Is this going to be the Blood Meridian of Vidya?
Is this going to be the Blood Meridian of Vidya?
no one on this pleb board knows what Blood Meridian is, you idiot
>Implying there'll be scalp hunting
>implying anyone has actually read a book past primary
>Implying anyone reads books in 2017
jesus christ, realy? red dead?
No bully? no manhunt?
Nope. As seemingly pretty detached from the current political shitstorm Rockstar is they would never actually have a character like The Judge who talks about war in a positive light, nor would they have the balls to depict racism in a non-biased manner. As is evidenced by the buzzfeed "durr the jew hater has never met a jew" shit in RDR1.
The kid would be too violent and crude of a main character for a modern videogame. He would make Trevor blush.
I can't read a single one of cormacs books. They're written shitty
RDR is Rockstar's masterpiece
Sorry, but Dan Houser couldn't even write an episode of Family Guy
RDR's story was as trash as GTA4/5's, and the best bits were cribbed straight from The Proposition
But it's not
Brainlet spotted. Bet you think Tom Sawyer is written shitty too.
Tom Sawyer is racist dribble.
course they do. and rr2 will be nothing like it.
That was only in the DLC.
Whats going on with RDR? Still no gameplay or trailers and the release is like 6 months away.
>took a year out of my life reading those classic books
>its all shit
thanks lit
>still no trailers
Who let Kim Jong Un out of his bunker?? It's been about 8 months since the reveal trailer
I've got a copy of it on my shelf right now. Though admittedly I dropped it after he got attacked by a vampire bat.
The trailer was released 20.10.2016 and there hasn't been any information since.
Overrated schlock? I hope not.
>Dropped it like 50 pages in
What's wrong with you?
It's a bad habit of mine to stop reading halfway through or so. I have a hard time finishing books. And games really
Read for about 30 more pages and you get to the main supporting characters. It's worth it.
Alright I'm going to restart it so I can fully enjoy it
they literally released new article about it in may or something with bunch of pics and saying its 2018
I fucking hope so dude.
Thank god that bullshit about Franco directing a movie of that has gone nowhere.
Cormac rocks dude, fuck you.
>the Blood Meridian of Vidya
What a fucking retarded thing to say. Are you trying to ask if it's going to take influence from Blood Meridian?