Is today the day we can have a civil MH thread?
What are you hoping for anons?
Is today the day we can have a civil MH thread?
What are you hoping for anons?
First for worlds looks like casualized trash for sonybros and that XX is the better game.
I'm hoping for model rips
>This is Monster Hunter 5 and has been in development for 4 years.
>Targeting a stable 30fps across all platforms.
>Supports 4K and HDR
whats the fucking point to port it on the pc when it's only 30 fps?
It's shit
Just realized that with the PC version we are most likely getting MH SFM porn
Most probably the only good thing to come out of this whole thing.
targeting user, targeting. Says nothing about it being capped
I'm hoping I won't be forced to import MH if I want to play on a portable from now on.
From now on? There are like 10 different portable MH games to choose from
And I already played them. Is there a problem that I want more?
No. Everyone is allowed to dream. Take the people who dream about MH on PS4 for example.
>World on 3 platforms
>Thrice the Longsword tripping
>Thrice the Je Suis monte
But we're back to the oldfag platform Playstation. We're finally rid of the newfags Nintendo and their casuals.
>hoping to educate newcomers and casuals when the whole game is targeted towards them
we're fuck either way, PS4 might be decent if you can get in good with some Japs though.
you're stupid
Why are French players associated with IG anyway?
Can't wait to send those cunts flying.
Gunlance to retain some form of mobility from Gen
They just seem to be drawn to them. It also gives a nice loud announcement for their impending fuck up.
>In world
I have some news for you
For the game to be good. So far it's not looking too great.
Actually since it's not a handheld for autists then you get less chance of playing with frenchmen
How do you fuck up like this? You have a great game that sells well with a dedicated, loyal fanbase and all you need to do is keep slowly iterating on that game. But no, for some reason they had to go and fuck everything up in an attempt to get even more money.
MHW gunners look so god damn good, I can't wait.
Some other way to get femhunter upskirts seeing how gathering animations are gone.
>slowly move forward
>You have been banned from Monster Hunter World online services due to misogynist behavior
That Udon-ya continues to do MH doujins once they're back on form.
World still has tripping ya daft cunt
The main carving animation is still there, and the classic gathering animation is still there but only for certain things like bone piles and shit
It has been vastly reduced as not to frustrate the western audience.
>Full English voice acting.
Smelly dumb neneposter.
This, he's what got me into these games.
Blatant lies.
We have seen tripping and launching that is just like every other game in the series.
Stop trying to spread lies.
More Guildmarm
PC release when?
Most Monhun threads are civil, you fucking retard.
Used to be until console warriors started pretending MHW is good
It's being released on PC as well though
So it isn't a matter of consolefags or PCfags.
The regular gathering and carving animations are still in.
It's a matter of "we finally get to play Monster Hunter on Playstation so it cannot be bad!"
Are you for real?
>MH threads should be an XX safespace forever! >:(
Your tendies are waiting in the kitchen, seethie
XX was shit though, for different reasons. World is a complete overhaul of the series for no good reason.
>B-but XX!
Hello console warrior
Can't wait for all the nu-gombi porn that'll come out.
>complete overhaul
From what they've shown, what makes you think this? It's still hit shit with big weapons, carve, make shit and repeat. They've added some new mechanics like they do every game, not sure what the actual problem is. Do people hate it for the fact it has some "casual" looking elements like fast travel?
No arguments here ninties.
How much is Kimishima paying you, seethie?
None from you either, crapcom shill