Looking forward to the release of Escape From Tarkov

Looking forward to the release of Escape From Tarkov.

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nobody else is

So fuck off then. This thread isn't for you.

>game with amazing assets
>is a shitty online looter shooter
fuck I'm mad.

Yeh it seems good. Sorta hard, i lost a lot of gear in the beta. It could get boring and repetitive very easily though


Idiot. The game is still in alpha and there are still a lot more of game modes coming out. I don't understand why you're crying

my friends and I are still playing it. It's pretty fun

we left a paper trail of weapon parts to a door in the petrol station and waited for someone to follow it. then we threw an hand grenade in and closed the door behind him. heartiest fucking chuckle I've had in this game.

Biggest issue for us is how bad the desync is at times. Just did a shoreline drop fully geared with my MP5 and we found we were 3 minutes desynced during our first engagement and all bit the dust without even scratching the lone guy.

Must've looked fucking retarded shooting all over

me too cause then u can stop making threads about it

Is there any reason there are rabid anti-EFT people on Sup Forums? I haven't seen this much blind hate for a game they haven't played for a while.

Anyways I love the game even though I can't play it too much because work. I like how unforgiving it is even if I do get pissed off a lot. I usually die for being an idiot and rushing people.

My question is how do you get M4s and shit like that? Is it something you can buy from traders once you level them up a bunch or are they rare random drops?

>inb4 "It's just like Stalker!Cheeki Breeky XD LMAO"

you know who you are and you should feel ashamed of yourself

Who has the redpill copypasta on this game? Something about how they literally copied some small deathmatch F2P shooter and threw a few new gun models in it.

Played it alone two days ago, found a dead body with an M4 and 30 rounds with a holosight and a supressor. Killed some bots and apparently some people, then i left. Played yesterday, killed a guy and then i got later shot as well.

pubg won.

>there are still a lot more of game modes coming out
How about one that adds a 20+ hour single-player mode with replayability?

Peace keeper sells them pretty cheap and now that they fixed his money he's easy as fuck to level

other than that you can find spawns behind locked doors. Dorm room 218 nearly always has a good gun in it and we've found at least 3 M4s there

Why the fuck everyone stuffs chromatic aberration everywhere.
It looks awful, not artistic, not eerie.

Market your shitty game elsewhere, гóпник piece of shit..


Contract Wars? friend said that it's set in the same universe as that game and uses it as the lore backdrop or some shit.

that's a dated picture, the game looks nowhere near as good.

Why don't you drop some codes, OP?
I promise if I like it I'm going to be shilling it on Sup Forums 7 days a week.

this nigga gets it

whats the point of not having a dust cover on the AK?

>not handicapping yourself to give others a chance

What the fuck are you part of the development team or something?

Good. casuals aren't allowed

Not ruski. Why so mad casual? Mad cus bad, maybe?

No. I like the game. Is everyone who makes thread about games a shill now days? You stinky, anti-shower, water drinking autists hate everything that is looking promising.

is there a down side to having it off in the game?

Contract wars is published by the same developer but it was another team making it.

This just reads like English wasn't your first language which makes it even more likely that you're one of the euroshits working on this game

Why? It's shady cashgrab.
Funy fact: game was (don't know if this was fixed) vulnerable to artmoney/cheatengine hacks. When players told about that, they got banned. Easy way to lose 100$.

I'm Norwegian. I'm glad I wasn't born as an amerilard that has to live with niggers and mexicans.

Your loss, dev.

>All these Activison shills shitting on EFT
Nice new jew tactics to shit on new games.
I won't buy COD, fuck off.

The assmad casuals that flame in every EFT thread is just hilarious desu. I can just imagine how terrible they are at fps games

I'm very much interested to buy this game but it's really hard for me to justify spending this much money for only 4 locations. Also I read that they called it beta for marketing reasons since it's missing a lot of promised features. Also I'm not a fan of buying a game outside of Steam. If any of you shills are in here please let your marketing team know that I will gladly buy the game the moment it's going to appear on Steam.

Yes, it is still alpha tier, because they couldn't delay the beta a third time without losing face.
Just wait and look into it when it has more content.

I'll forward this to the guy that hired me

Because of your obvious shilling?

>Insane shilling
>Picture is from 2016
>since a few month we haven't seen a single thread
>just recently becasue more people got access
Neurons. Activated.

Except every single thread about this permanent-in-alpha turd is like this.

Mr. Shill. Will there be more maps? The current ones look pretty bland.

>the game is shit, goym
>it is a scam
>Activision games are pure kino
>buy Call of Duty®: WWII
Sure thing, Anti-shill.

Tell me slav shill, why, of all boogeymen, you choose a game that's never talked about in Sup Forums

How much Rubel do you get paid per post? Or do you get ingame items?

>never talked about on Sup Forums

Oh yes, I remember that it gets shilled, just like yours.
And just like you, they tried finding a boogeyman to blame for all the normal Sup Forums posts rejecting their turd games.

Ther are only shills shilling games you don't like right?
Why do you even talk about vydia if everyone liking games is a shill?

>best weapon customization ever in the videogame
>mfw they can't afford shills, so those slavs shill it themselves

Excited to watch this flop and see this studio die.


Ah fuck off.
There's some legitimate concern surrounding this game, you can't just shrug it off by crying wolf like this.

Fucking shitty alpha beta piece of shit.
Release the full game and I'll buy it, in the mean time you can just fuck off with you fucking beta turd.

Notice how the moment someone acuses them of shilling, everyone stops talking about the game itself.
That's proof alone that the game is getting shilled.
Good day, and go search for a job in your local kebab shops for when the game fails.

So shills only stay in their thread not shitting on other games to make them look bland?
Same boogeyman this user tries to create

cyka blyat. Damn hater I know. I´m a proud owner of EDGE OF DARKNESS limited edition. Fuck them.

>notice how shitposting derails a thread?


Escape from Graykov? Is that the open world game that takes place in a warehouse?

Dear shills, do take note that you should use PUBG as your boogeyman as it is the current title Sup Forums shit and hate the most.

Activision is old and busted mate.

Why does it have the color scheme of the average military shooter from 2007 to 2013?

0.15 Slavbucks have been added to your account

>ITT: salty casuals getting assmad about a great game that is coming out this year.

>no anti aliasing

Why so mad?

>great game
What a joke. It's nowhere "great" it's shady vashgrab. With millions of bugs, lazy developers who don't know shit and even visual part of it is just a ripoff of store.steampowered.com/app/374280/Hired_Ops/

There are 4 maps out right now and more will come.

i would have bought it for 30 bucks
but it's more like 45 so no buy

What video does this image come from, I can't remember and google doesn't help?

>FPS/TPS early access survivalshit multiplayer
Will you dumb faggots literally ever learn?

>being so assmad about a video game that you have to lie to make it look bad

Lie? Where?
People bought game to test it, found that you can hack it with cheat engine - told about this and got banned. No sane developer would do something like this.

>buys early access shit
>calls people casuals

5000 rubles have been deposited to your account

>russian jew devs
>no refunds

how about no

More content when ree

The only way I find fun in this game now is going completely naked except for a pm pistol and 3 other clipazines. No vest or bag. I just loot entire bag and vest to quickly loot. Playing in any other map but factory sucks now. I just go in and get some ez headshots on armored guys and quick extract. Selling a vest and bag usually gets me the 4k that the pm pistol costs me and if I get a sling weapon that's like 10-15k per which pays for 3 runs.

This shit is fun as fuck this way and I do it to leave my trades but the thing that fucking sucks now is that if I go naked pm mode it takes me like 5 minutes to find a game. I guess because no vest or bag puts me in a shittier tier and takes a while to find shittier equipped people.

I just can't enjoy doing shore like the only other good map because the profit is so low compared to the time investment.

Just play the offline mode.

>people complaining about no refunds
Just chargeback nigga. What do you have to lose, access to the game you are charging back?