even good?
Fucking discount looking darth Revan looking mother fucker.
>genetic fantasy
It's like Morrowind but even worse.
>Why play anything else when you can play Gothic 2?
>Why post something good when I can regurgitate the OP
They focus on completely different things and play differently, you asswipe.
its actually a really good game. not even memeing. I'm only on chapter 2, but the world design and quests are very unique. Combat takes time to get used to, but once you get it, its great. Having no enemy respawns except at certain points between chapters keeps things balanced and makes the sense of progression feel better than most games. only thing you might hate is the game is fucking hard, especially going in blind, and the rpg elememts (character creation, dialogue choices) are kind of lacking. Its a worth a play though simply because it has one, if not the best open worlds in an rpg as well as a god tier sense of progression and quests.
When the OP is already perfect saying anything else in the thread is just shitposting
Well piranabytes studio is making a new game.
Make sure you kill every single monster you can take on or you will miss out on XP/Levels and will get your shit kicked in.
I had to reload before cause I was too weak when going into a new chapter so I could rack up more XP
>you can swim your way to the city and even get a unique reaction and exp for it
Nobody who worked on Gothic 1/2 is working on Elex. The new game is gonna be mediocre at best if not shitty.
Gothic vs Morrowind is a huge ruskie Sup Forums meme. Both of those were very popular in the Eastern Europe.
I'm assuming OP, who keeps making these threads, also hails from there.
Is there a mod that removes the story requirement for learning the circles of magic?
I'm afraid to play this game. Sup Forums shills it so much that i'm afraid it'll be the biggest piece of shit.
do i need to play Gothic 1 first?
Can we name this guy GothicFag? We got ACFag and BarneyFag, I think we need a new one.
oh, you got proof of that?
why do you hate Gothic II?
because, you know ... you are doing Beliars work by spamming those threads ...
Armored Core, or Ace combat?
Why post a reply when you can reply to a post?
Armored Core. You can usually find him bitching ENDLESSLY about """"cinematics"""" and anything not being 60 FPS.
Well he isn't technically wrong, G2's main plot is literally "an ancient evil awakens".
I make these threads sometimes (not OP). And I'm American. Its just sad that a game as good as gothic 2 gets no love while morrowind gets 5 threads a day, especially when I find that morrowind boring.
It was the best Sup Forums meme game I've fallen for, if that's anything to go by...
No, not really. Gothic 1 is a lot uglier and clunkier. I mean sure, if you want everything out of the story, then yeah, but gothic 2 is the idea perfected.