Last Guardian

Would you say the game did a good enough job in making Trico endearing?

Most certainly. Ironically, the overall clunkiness of the game helps.

Yeah, its animations are incredible

Never have i been mad at a game for how poorly it handles the controls and camera. Not to mention that stupid cunt Trico.

Yes, the game's main problem is that the puzzles are very repetitive, despite the game being around 5 hours long. That, and the framerate.

It could use some more frames.

>The way the camera jumps as soon as it could possibly get stuck in a wall.
The game's good, but whoever made the camera so fond of jumping around in tight spaces really needed to rethink that entire idea.

>Tfw Trio actually flies

Just the way the wings so seamlessly get bigger and smaller is super great.

Trico's pretty great overall, but when his AI wigs out (which to be fair, is not often) it can infuriating.

>Tfw getting stuck in the water room because the bastard refuses to swim down
>When he does, he turns back around

Trico is done well but they forgot to make a good game around him

I remember looking forward to this game.

Is it shit?

You stop caring about that piece of shit after it pushes you off a ledge and KILLS you for the nth time. Also the game is shit in general, goddamn what a waste of money.

Yes but I think they made him too 'real' to the game's detriment. Lot of people are complaining about his reaction times and overall responsiveness which might be ok if this was mostly animal simulation but since this is a puzzle game requiring fast response sometimes it can be a bother.
Tl;dr version, his behavior looks good at first but I wish there was an option to make him more responsive even at the expense of natural movement.

unfortunately yes its kind of bad

Ehhh, it's not "shit," but it's not exactly a 10/10. It's a neat run around in one team Ico's ruins (something they seem to have a real hard on for), and the story is okay. Gameplay is just kind of in the middle of the road, though.

Not really. Definitely weakest of the 3 though.

I always wondered, was Trico a he or a she? The kind of dodges around answering either way.

If it was male you'd be able to see the junk dangling between his legs.

If it was a female you should be able to crawl inside its pussy.

Great job by my account.

I cried when he was getting beaten up. I have a soft spot for pets though.

Yeah I actually felt like Trico was an animal with a mind of its own. It was pretty neat when be figured out puzzles before me too.

I guess people just expected Trico to be some slave you order around and not like Agro from SotC

It's actually really incredible and a return to ICO gameplay with some SotC stuff thrown in. The only problem is that ICO and Sotc were amazing and fresh because no one made anything like those games while Last Guardian came out when the market is full of artsy games like ICO and Sotc so it doesn't really stand out. Made me cry though just like I COULD so it's good in my books

It's a single player puzzle adventure with minimal story. It's not something that's going to be talked about for very long.

It is worth a play.

Yes, absolutely. If it didn't the game would have fallen apart for me. One of my favorite games. Was interesting seeing Trico's mannerism's mirrored in my own cat. They clearly put a lot of thought into how they handled Trico.