English trailer's out.
You're buying Sucy's game, right?
Fuck yeah, I love emo Fluttershy.
Why does Tara Strong have to ruin everything I like?
Because she's not Andrea Libman.
No, because I'm not a filthy weeb faggot that gobbles up any and all animu shit that gets released.
Why is Akko so fuckable?
>digital only for NA release
fucking Scamco
A) the trailer has jp voiceover, no english.
B) wrong va, look up andrea libman
Maybe. It depends if I'm not playing much when it comes out.
Might buy it if it's an exclusive.
>You're buying Sucy's game, right?
Maybe eventually. September alone is filled with a ton of games I want to buy.
That's not how you say improve.
Libman is fucking CUTE
>Netflix finally added the second half of the series for streaming
Goddamn they need to treat the anime they get with more respect.
>Sucy's game
>she's hardly in the trailer
>you see more of Constantine than Sucy
So are you going to buy Constantine's game?
Who? I'm buying Constanze's game.
Isn't this entire show just Anime Harry Potter?
>Only 10 seconds of actual gameplay
Never a good sign, hell nah
>LWA gets it's own game instead of KLK
why is this show so comfy?
They had a demo of it at Anime Expo, it plays just like Dragon Crown
I would be willing to watch the English dub but the English characters weren't given English accents and that drives me insane. I get it for the characters whose native languages aren't English but Diana, Hannah, Barbara, and Andrew needed to be bongs.
It's a Magic School show but it's really not that similar to Potter in plot or theme
I know good shows get games while bad ones never get one and are forgotten
It's never says that it's set in England, although it's heavily implied.
just watch the sub tb.h
I think we can trust the devs at least gameplay-wise.
Assuming what some user said is true we are talking about A+ games, these dudes had a lot of experience with beatemup/rpg with the 3ds and ps3/4 kunio (river city) games. They know their beatemups.
>It's never says that it's set in England
it's LITERALLY set in england
Diana is best girl
Everyone else is tertiary to me
Will there be a NEET cube summoner DLC?
I wonder if LN got bombed during WWII.
>Wales is non-existant, even in animu
It's suffering being an irrelevant sheepshagger.
Trigger and the devs already said the story is between cour 1 and 2, before croix's arrival.
She wont be there.
Tho yeah, i know constanze being able to summon the grand charion as her special attack is kinda contradictory.
It is stated multiple times exactly where it is set.
>Trigger and the devs already said the story is between cour 1 and 2, before croix's arrival.
>She wont be there.
Then there is hope for the game after all.
Thats just rude.
I'd be surprised if Japs knew that Wales existed.
Whole game seems like non canon anyways.
>ironic weebshit
no thanks
Maybe you'd be relevant if you stopped fucking sheep.
>it's an Akko finds the shiny rod for the first time again sequence
looks like a janky cell phone game
Its being made by bamco intern team so its no surprise.
I'm just surprised that's it's an actual game and not a VN.
That walking animation at 1:00 reminds me of the PS1 Bugs Bunny games.
>superior animu doesn't have a game yet
Trigger has never made a good anime
Wow have you tried not being racist?
But then the most relevant thing about us would be gone.
I know right?
>reddit la reddit
What sort of ttgl ripoff is this?
I don't know how can you make an Inferno Cop game work
>Goddamn they need to treat the anime they get with more respect.
Apparently, they dubbed it into six different languages. That's putting more effort into it than Crunchyroll, I guess.
>it's really not that similar to Potter in plot or theme
I'll give you plot, but the theme is literally "anime Hogwarts".
Too bad that netflix dubs and subs are completely wrong
You ARE buying /ourguy/ game right?
Move aside, plebs. The world needs a Space Dandy video game.
Not even Akko is stupid enough to buy your shit game Todd.
Wait, there's a series? I thought it was just two movies
You need to pay more attention user.
There's a 24 episodes series.
The movies aren't canon.
>no Croix
>no Andrew
>no post development Diana
Only thing that redeems this is playable green team, but even then not having Jasminka play like her concept art sucks.
Came out this year, ended not that long ago.
It's generally agreed that the OVAs are better though, but the series is ok.
I'll buy it, even though I know nothing about the anime.
Worked out for SAO, I think this will be good too.
ttgl is just a shitty version of Gunbuster
user, it's wrong to prey on the mentally handicapped.
doesn't stop diana
>that doujin where Sucy and Akko take DILF cock
came oceans
Space Patrol Luluco. It's the origin story of Trigger-chan
Because she knows Akko is too dumb to fight back.
but she does
jealous paki detected
Not a full price
>Digital only
Shit. There goes our chance of getting the special Shiny Chariot card.
>Hardly any porn of Jasminka
What the fuck, nips?
So what team will everyone use?
Amanda, Constanze and Sucy for me.
Same. I'd put in Jasna if she had kung fu animations but she doesn't so I'll pass on her. I'll probably run with Akko/Amanda/Diana if she's confirmed playable.
Not only that, theres also the grand charion game
Sucy and Constanze for sure, not sure about the third slot, probably Jas.
Sure am, Sucy is old and busted, Constanze is the new hotness.
Well she did it to herself with that disgustor outfit and Apple shit.
Tfw you dress just like NEET Croix
Where did I go wrong
Holy shit Amanda looks like trash. Why they gotta do my girl like that?
Well for starters, you came to Sup Forums.
Long hair Amanda > short hair Amanda.
Being born.
are you a grill at least
He's a girl (male)
It's really not
Harry Potter there is the big bad and it's a story of good and evil
Little Witch is more of a story about determination and never giving up
if you look at it as "person who is not part of the magic world is not part of it" then yeah it's similar but that's not the theme tho
Yes I'm buying Costanze's game but not the Western release.
>Buying Jasminka's game
let me rephrase/correct that last bit.
"an outsider to the magical world is now thrust into it"